Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 319 My Name is Brad Preserved Egg

Chapter 319 My Name is Brad Preserved Egg

"Originally, the parents of another bear child wanted to pursue Lao Fu, but the people at the police station adjusted it, saying that Lao Fu was acting bravely for justice. If Lao Fu didn't stop him, I don't know what troubles would have been caused."

"That's true, no one knows where their firecrackers will be thrown."

"Brother Mo, those two children are honest now. At the beginning, I asked them if the old man beat them, but they didn't dare to say anything. They only said that the old man asked them to do their homework."

"Hey, that's right, how much homework they did yesterday."

"As for the two books, I will take the rest home and do it. Old Fu said, go find them if you have nothing to do. If you haven't finished writing the rest, you can continue to beat them."

"Good job! Did you pay the fine at the end?"

"It was fined, and the two companies shared it equally. The total fine was more than 2."

"Ah, why are there so many fines? Didn't the paint just come off?"

"I'm not very clear. It seems to be a new regulation. If a child is poorly educated and causes losses, in addition to compensating for all property losses and mental losses, he must also pay an education deposit."

"Education deposit, oh, I understand. The laws and regulations that came out on the National Day this year did not expect to be used so soon. However, 2 yuan is not too much. [-] yuan for two families is not enough to hurt your muscles. Bones, and the bear boy has no real pain, unless he is hung up and beaten when he gets home.

If you want me to say, I will give them exercise sets, eight copies at a time, when they are finished, they will be released from the police station, and if they don’t do it, they will be typed. "

Xiao Shi was in a cold sweat, but felt that this was reasonable.

"By the way, how is that Liang Feiwen?" Su Mo asked again.

"That parent is arguing for a divorce, but I don't think we can leave."


"Hmph, don't look at that even woman who can be so aggressive yesterday. When it comes to the critical moment, she admits love faster than anyone else. If they are really divorced, who will support them, and the child is likely to be awarded to a man."

"It is estimated that the old school is not on their side." Su Mo added.

"That's right, the old school is really just, killing relatives with righteousness, haha." Xiao Shi is a young man after all, and he has a good impression of such upright people.

"So, it's the two women who give in and don't get a divorce?"

"It's not that simple. How could Liang Feiwen's determined divorce be resolved by admitting counsel."

"How did you deal with it later, have you heard?"

"It was said that the mother-in-law was kicked out. The old lady moved to live with her son and was only allowed to see her grandson once a week. Liang Feiwen's wife would either wash and cook at home, or go out to find a job. Liang Feiwen got angry and said that in the future All the money is not handed over to his wife, and he has to educate his son himself.”

"Tsk tsk, it's really amazing, I can't see it at all."

"That's right, otherwise how can you say that a dog that can bark doesn't bite people, and this honest man is very ruthless."

After chatting with the network administrator for a few words, Su Mo hurriedly went to the computer to log in to the game.

As usual, log in to Laifu's perspective first, which has become Su Mo's habit, mainly to see what new news there is in the monster chat group.

The reason why I logged in early today is to compete with another chat group.

Bravery is not enough, after all, as strong as a big cat, Bigworth, will lose his normalcy in front of a cat teaser. This is the weakness given to it by the system master, unless the system master nods, otherwise it can only obey.

So the bloody smell between the two chat groups subsided a lot at once.

Laifu and the others couldn't beat others, and they didn't want to compete with fists, so the two sides hit it off and agreed to win or lose in three rounds.

The winning party goes to the underground palace.

The best-of-three game system, the simplest game rules, the first intellectual game, the location is set in Pavo Swamp.

Don't think that the Pavo Swamp is so small. In fact, this is one of the largest maps in this area. It's just that players seldom set foot on it, and there are no decent villages and towns, so they think this map is not big.

Although there are more people on this map now, they are all concentrated in the area of ​​the underground palace.

Elsewhere it was almost deserted.

The venue for the competition was a fallen wood elf camp. This is a small piece of land in the swamp. There were dozens of fallen wood elves living here. As a result, when the monsters rushed over, they had no power to resist. I got a lunch box.

On both sides came a lot of monsters watching the excitement.

There are more people than people. In fact, there are really many on Laifu. After all, they are a collection of a low-level chat group and a high-level chat group, while the big cat Bigworth is just a purely high-level chat group. And there are some monster apostles among them who don't buy big cat Bigworth's account.

Can bring joy to everyone, can bring benefits to everyone, can make everyone feel that following you has a future, this is a qualified leader.

Laifu is impeccable, the monsters who follow it, such as the black bear leader Dobson, have killed enemies together, such as Raun, the mangy yellow lion, have robbed together, Tiger King Angus, have killed people together, and the flat-headed brother Si, we had dinner together...

Even so, the aura of the big cat Bigworth is not weak at all.

My name is Brad Peggy, and when I was an egg, a few siblings and I encountered an elderly wizard.

That wizard is very old, but he doesn't respect his old age.

He drove my mom away, ate my siblings, and ended up leaving me alone.

Nourished by his magic power, I gradually gained strength and wisdom, and witnessed the way of a melee mage killing all directions.

In fact, I thought about avenging my brothers and sisters, but I am really not his opponent.

And the old wizard is actually a good person. If he was not about to starve to death that time, and was besieged by powerful enemies, he would not have eaten those eggs.

However, hatred has been buried in my heart.

Until one day, I left the lord wizard and officially broke up with him, and I never saw him again.

I wandered around alone until I ran into an old acquaintance one day.

When wizards and pirates faced off, as their pets, we didn't have a big fight. At that time, the parrot was not my opponent, well, even now it is not.

At that time, we watched them fight while drinking dew and eating dried fruit.

Too bad we didn't become friends afterward because the wizard accidentally poked a pirate in the eye, and yes, that was actually an accident, not a story.

It was very embarrassing for a time.

Everyone left without even eating. Later, when I heard that the parrot disliked the pirate and turned ugly, I left him, and I also left the wizard because of the darkness in my heart.

When I saw the parrot again, I was actually very happy.

I was so happy that I wanted to rush over to hug it, but unfortunately I forgot that I had stored up a big move and accidentally threw it on its head.

(End of this chapter)

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