Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 318 I Have to Get a Divorce

Chapter 318 I Have to Get a Divorce
In fact, there is no way to judge this kind of thing. There is nothing for minors to judge. At most, the parents will be fined a little money to compensate the sufferer for the loss.

Mainly because of the uncomfortable face.

It's okay to have an old-fashioned son who can't feel the convenience. Is there any reason for the son to fine them money?

"Divorce, it must be divorced!"

The old lady who wanted to be rude at first was suddenly interrupted by this resolute voice, dissipating the feelings that had been brewing for a long time.

In the past, this was what their mother and daughter said to Liang Feiwen.

In their eyes, Liang Feiwen was just a useless piece of wood, whose work was not good enough, and after so many years, he was just a small employee.

There is no way to make money. It is not as good as the son-in-law next door. He can make tens of millions a year selling health care products. He recently bought a car for his mother-in-law to buy vegetables.

Both the mother and daughter looked down on Liang Feiwen, sneered at the daily routine, and never showed mercy in beating and scolding.

The most powerful trump card is divorce. No matter how embarrassing it is, as long as divorce is mentioned, Liang Feiwen will immediately be persuaded.

But today is different.

The voice just now was uttered by Liang Feiwen.

This is the first time he yelled out the word divorce after he got married. He was very uncomfortable at first, but he was very relieved, and he felt more and more that he must divorce.

"Divorce, I want to take Longlong away. I can't let him be taught to be a murderer by you. Your doting will only destroy him." Liang Feiwen's eyes were red. Desperately surviving the tide of layoffs many times, the money he earned was handed over to his wife and mother-in-law, but all of this was for his son.

At least the mother-in-law and wife will not abuse their sons. They really love their sons to the point of doting.

Liang Feiwen always felt that spoiling was not good, but it was not enough to destroy a person. His brother-in-law, who was old-fashioned, was spoiled in various ways when he was a child, and when he finally woke up one day, he became an upright man.

However, what happened today made him realize that spoiling his son would only ruin him.

He finally broke out.

"Brother-in-law?" The old school was also very surprised. I didn't expect that the brother-in-law who wanted to be submissive would also explode.

"My son dared to stuff firecrackers into someone's fuel tank cap today. Who knows what will happen tomorrow? He is spoiled. I can't let my son be ruined. I want a divorce and I want to appeal..."

Su Mo also felt a little emotional.

In fact, the matter is very clear. The family he expected to make trouble for him did not appear. It was only Xiongzi's grandmother and mother who made trouble. Although Xiongzi's father is cowardly, he must admit that his three views are righteous, and the old school is the same. He had absolutely no intention of bullying others, so he didn't even have a chance to call the instructor of the district police station.

The point of concentration of contradictions is not an accidental incident of a brat.

It's something as heavy and fundamental as family education.

It is no joke that a loving mother loses her children. Although being too strict is not conducive to the growth of children, discipline is essential.

Under the pampering of his grandmother and mother, the father who was supposed to be a good boy lost his educational power.

As the saying goes, persuading peace is not persuading departure, but no one in the onlooker party did it.

With such a wife and mother-in-law, and such a son, Liang Feiwen is not suffering in general, and now there seems to be a chance for him to escape the sea of ​​suffering.

Because of such a situation, Liang Feiwen was very likely to fight for the custody of the child when he filed a record at the police station. The most basic principle for the court to decide who the child should live with is to help the child grow up in the future.

In fact, he still doesn't know that Liang Feiwen's possibility of obtaining custody may be more than that.

Father has a job, mother does not have a job, eats too much and is lazy, goes shopping during the day and plays mahjong at night, as long as the investigators inquire about it, they will know it all.

The atmosphere at the scene was once very awkward.

Even the brat who was watching the excitement couldn't stand it any longer. He seemed to realize that his life was entering a turning point.

Parents divorced, he has a good life?

Looking left and right, the little boy sat back on his little bench in secret, picked up the pen he had thrown away, and started to work on the questions with another child who had been numb to the questions.

He has never been so serious in his life!

"Old... husband, you are joking." The mother-in-law was still thinking about how to hold back her big move, but the wife spoke.

Her heart was very terrified.

The husband who had always spoiled her (submissively) wanted to divorce her.

After divorce, whoever goes out to work to make money, should she be asked to go out to work? She hasn't gone to work for many years. She has been selling clothes in the mall all day, and her back is sore. She never wants to experience that feeling again.

"No kidding, baby, I want to divorce you." Liang Ziwen looked at the fat woman in front of him, and he could no longer see the slightest trace of what made his heart flutter at the beginning.

"Follow me to the office first to settle the matter." Lao Pai sighed and didn't say anything.

According to his standpoint, he could actually persuade his brother-in-law and mediate. After all, this brother-in-law has a pretty good relationship with him.

But not now, he is a law enforcement officer!
Prioritizing public affairs and personal interests, he must first clarify the facts of the case, pay for the punishment that should be punished, and pay for the compensation that should be paid.

Moreover, he has also seen it in these years, knowing that his mother and sister have gone too far, and he is very clear about the virtues of his little nephew.

The group had to go to the police station, but Su Mo was too lazy to go there.

The main reason is that he has been to the police station in the jurisdiction a few times, and it is almost impossible to cover up under normal circumstances, not to mention that Xiongzi's father and his old-fashioned uncle have a clear attitude.

The next day Su Mo went online very late, because there were two classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon, so he simply went to the self-study room at noon, and went to the cafeteria to eat fried rice noodles after the two classes in the afternoon. Internet cafe.

Fu Jiafeng has already gone in to play games.

Su Mo asked the part-time female college student cashier at the front desk to deposit 500 yuan into the card for himself, and then pulled Xiao Shi over to ask about yesterday's events.

He didn't know how to deal with it in the end.

"Yesterday, it was so lively yesterday. That kid Fu Jiafeng is really tough." Xiao Shi said sincerely, the seemingly frail young man is actually quite open-minded.

"Old Fu didn't take any responsibility, did he?" Su Mo nodded.

He also felt that Fu Jiafeng's performance yesterday was very good. When he saw a brat playing a dangerous game, he immediately went up to stop him, and he also gave sufficient criticism and education.

It's all good to educate yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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