Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 325 The team is growing

Chapter 325 The team is growing

In fact, Su Mo has a fart great ideal.

His only ideal now is to become a rich generation or a rich second generation again, and continue to live a life of luxury and lust, and everything else is just incidental.

Su Mo couldn't bear to help these former comrades-in-arms, so he just pulled him within the inner range.

If you let him work hard for this cause, he is not such an emotional person.

Even Zuiwo battlefield is more active than him. Zuiwo battlefield has always been committed to leading the veterans to fight for survival and reduce the burden on the country.

In the tavern, apart from the people contacted by Tian Dazhuang, most of them are drunk lying on the battlefield.

They have to add up to about three NO.40 people. They rely on receiving tasks in the mercenary hall to make money on weekdays, which is better than most poor mercenaries who can't make ends meet, at least they can get enough food and clothing.

But it's just food and clothing.

Although there are many tasks and more mercenaries, many of the ones that can be grabbed are left by others.This category is either too difficult to start, or the task is cumbersome with little pay.

At the very beginning, Su Mo’s side didn’t have much manpower, only the [-]th Taibao’s group of junior high school boys. It’s not an exaggeration to say that they failed to accomplish anything and failed. The people who really contributed were the people from Zuiwo’s battlefield, and they came here for free. Help, there is no need for so many people now, but at the invitation of Su Mo, they regard this place as their base camp.

Who would have expected that such a small tavern would be filled with more than a dozen elite soldiers of various kinds.

In total, there are fifty or sixty now.

Some of the orders received by Anxiang Shuying will be handed over to these people. Su Mo is only responsible for providing clues and strategies for missions. For missions that others can't find clues, for him who has Laifu as the background Simply not too simple.

For example, a player wanted to catch a tank pet, and paid 5000 yuan to search for clues.

If you can spend 5000 yuan to do this, of course you can’t be satisfied with just looking for any pet, so Su Mo inquired through Laifu, and decisively recommended him the flame tortoise, which has super high defense, especially fire resistance. The high-volume Tan Chong that bursts the table, the most satisfying thing for customers is that this thing is really cool.

As soon as the customer was satisfied, he brought a group of friends to the bar for a night of consumption, and the One Piece Bar made tens of thousands of dollars from him at once.

Now the gold price ratio is about 300:[-], and a glass of high-end wine with [-] gold coins can bring [-] yuan in revenue in one go.

This is the so-called scale effect. How can you earn so much just by taking orders and doing tasks.

A task of 5000 yuan, even if you are satisfied, 1 yuan is the best, and there is still a feeling of humbleness. If you change to the current consumption, everyone will have benefits and face.

In the three places, the daily normal revenue is at least over [-]. Even if you need to hand over part of the system, you can still save a lot.

What's more, there are often such local tyrants who come here to spend a lot of money.

20.00% is kept as a spare, [-]% is used as cost, and the rest is distributed to everyone?

It is too wasteful to only feed dozens of veterans.

Sheng Shi An Ning's eyes shone with a light called ambition. After she bid farewell to Su Mo, she followed "Su Mo's instructions" to find Tian Dazhuang and urged him to recruit more disabled veterans.

"He really said that?" Tian Dazhuang was very skeptical. He and Su Mo had known each other for so long, through life and death, and knew Su Mo better than anyone else, okay?

What Su Mo is most afraid of is trouble. It is okay to ask him to help, but it is absolutely impossible to be so active.

"He is also a soldier. Of course he wants to help more comrades in arms." Sheng Shi Anning said as a matter of course. others less.

"It's easy to find people, but I'm afraid they won't settle well." Tian Dazhuang was still worried.

He added: "I have also told you about his family's situation. For the time being, let's not find so many people. First pay off his family's debts, and then we will develop slowly."

"How slow is the slow development?" Sheng Shi Anning said disapprovingly: "You should also know the current situation. It is difficult to find jobs, especially disabled veterans. They are struggling in the mire of poverty all the time. We are all enduring the torment of illness, but we don’t want to drag the country down, and now we have the ability, we must do something.”

"As for the situation of Iron Horse Binghe's family you mentioned, I also mentioned that everyone helped him return the money first, but he didn't buy it at all."

"Xiaomo... Binghe is like this, that's fine, I'll contact some old comrades in arms first." Tian Dazhuang thought for a while, and Su Mo really didn't care about the usury at home.

Su Mo has never been a stickler.

To put it a little more exaggeratedly, even Tian Dazhuang, the big brother, sometimes thinks that Su Mo is crazy.

"We can call as many people as we can. We are not afraid of too many people. No matter how many people we have, we can support them." Sheng Shi An Ning said very confidently.

Tian Dazhuang was very confused about this conclusion, but he only thought that he was stupid, but he never questioned the ability of experts.

Shengshi Anning is the financial expert from Su Mola.

Originally, I was only looking for the most difficult ones, such as the comrade who had no arms and had to move with his wife for others, and the comrade who couldn’t take care of himself and had a paralyzed father who needed to be taken care of at home. Everyone has their own misfortunes , It's just that some people's misfortune is too heavy.

Now, according to the requirements of Shengshi Anning, as long as the character is decent, the more the better.

The number of people was exaggerated. Tian Dazhuang looked for people he knew, and those he knew would know more people. In a short period of time, hundreds of comrades in arms were called.

They first received a sum of money to buy an account card, as well as Internet fees, and a little basic living expenses.

After entering the game, high-level comrades in arms gave them start-up funds, bought medicine and equipment, and some people took them to fight BOSS.

Gold coins are money, and many people who have never played the game find it incredible.

What makes them more excited is not this, money is a good thing, but not all people will put money above everything else.

What makes them excited is that the game has brought them a complete and healthy body.

As long as the brain is not damaged, any limb defects can be repaired. Those without hands can pick up things again, and those without eyesight can see all kinds of lights again.

This is a new student!
Another thing that makes them love this game is the intense combat.

Returning from the battlefield to ordinary life, some people feel peaceful and at ease, while others seem to have lost all passion.

Now that they are in the game, they can participate in various battles again.

(End of this chapter)

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