Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 327 The Food Contest Begins

Chapter 327 The Food Contest Begins

As Lai Fu expected, they lost the skiing competition completely.

Only two of the eight tracks won, and there was no suspense about losing.

One is Barbara the desert fox. She wears a small white cloak and professional equipment tailor-made for her by the system. She pulls the opponent down by a small distance, and her posture is graceful, which is stronger than that of the big cat Bigwolf. Si looks much better.

Another winner was Jason.

This giant one-legged monster explains what violence is all about.

More than 1000 legs, more powerful than any ski poles, the place Jason passed was covered with dust and snow, covering the sky, and his opponent almost frightened to death, and fell into the valley by accident, half-life It's all gone, how can we continue the game.

The remaining six tracks were all lost.

Although the big cat Bigworth is suspected of cheating - its skiing method is too weird, a group of cats run wildly on the snow track, and the ones that slip and fall disappear, as long as one of them runs to the finish line, it is considered a win - but the system still gives it a way Medal for ski race winner.

The Foodie Contest, which Laifu has placed high hopes on, has finally arrived.

Laifu can at best be regarded as high hopes, well, in fact, it is not as exaggerated as "high hopes", because I don't know what is inside the underground palace.

It is more about using these opportunities to establish its own leadership.

What really can't wait for this game is that there are other "strange".

My name is Nicole, and I am a golden python. I became a golden python after I ran away from home. My family said that I need to go out to experience and become the overlord through my own efforts, so they degenerated into a golden python. , and threw it into the sinister forest.

But these are excuses, and they can't fool me.

My eldest sister and second sister have complained more than once that I can eat too much. As the two older children who are in charge of taking care of the children, they are tired of foaming at the mouth every day in order to find food for me, and they have threatened me more than once. throw me away.

I don't know how two older sisters convince the rest of my family.

Finally one day they dumped me because I ate too much and it wasn't fair, it was child abuse.

I was so weak that year, and now I think about it, it's really pitiful.

Fortunately, I was never a picky eater, I ate everything, and finally grew up slowly. Although I didn't become the overlord, at least I didn't have to worry about food and clothing.

It is a pity that later I met Brother Laifu.

Brother Laifu is a smart wild wolf, he is good at a method of making food very delicious, and told me that this is a skill in the human world.

God, if only I could become a human being.

Since I saw the real food, I have abandoned all my previous living habits. Now I am very picky. If the taste is not good, I would rather be hungry than eat.

Fortunately, Brother Laifu loves me more, and he keeps turning the ingredients into delicacies.

Later, it came up with the idea of ​​a gourmet food competition, and it was affirmed by everyone, and I, the great golden python Nicole, naturally became the only contestant.

Today is the day I, Nicole, go to the competition.

In order to prepare for the upcoming game, I didn't eat this morning, last night, yesterday noon, and yesterday morning. I only drank a pot of soup the day before yesterday.

Now I'm dizzy with hunger, but I feel really lucky.

"This is our contestant, Nicole the Golden Python!" Jamie the Langley parrot yelled loudly, and as it shouted, Nicole staggered onto the stage.

"Haha, look at her wobbly way, she probably has no strength, yet she still came to participate in the competition."

"It's too weak, what kind of golden python."

"Yeah, with such a small body, it is estimated that after eating a cow, it will lie on the ground and cannot move."

"I remember encountering a giant python before, which ate a crocodile, and ended up strangling myself to death. The death was extremely tragic, and the whole body was stretched apart."

"Compared to our giant pig king Usopp, that's really weak."

Speaking of the giant pig king Usopp, Laifu soon saw this monster from the hands of the big cat Bigworth.

As the name suggests, this is a pig.

It really lives up to its name, this pig is at least as big as ten Nicoles, especially the belly, which looks like a monster that can be eaten at first glance.

And indeed, Usopp is very edible, hunting and eating almost all the time of the day.

It even cuts down on sleep in order to have more time for eating-related activities.

Laifu knew that the rumors must have a basis, and the basis is likely to be Usopp's dark circles that are more obvious than balls. Usopp is a pig with dark circles, until later Usopp met the big cat Big Wo Si, this is able to get help from his companions occasionally, so as to avoid the embarrassment of being starved to death.

Nicole didn't eat for a day in order to eat well.

And even when Usopp walked from the audience to the stage, he was constantly chewing on the things in his mouth, and now it was immediately clear whether he was superior or inferior.

Even Laifu, who had great confidence in Nicole, was shaken for a while.

But things have come to this, everyone can only choose to believe in Nicole, after all, there is no more edible monster than Nicole on their side.

Iron Winged Goshawk Snow: Nicole, it's time for you to perform, you must not let us down.

Nicole the Golden Python: Don't worry, I will definitely win.

The ferocious wild wolf is blessed: Just do your best, winning or losing is not important, if you really can’t eat it, don’t hold on, it’s bad for your stomach if you eat it.

Nicole the Golden Python: Don’t push yourself, don’t push yourself, Brother Laifu, ┭┮﹏┭┮, I’ve grown up so much that I haven’t had enough to eat. Is the food you brought enough for me?

Silver Horn Giant Deer Uzi: ╮(﹀_﹀)╭

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: It should be enough, there are still a lot in the mailbox, and everyone’s backpacks are also full, and they are all ready-made food.

The contestants on both sides are in place, one is the golden python who is not bloated but slender and graceful, and the other is the huge giant pig king Usopp. They are on the temporary stage, and their range of activities is a small area. After the food is placed on the plate in front of them, the system automatically calculates the weight.

It is worth mentioning that there is no time limit set for the competition, which means that if the two monsters can, they will have no problem eating them forever.

Just to avoid procrastination, the competition rules require contestants not to pause for too long.

The source of food is prepared by both parties themselves. The system is not responsible for providing the competition props. The food prepared by Laifu is all cooked food, some of which come from Su Xiaojiu and two young cooks, and some of them are various delicacies purchased from the market.

Even though he tried his best to buy in large quantities and at low prices, Laifu also spent thousands of gold coins.

(End of this chapter)

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