Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 331 Bloody Battle Flag

Chapter 331 Bloody Battle Flag

Finally agreed, Sheng Shi An Ning was secretly happy.

Since she was very young, she had made up her mind to make a career and let her patriarchal family look at her with admiration. For this reason, she did not hesitate to join the army and go to the front line. Unfortunately, she was assigned to the logistics department. When she finally made a good appearance, it turned out The war is over.

After graduating from high school, the things learned in the army are useless.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, this stubborn girl was admitted to a university by herself, studying management. She wanted to stand out and make everyone who looked down upon her shut up.

Now, Su Mo, who had dealt with him several times before, asked her to manage this small tavern that didn't need much management. She agreed not because of Su Mo's utter misery, but mainly because of the affection of her comrades. It was she who was very optimistic about the [New World] game.

In order to be prosperous and stable, there must be no chaos. At the moment when artificial intelligence technology replaces most of the manpower, it is very necessary to find some entertainment for everyone and make some money by the way.

Therefore, the virtual game industry has poured in countless giants in the past two years.

[New World] The sudden emergence of a new force is so popular that it goes against common sense. Everyone is still in research and development. You just throw out a mature product, and it is not shoddy at all. How many years have you prepared in advance?

In the media, there are reports that nerds earn millions of dollars playing games.

Sheng Shi An Ning also took the opportunity to create an account, but unfortunately after entering, he found out how wise the company commander's decision to transfer her to the logistics department was, she was not good at fighting at all.

A single player who is not good at fighting is simply impossible to make any waves in the game.

Especially since she has neither power nor money.

Part of the money from changing jobs was given to the family, and part of it was used to help comrades in need. She had to go out to work to earn the money she spent on school meals.

The invitation from Su Mo seemed to her an opportunity.

Surrounded by a group of elite soldiers, Su Mo has the One Piece Tavern, Anxiang Shuying, and Panda House in his hand, and there seem to be other sources of income.

If someone has money, why not make a career out of it.

The only downside is that this guy Su Mo doesn't know how to make progress. He spends all day thinking about how to restore his status as a rich second generation, and he also has a quirk that he likes to owe debts. According to Shengshi Anning's observation, if Su Mo wants to quickly It may be enough to pay off the debt in three months and a half, but he just doesn't want to pay it off so quickly, and keeps saying that he wants to talk to his creditors about life and ideals.

It is said that Manager Li is a man, otherwise Sheng Shi Anning would have thought that he was taking advantage of the debt to pick up girls.

Now, finally pushing this guy one step forward.

"What's the name of the mercenary group?" Sheng Shi Anning asked.

"The mercenary group still needs a name?" Su Mo was surprised.

"Of course!" Sheng Shi Anning was so angry that his stomach hurt.

"Then choose one at random, you can just enter a few words." Su Mo racked his brains for three seconds, knowing nothing, and finally could only pretend that he was not very interested in giving up the naming rights.

"How is this possible? You choose one of these." Sheng Shi Anning is a person who has difficulty in choosing, and the history books say that she is the kind who is resourceful but less decisive.

In fact, she has already listed no less than three hundred names in the small book.

However, she chooses and chooses, and spends it in entanglement all the time.

"Uh... Where do you get the name of the mercenary group? It's called Scarlet Battle Banner." Su Mo was so dazzled by the list of names sent by Shengshi Anning, he hurriedly chose one.

"Scarlet battle flag? Isn't there one on it?" Sheng Shi Anning searched carefully, only to find that Su Mo was on a whim.

It was clearly [Boundless Scarlet] and [Zhanqi Wushuang]. Su Mo casually pointed at them and took half of each, so it became the name of the bloody Zhanqi, a mercenary group that is still iron and bloody.

Don't look at Sheng Shi An Ning as just a little girl, after staying in the barracks for a long time, she also screams with passion.

Most of the more than 300 names she gave were related to the Jagged Army.

Having a name is easy to do, not to mention Shengshi Anning has been waiting for this moment for a long time. It only took a few minutes for her to create the Scarlet Battle Banner Mercenary Group in the small town of Huggins.

The badge of the mercenary regiment, the station and so on are also in place in an instant.

Most of the mercenary regiments are registered in taverns in various places, and there are also mercenary halls. The bloody battle flag is simple. The head of the mercenary group has a One Piece tavern.

Because the first resident was the One Piece Tavern, in the early days, the Scarlet Battle Banner was also called the Pirates.

"Awesome, this warehouse is awesome!" Su Mo was not very interested in the newly established Scarlet War Banner Mercenary Group, and he didn't even glance at the regiment badge, but he was full of praise for the warehouse.

Sheng Shi An Ning thought he meant that the warehouse was big enough, so he smiled and said, "What is this? Later, when we upgrade the mercenary group to a guild, you will know what it means to be big. Ten times bigger."

Su Mo, who was ten times older, was not interested. The reason he was happy was that Laifu could also use the warehouse of the mercenary regiment.

Everyone threw the things in the warehouse, and Laifu took them away and mailed them out, so there was no need for Su Mo to mess around in the middle.

Nicole, the golden python over there, has reached a critical moment, and the snake skin has become increasingly dull, just waiting for a new giant python to shed its skin.

The main reason is that there is a large supply of food here, and the supply is timely.

If only Su Mo was alone, even with his sister Su Xiaojiu, who has become a well-known little cook, the two brothers and sisters would not be able to provide so much food.

Dozens of teenagers in middle school at Fashen Temple heard that Sheng Shi Anning said that Su Mo was in trouble. As brothers, did you draw your sword to help, and it turned out that these children seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood.

I bought it out of my own pocket, borrowed it from friends, and delivered a large amount of food to Shengshi Anning.

And the brothers and friends on Su Mo's side also made great efforts.

This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, Su Mo sent thousands of monster apostles to Su Xiaojiu and the warehouse of the mercenary regiment, including many huge and energy-rich BOSS.

After a long meal, Nicole finally gave birth.

Oh no, he gave birth to himself.

She crawled out of the dull old slough and appeared before the monsters.

This is Nicole?

Is this the golden python?

You ate so much, why did you come up with this thing to perfuse everyone?
Where's your horn?

Where are your paws?
Could it be that everyone has guessed wrong all the time, why are you still a python, and you can't even count as a giant?

In fact, Nicole has changed a lot after shedding her skin. At least her body color is more golden, flowing gold and colorful, and she looks very tall, with a faint mist surrounding her body.

The reason why everyone didn't notice this was mainly because her body had shrunk too much.

(End of this chapter)

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