Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 328 The happiest thing is that you can't finish eating

Chapter 328 The happiest thing is that you can't finish eating
Some of these thousands of gold coins came from Laifu, and some were collected by everyone. For these money, Laifu took the opportunity to teach everyone to establish a correct concept of financial management.

When the money is used, we hate less, and we should do more profitable business when we are free.

Pale Wolf King Pease, I'm not talking about you. You always find monsters and people to fight, and then walk away after killing your opponent. Are you a fool if you don't pick up the equipment in that place?

Iron-winged goshawk Snow, you brag all day about your good eyesight, and you can see mice running on the ground from high in the sky, so can you memorize a few more of the herbal medicine illustrations I gave you, and give the herbs from the Lancelot Grassland to you? I'll pick a little more.

That Jason, aren't you good at drilling around?With such a good talent, what are you going to do if you don’t dig mines? If you see mines, you can dig them back for me.

I'll sell it and exchange it for gold coins, and save it for you as an activity fund. Next time you need to spend money like this, everyone won't need you to put together a copper coin and me a silver coin.

The monsters were given a business class, and their three views were distorted.

Take Snow, for example. Now he carries the herb map that Laifu bought with money, and when he sees herbs, he flies down to collect them and puts them in his backpack. Now he knows more and more herbs, and his method of digging herbs is fast and good.

Laifu brought these herbs to Su Mo, and Su Mo hung them to the market to sell.

After half a day, Snow, the iron-winged goshawk, earned more than 700 gold coins. Among them, there was a ghost-faced red peony plant, which alone was worth a hundred gold coins. If you get a chance, go and see if it comes out.

Naturally, it is impossible for Laifu to steal all of these 700 gold coins, it is not that kind of person.

It gave an offer of more than 200 gold coins.

The more than 200 gold coins were handed over to the iron-winged goshawk Snow, but the iron-winged goshawk Snow was very happy. Even if he didn't look for herbs, it would still patrol the grassland's own territory. Digging for herbs was just following the trend. Unexpectedly Really make money.

More than 200 gold coins, according to Laifu's suggestion, it keeps a hundred pocket money for itself, and donates the rest as everyone's activity fund.

Money is not important, the key is to have face in everyone's eyes.

Jason was in a similar situation. He searched for ores in the desert, and earned more than 200 gold coins worth of ores on the first day. According to Laifu's urine, he still gave him an offer of dozens of gold coins.

Originally, this was already a very good harvest, but the key is that there is a comparison, so there is harm.

Why did Snow make more money than it, so it was not calm.

With dozens of gold coins, it bought a pass to Langley Canyon, and then went underground.

The ore handed in by Jason almost blinded Laifu's kryptonite eyes the next day. According to Su Mo's calculation afterwards, this batch of ore was at least worth more than 3000 gold coins.

Laifu left two thousand gold coins and gave Jason more than 1000.

Jason immediately became the local tyrant in the group, he was the uncle, and he actually hired the black bear leader, Dabson, to pinch his feet.

Fortunately, Jason is not a greedy monster. After becoming the richest monster in the group, he became lazy again.

Otherwise, the entire Langley Canyon will be hollowed out by it, and Laifu must also consider the consequences of a large amount of ore flooding into the market, and it is estimated that there will be troubles at that time.

Its suggestion to Jason is to let Jason also read a treasure book of ores, and only choose precious ores to make.

The other monsters are not to be outdone, killing monsters, mining, gathering medicine, and frantically exporting raw materials to Laifu, and Laifu is responsible for monopolizing these things to the player world.

Earning gold coins to the point of softness, within a few days, I saved enough 100 million real coins again.

That's why he has the confidence not to make money from the tavern, it's all small money, how can a group of monsters help him earn more.

Going back to the stage, after the referee Xiaosong gave an order, the two monsters with big appetites began to attack the food in front of them.

Whoever eats the most is the champion!
In terms of momentum at the beginning, Nicole is not as good as Usopp, the pig king. He swallowed a whole goat in one bite, and chewed and swallowed the goat in a few bites.

But Nicole was devouring the barbecue piece by piece.

This large plate of barbecue was about forty or fifty fast, and the weight was only the weight of two goats. After she finished eating, Usopp had already eaten five goats.

After eating five goats, even if Usopp eats a lot, he must stop to catch his breath.

And according to the experience of foodies, it also knows not to eat too hastily, or it will hurt the stomach, so it simply stopped to observe the opponents in this competition.

Then he almost laughed out loud, how slow his opponent was eating.

I really don't understand, why should things be divided into such big small pieces, wouldn't it greatly reduce the speed of eating.

If a goat is divided into 20 yuan, why not eat it twenty times, it is too troublesome.

It seems that the python's mouth is too small to fit anything too large - Nicole doesn't know what it is thinking, otherwise, it might perform the skill of swallowing the bison king on the spot.

Wait...what's this smell?
When Usopp was laughing at his opponent, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be a different smell in the air today. This smell stimulated its taste buds and gave it an urge to salivate.

It didn't know that the smell came from Nicole's food, it simply thought it was time to eat again.

So it grabbed a delicious goat again, and the goat that had not been treated in any way went into its stomach.

If you can see through, you should be able to see that the goat was swallowed by Usopp, fell into Usopp's stomach, and immediately began to be digested by the strong acid in the stomach. There are still five goats in it that have not had time to digest. corpse.

This kind of goat came from a noble farm, where the big cat Bigworth sent people to raid there two days ago.

A total of more than 600 goats were captured and piled up into mountains after being killed. According to everyone's experience, these are enough for Usopp to eat for a long time.

Let the monsters go out to help Usopp find food. The big cat Bigworth doesn't have such a big influence on the monsters under him. Unlike Laifu, everyone spanks and chats all day long, teasing each other They also help each other, even if Laifu doesn't open his mouth, everyone will often mail the corpses of the killed monsters to Laifu, and let it be made into food to satisfy everyone—mainly Nicole's appetite.

Nicole didn't go to see her opponent's situation. Her current state is extremely "autistic".

Now she only has these delicious foods in her eyes. She feels that she has never been so happy. She can throw barbecue into her mouth without any scruples, but she doesn't need to worry about finishing the barbecue in the next moment.

(End of this chapter)

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