Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 317 Clay figurines also have 3 points of anger

Chapter 317
Liang Feiwen was scratched so badly that his face was covered with bloodstains. It was obvious that the mother and daughter had no intention of showing mercy.

And he only dared to be obedient, and he didn't dare to fight back at all.

"Old Fu, what's the point of this man's life? Is it for the children?" Su Mo said coldly from the side.

"It's like a grandson, but it turned out to be a murderer who is so lawless. I think he can be imprisoned in a few years." Fu Jiafeng still has a bright mind sometimes, and he can immediately pick up Su Mo's words .

"Oh, it's the son's fault for not teaching the father."

"A loving mother often loses children, not to mention what kind of good children this kind of shrew can teach."

The two sang together, which made Liang Feiwen, whose face was already full of injuries, feel cold. He pushed the two women away suddenly, and roared:

"What, you dare to push me, oh, my mother, I can't live this life, daughter, divorce him!" The old lady staggered and fell to the ground.

None of the onlookers saw him as old and stretched out his hand to help him, and a buddy wearing glasses who was watching the excitement even jumped away like the plague, causing the old lady to fall hard.

Her little grandson, who was dying of pain, was beside her, happily watching the fun, without even thinking about helping her.

And her daughter only cared about spoiling, and didn't mean to help her.

In winter, let the old lady sit on the ground by herself.

Until a man in police uniform ran over and helped her up. Judging from his tone, the person on the ground seemed to be his old lady.

This is probably the old school in the mouth of the kid, that is, the people from the police station.

This old school is not very old, probably in his 30s or [-]s. He looks very handsome, and it is completely impossible to tell that he was born by such a rambunctious old woman.

Seeing the backer coming, the old lady immediately went into a berserk state, and the fat daughter turned on her head straight away, punching and kicking her husband while shouting.

In normal times, even if Liang Feiwen could muster up a little courage, he would have given up after seeing his brother-in-law.

But today is different!
Fu Jiafeng's words pierced his heart. The murderer's father, if his son really goes astray in the future, then what he thinks is bearing the burden of humiliation and what he thinks is for the sake of the child is nothing.

Coming to the old school, Fu Jiafeng had to tell the story again.

In fact, he is very afraid of the old school. When he was dawdling in the past, he fought and bullied children, collected protection money and stole things. He participated in these things more or less.

However, today he looked at Su Mo who was standing beside him, still with the old god, and he steadied himself.

Lao Tzu is not a blind drifter now, an old school who is afraid of shit.

Even if he was afraid, he couldn't show it in front of his younger brother, so he showed a more calm and breezy posture than Su Mo, and told the story in a barely calm voice.

"Student, is there any evidence for what you said?" Lao Pai frowned and asked seriously.

"Whether the marks on my car were blown up or not, the paint is all peeled off, BMW [-] series, it costs hundreds of dollars to spray a surface." Da Jinlianzi stood up and said.

Those who mess around must show loyalty. Su Mo and Fu Jiafeng stood up because the brats blew up his car. He can't be cowardly.

"That counts, but it's not enough to prove that these two kids did it." After seeing the traces, the old school also took a breath of air.

No matter who did it, it was too dangerous.

"I saw it with my own eyes." Fu Jiafeng raised his voice. He felt that this old school might want to cover up his family. Young people are very energetic and can't bear this kind of thing the most.

"Then you are a witness, but you are the person involved, so you have to find some other evidence. Has anyone seen it?" the old school asked again.

This made it unclear what his intentions were.

If he really wants to cover it up, he should threaten him with some false testimony, or disperse the onlookers so that everyone can leave and not destroy the scene.

But he asked this and that, and it turned out that he was sincerely investigating the case.

"I saw the two of them setting off firecrackers and heard the sound of the cannons, but I didn't see where the cannons were blown up." The owner of the snack bar said.

He should have been a person who was afraid of getting into trouble. He was afraid of trouble when doing business, and he was afraid of offending people, especially the old school.

But what these two brats did was too scary, and he was right next to him. If something happened, he wouldn't be able to see tomorrow's sun in its entirety.

"That's easy. There is a camera at our door, so we should be able to see it over there." Su Mo turned his head to see the familiar voice, and it turned out that Xiao Shi, the network administrator, ran out.

Fu Jiafeng was a little embarrassed. He had bullied this little webmaster back then.

It was Su Mo who came forward and beat him up, forcing him to wash his hands and leave the arena. Although they met all day after that, they didn't say anything, the most was "network administrator, give me a bottle of Bingkuoluo", Or "Network administrator, give me 50 yuan" and so on.

Unexpectedly, this little webmaster would actually help him regardless of previous suspicions.

Fu Jiafeng has secretly decided in his heart that Xiao Shi will be his little brother in the future, and he must protect him well.

Now that there is a video, everything is solved.

"Hey, Brother Mo, I called just now and asked someone to make a copy. Even if the old school wants to destroy the evidence, we have a backup." Xiao Shi whispered in Su Mo's ear.

Also a smart guy.

Su Mo glanced at him with a half-smile, then shook his head.

If he read correctly, this old school is not someone who will protect his family, he is serious about collecting evidence and handling the case.

In this era, there is no one who is more lovable than soldiers.

And the old school in front of him looks like he was born in the army at first glance, with a straight waist, he really stands like a pine tree, probably not long after he just became a professional.

And such people have not had time to be polluted by the big quagmire of society.

"You wait here with these two children. I'll go and get the videotape with him, and then we'll go to the clubhouse together, punish what you deserve, and punish what you deserve. Don't take any chances."

"Who do you want to punish? I'm your mother. You scoundrel. Did you go to serve as a soldier for two years and your wings became stiff after returning? You actually want to punish your mother. I have fed you for more than 20 years..." The old lady was almost angry Fainted.

She didn't know what went wrong, and she didn't know when this son didn't have one heart with her.

She ran off to become a soldier and didn't say anything, and she didn't find a job according to her wishes. In the end, she became an old school who was hard and tired and had little money.

"Mom, I'm on duty. I put public affairs before private affairs. If I don't have money, I will pay the fine for you."

 In fact, the city is quite difficult to write, but if you don’t write it, you can’t do it. This is a virtual online game. I can't write for a few years.

(End of this chapter)

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