Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 323 Momo is really a good person

Chapter 323 Momo is really a good person

If it was just like this, Su Mo might have to hesitate a bit, what if he made Qiuqiu smart and Qiuqiu defected.

This is not impossible, because Qiuqiu can already violate system orders.

When Qiuqiu returned to his hometown, he didn't have the guts to steal pandas for the second time. Ever since he visited the Panda Paradise in Twilight Forest, it immediately became a forbidden area for players. Several guilds joined forces to explore that area. , In the end, without even seeing the panda, it was wiped out by Qinglong.

Any BOSS in [New World] can theoretically be killed by crowd tactics.

But that is a theory after all, the player's skills must first be able to hit the BOSS before it is possible to kill the BOSS.

The turning point of the matter appeared in the beast master skill learned from the beast king Lexus.

This newly acquired skill allows him to communicate with pandas, and what's more shameless is to seduce him, so that pandas will be devoted to him.

So he was not so worried that Qiuqiu would defect.

Su Mo would occasionally try to fuse with Qiuqiu. As soon as the cooldown time was up, he would disappear in a blink of an eye, leaving only Qiuqiu on the scene.

In the process, he was able to learn about Qiuqiu's thoughts.

"Hey, why did Momo disappear? Why did you leave me among the pirates? I'm a little scared."

"Don't come here, or I will beat you."

"I really hit you, ahhh!"

"Hmph, I said I would beat you, now I know I'm afraid, but it's too late."

"Hey, Mo Mo is not here, I'm a little hungry, I don't know how many roasted bamboo rats I have left, is it enough for today's food, Xiaojiu sauce is really good, if only I were her pet."

"Mo Mo gave me meatballs again today, he is actually very kind to me."

"I dropped something and Mo Mo is not here. Should I take it or not? It doesn't seem to be of any use if I take it. No, I can give it to Xiaojiu sauce. Xiaojiu sauce will definitely like it very much. There are also coins. I can also pick it up and keep it."

Su Mo and Qiuqiu fused together, witnessed all this without Qiuqiu's knowledge, and also evaluated Qiuqiu's intelligence level after taking the third intelligence pill.

Qiuqiu seems to have its own storage space, but I don't know if it was originally there, or it appeared after the improvement of intelligence.

This cannot be verified, and Qiuqiu doesn't know anything about it. Under the effect of the beast control technique, Qiuqiu can know whatever he thinks, and it can also influence Qiuqiu's thinking to a certain extent.

Then he started to perform gong again.

"Momo is really a good person. He works so hard all day just to make money for me. If I let him down, I will really have no conscience."

"Come here, that pirate, I will work hard, fight monsters, make money, and raise Momo!"

"Xiao Jiu is good, but Mo Mo is even better, and Mo Mo is so handsome."

In terms of combat power, there will be a very good increase after the fusion. The only downside is that he can fight with a kite and cooperate with pets, but after the fusion, he is basically pure recklessness.

When fighting BOSS, combining is not a good strategy, but it doesn't matter if you kill mobs, anyway, you don't need to fly a kite to kill mobs.

After the second skill cooldown, Su Mo put away the ball and released Laifu.

He knelt down and looked at Laifu at the same level. Laifu also had movements and expressions, but they were relatively monotonous, almost no different from the pets brought by hunters outside.

Obviously, without Su Mo switching perspectives, Laifu would not have developed any intelligence.

He used Fusion on Laifu, and the result was exactly as he thought. The wild wolf's thinking was very simple, basically fighting, waiting to fight, eating, waiting to eat and so on.

And he controlled Laifu to fight, and the combat effectiveness tested disappointed him.

No matter how he and Laifu add up, one plus one is always less than one. Without him, Su Mo, Laifu's combat effectiveness would be raised to an extremely exaggerated level.

However, he can still influence Laifu's loyalty.

The loyalty, which was already impossible to increase, has increased a little bit, and Laifu is completely devoted to him.

Beast Mastery, and Transfiguration, he uses these skills as soon as the cooling time is up. Anyway, he has collected a lot of broken hats, and Transfiguration can be used as long as there are animals. As a hunter, he is the most indispensable. It's the beasts.

After Su Mo wears the hat that applies the transformation technique, he will become another person, but his combat ability will not be affected, and he can still spawn monsters and practice skills.

"Wow, there's a panda here!"

When Su Mo was possessing Qiuqiu, he suddenly heard a shout, and then he felt himself being hugged by a girl.

In other words, he felt the ball being hugged.

When a woman sees a cute thing, it is comparable to Nicole seeing food. The reaction speed and movement are so fast that Su Mo didn't even have time to control the ball to react.

The reason why Qiuqiu didn't counterattack was because it was used to it.

Originally, Su Mo took it to sell his appearance to make money. After opening the tavern, he would go to perform every day, and young ladies who paid extra could touch it.

As for the fact that this is the wild, the girl's movements are comparable to active PK, and it can only be said that this is a sequela of intelligence improvement.

If there is no intelligence, this girl's actions are enough to provoke Qiuqiu's counterattack.

Regardless of its cuteness, its combat power is not weak. In reality, the panda is a fierce beast. The ball level in the game is not low, and there are seven skills. The average player can't beat it.

The problem lies in its intelligence. In many cases, the criterion for judging its actions is not the attributes and abilities endowed by the system, but wisdom.

It needs to think, what is this female Twoleg doing.

Then I feel that these two-legged beasts are not ugly, they are quite comfortable to be hugged, and they smell delicious, so my lord might as well allow her to hug her.

"Oh my god, I found a wild panda. Why didn't I choose the hunter profession? If only I were a hunter..." Pressing Qiuqiu into her arms, the girl rubbed her chin and complained about her original profession choose.

"No, I have to notify someone and ask her to catch this GunGao back, so we can have GunGun to play with."

When Su Mo heard this, he immediately lost his composure.

It's not good enough to be hugged by others, but he still pays attention to digging the wall.

So he immediately exited the fit state, revealing his figure not far behind the girl - the fit state can be exited in advance, and the position where he appears is optional, and can be in any direction around. It can also be used as a means of sneak attack if the setting is used well.

"Sister, can you put my pet down?"

 I’m going back to Shanghai today, and I’m going to go by car. The distance is more than 1000 kilometers. I don’t know how long it will take. It may be difficult to update normally. Say hello to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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