Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 330 She's about to shed her skin

Chapter 330 She's about to shed her skin
Although Laifu continues to provide food and send it over, the quantity is limited after all, not enough to fill Nicole's stomach that seems to be connected to a dimensional space.

Moreover, collecting ingredients in such a hasty manner will inevitably require a huge price.

Everyone can't let Laifu alone bear so much, so they all start to contribute their own strength.

Those who are rich hold a money market, and those who have no money touch a personal market. The money market is naturally a spontaneous donation, sending gold coins to Laifu, and letting them buy it.

As for the crowd, it is also very simple.

They are all BOSS-level existences. It’s fine to kill yourself to make ingredients.

Except for the small number of monsters left behind, all the others who were good at hunting returned to their respective maps.

Of course they know exactly what bosses are on their own territory. They have basically fought against each other, and they know all their weaknesses. They go up and immediately KO with a hammer, and send the corpse directly to Laifu, and then go to the next one.

It doesn't matter if the meat quality is poor, as long as the amount is large and full.

Some monsters that were not bosses were also killed. Anyway, Nicole fell into a state of eating madness, and she was not as picky as usual.

Moulting should have been a very painful process, but it was completely different when it came to Nicole. Except for the unbearable hunger, everything else was fine for her.

While enjoying a steady stream of delicious food, while shedding skin, it feels pretty good.

"Brother, why on earth do you want so much food all of a sudden, and where did you get so many ingredients?" Su Xiaojiu finally couldn't help sending a message to ask.

Just at this moment, the perspective switched to Su Mo's side, and was caught by Su Xiaojiu.

Fortunately, Su Mo turned off all his external information, otherwise his friends would find that Su Mo was going online and offline as if he had a convulsion.

"Don't worry about it, don't you have many chef friends, call some reliable ones to help me make all the food." Su Mo couldn't explain, so he didn't explain at all.

"There are so many high-level BOSS ingredients, I'm not willing to give them to others, and it's hard to explain where they come from." Su Xiaojiu was very embarrassed.

"Is there a chef among the people Shengshi Anning is looking for? Let them help you." Su Mo thought for a while, and it is really not good to expand the number of people who know the inside without limit. Others may not be able to find out the origin of these high-level bosses, but they are the seeds of doubt. Once buried, someone will continue to pay attention.

"There are only two who have learned the life skills of chefs. They are not very professional. They are reluctant to start. Brother, you should spend more money and buy them outside. Even if you exhaust your sister to death, there will not be so much food here." Su Xiaojiu I have been working for dozens of hours, even if I like cooking, I can't stand it.

Su Mo could only urge Tian Dazhuang.

What can Tian Dazhuang do? He has already bought as many places as possible. Food is not equipment, and he can buy it remotely by sitting in the trading house.

[New World] The food in this game is sold at stalls, or some restaurants sell it anywhere.

You can’t buy it from restaurants, and the price is outrageously expensive, but you have to look for it one by one at the stalls, and then buy it after you find it.

This process requires not only searching, but also guarding against unscrupulous merchants who want to mark prices indiscriminately.

For example, there was a stall full of thirteen-flavored crayfish, in groups of six silver coins, and the entire stall was packed.

The price of a set of six silver coins is not expensive, Tian Dazhuang was overjoyed.

I bought them group by group, and checked the price at the beginning. It was no problem to buy more than a dozen groups, so I just bought it without looking at it.

As a result, something went wrong. By the time he found out, he had already bought four sets of thirteen-flavored crayfish with six gold coins.

This is a typical trap in the stall market.

Su Mo urged, he was also very helpless, he could only urge Luo Xia, Lao Mao and Yun Fei to go online quickly, and by the way, he also asked for help from Sheng Shi An Ning who he thought was very powerful.

In fact, Su Mo himself didn't realize that his trust in Sheng Shi Anning, who was not so close, was actually very limited. He didn't want the other party to know anything related to the monster chat group.

Sheng Shi An Ning heard Su Mo's request conveyed by Tian Dazhuang, and it is impossible for her to have no doubts in her heart, but she has a very good advantage, that is, she will not get to the bottom of anyone's affairs, as long as this kind of secret will not affect her. Collective interest.

Su Mo's actions will not harm everyone's interests at all, not to mention that the current situation can actually be said to belong to Su Mo.

According to her understanding, she guessed that Su Mo might be on a mission.

A large-scale task, a task with a lot of rewards, so her management ability began to show.

In just over half an hour, Su Mo's mailbox was full.

He kept switching accounts, mailing food crazily, and the courier fee alone cost dozens of gold coins. You know, the courier fee for an ordinary package that can hold seven groups of items is only three copper coins.

"Brother Binghe, your mailbox is full."

"Huhu, I see, how many teams do you have over there?" Su Molei panted heavily.

"There are quite a few more, and there are new purchases coming in. Don't worry, they are all inexpensive meat foods, but the taste is absolutely guaranteed." Shengshi Anning said.

"I can't fit it here, why don't I put it in someone else's place first." Su Mo was not sure how much Nicole needed to eat.

He is absolutely sure that Nicole is a bug now, is it because the system deliberately tricked him because he has made too much money recently.

"It's actually quite simple. Why don't we register a mercenary group, so that the public warehouse of the mercenary group can be used to store things." Sheng Shi An Ning casually suggested.

When she first came here, she actually made such a request.

It's a pity that Su Mo vetoed it. Everyone just recruited so many people. There was no need to set up a mercenary group. A lot of income related to commissions had to be taxed after the mercenary group was established.

Bringing up the old matter again, Shengshi Anning once again brought up the matter of the mercenary group.

At this time, Su Mo was worrying about transporting it. He suddenly thought of one thing, if it was the warehouse of the Corps, would his personal pet, Laifu, be eligible to use it.

If that was the case, he wouldn't have to be so troublesome to toss and turn.

In a similar situation in the future, people can also throw things directly into the warehouse of the mercenary regiment, and he can just pick them up directly as a blessing.

"It doesn't cost money to build a mercenary group now, right?" Su Mo asked uncertainly.

"No money, not only no money, but also a super-large warehouse, so that there will be a place to put some public things." Shengshi Anning strongly recommended.

"Then get one." Su Mo finally agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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