Chapter 324
The voices of other people suddenly sounded around her, and the girl jumped up in fright, almost throwing the ball she was holding, but fortunately she reacted in time and hugged the ball tightly.

Su Mo looked at Qiuqiu, who was about to suffocate, and suspected that the timing of his disengagement was not very good.

Of course, he is not a wretched person.

"I discovered this first!" The girl looked at Su Mo very vigilantly.

"The first thing you found was my pet, Qiuqiu, come here." Su Mo snapped his fingers and gave an order to his pet.

Qiuqiu had no doubt received the order, but it was a bit reluctant to leave.

After a while, Qiuqiu began to break free from the girl's embrace, and the girl had to accept this cruel reality, such a soft and cute little thing already has an owner.

"I'm sorry!" Su Mo expressed his apologies. The girl looks good, especially her figure is very good. No wonder Qiuqiu doesn't want to come back.

Ball, you are a beast!
The girl was a little reconciled, so she took the place to form a team with Su Mo. Su Mo had no reason to refuse, so she took a girl and a cute pet to fight monsters and level up happily.

Of course, he didn't forget to advertise his tavern.

There are tens of thousands of players in the game, and they all have different preferences. There are many people who don't visit the forum, so the market is still very blank.

After brushing the pirates for a few hours and returning to Huggins, Su Mo threw the ball on the stage to perform.

Qiuqiu is very smart, and other players can't feel it. There is only one panda pet in the game, and no one else can compare it.

The business of the tavern is very good, even in broad daylight there are quite a few people.

Some are waiting to see the pandas, some are just here to drink, and a very small number of them are passing small notes to Anxiang Shuying.

Su Mo specially found someone to answer those little notes.

He was doing ideological work before retiring, and he was much more professional than Su Mo. After retiring from the disabled, he gave up his welfare benefits in order to support the construction, and sold roasted sweet potatoes at the school gate on his own.

Veterans sell sweet potatoes too conscientiously, using the best sweet potatoes and the best charcoal, but selling them at the lowest price.

Because most of the customers are children, he often can't help but not charge money, and he often doesn't make enough money at the end of the day.

Tian Dazhuang met this old comrade-in-arms when he was sending his children to school, and immediately introduced him to the job in the game.

One Piece Tavern, Panda House, Dark Fragrance Shuying, except for the two chefs who are hired NPCs, the others are all this kind of people. Su Mo has delegated power to Tian Dazhuang, and if there are comrades who can't get along in reality, they will pull them in. Come and play games.

They don't just work in taverns, they don't make much money, and these three places don't need so many people.

They all chose combat professions, and they would return to the tavern to help after their physical strength was exhausted.

Regardless of whether the combat profession can make money, at least the tavern can give them a basic living allowance.

Su Mo didn't intend to make much money in the tavern, because the disabled veterans had a difficult life in reality due to various reasons.

"Boss, you're back."

"Hello boss."

Many brothers here are older than Su Mo, and their qualifications are older than Su Mo, but after entering the game, they all call Su Mo the boss.

Soldiers take obedience as their duty, and they are all Su Mo's soldiers in the game.

"Hello everyone." Su Mo stated many times that he didn't want to be called the boss, and he didn't do anything, but it's a pity that the others remained the same.

He didn't think he was doing anything, and the others didn't think so.

What a great cause it is to solve the practical difficulties of disabled veterans. Su Mo has properly assumed the status of a leader. When he goes to the country, he does as the Romans do. In the game, he is always called the boss, so they naturally follow suit.

It's not that the above treat disabled veterans lightly. In fact, everyone from all walks of life has tightened their belts, and they haven't treated these great people badly.

It's just that life is not that simple, just like the brother who was moving people with his backpack in his teeth.

If all he needs to bear is himself, or his small family, the compensation from above alone can make them live comfortably, but he still has more burdens to bear, and he doesn't want to add too much trouble to the above, so He can only work hard on his own.

Many of them are like this. Those who have legs feel that they can still walk, and those who have hands feel that they can still grasp.

They are not happy to let them idle. Many disabled veterans just gave up their treatment and donated the money they were given to the needy people and war orphans. way of fighting.

There is no end to life, no end to battle!
Su Mo and Tian Dazhuang were actually the same. He also had money when he retired from the army, and he donated it all, leaving no money left.

"Boss, this is yesterday's account." Seeing Su Mo, a girl hurried over, took out the account book from her backpack and handed it to Su Mo.

Don't look at this soft and weak person, who is not very tall, he also came out of a hail of bullets.

A group of big bosses, few of them know how to manage, especially the management in the game. Su Mo also made it clear that he didn't have that much time, so everyone thought about it and looked for candidates from the former comrades-in-arms.

This girl was recruited. In reality, she used to manage logistics. After retiring, she went to university and studied management. Managing a tavern in the game is like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

Her game ID is Sheng Shi An Ning, which contains the expectation for the prosperity and development of the motherland.

"So much, thank you for your hard work." Su Mo opened it and said, "20.00% is reserved for spare, [-]% is used as cost, and the rest will be distributed to everyone."

"We can't use so much money, so let's use it for you first." Sheng Shi Anning said.

She learned about the situation of Su Mo's family from Tian Dazhuang and the others, and she admired Su Mo very much. This family owed so much money, but they didn't want to take the money they earned from the tavern.

"I don't need it. Just don't worry about my family matters. Leave all the money to the brothers. If I need it, I will speak up." Su Mo said.

"Boss, aren't you tired of carrying such a heavy debt? Why don't you let everyone work together to help you pay off the debt first?"

"I've said it several times. Why don't you believe me? I really like to take on some debts." Su Mo was helpless. Life with debts is so passionate, and with such a lovely creditor as Manager Li, you can find him if you have nothing to do. He chats.

"..." Sheng Shi An Ning was also very helpless, she really couldn't understand Su Mo's eccentricity.

"If you have extra money, you can see how to develop and strengthen the team and help more brothers in need." Su Mo could only comfort him in this way.

"I understand." Sheng Shi Anning's eyes were firm, as if he understood Su Mo's great ideal.

(End of this chapter)

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