Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 332 A Little Golden Python

Chapter 332 A Little Golden Python
Nicole before shedding her skin, after Laifu made it clear that she didn't want her to swallow people, she gave up her swallowing skills, and her main fighting methods were changed to tail sweeping, whipping, and smashing. Not to mention dexterity, the key is infinite power.

And the premise of this kind of power is naturally that the tail is heavy, and it smashes the fallen wood elf into the soil like a wooden stake. If her tail is very slender, it is absolutely impossible.

What now?
Nicole, who was originally beautiful but absolutely huge, disappeared, but now her figure has shrunk by at least six or seven times, and she can only be regarded as a small boa constrictor at most.

"Wow, so many times." Nicole, the golden python, finished shedding her skin, and found that there was another pile of food in front of her, and immediately plunged into the pile of food. ,

She didn't study the changes that happened after she shed her skin, she was completely heartless.

Everyone worked hard all day, basically all around this guy.

The expected growth of claws and dragon horns did not appear, so they all lost interest. Are you sorry for the hard work of the big guys, so they left after leaving the food one by one.

Su Mo also informed Tian Dazhuang and others that they no longer need to buy meat.

He is not stingy, he still takes out all the bought ones and feeds them to little Nicole. Little Nicole will always come, and will not reduce the speed and body of eating because of her shrinking size.

The monsters went back to their homes, but Bella the weaver bird didn't leave immediately.

Bella is a master tailor among the monsters, but the life skills it is good at are very narrow, because it can only sew bags.

"Nicole, give me the skin you shed this time, and I'll give you a bag then." The weaver bird approached the giant python and begged.

Nicole's shed skin is very precious, after all, this skin is an important symbol of Nicole's growth.

"Hmm~" Nicole continued to eat fiercely, feeling that it was really inconvenient for her to have no claws. She didn't grow claws. Not only were the onlookers disappointed, but she was also very depressed.

"Do you mean that this skin was given to me?" Weaver Bird was very happy.

"You have to ask Brother Laifu, it's thanks to Brother Laifu that you can shed the skin this time." Nicole replied vaguely while eating.

Brother Laifu is really kind, no one has ever treated her so kindly.

"How many bags can this snake slough make?" Lai Fu asked.

"I can make more than a dozen. Last time I made twelve." Weaver Bird said after thinking for a while.

"Then can I share half of it?" Laifu wants this bag. With such a rare material, at least [-] grids can be made, and more is not impossible.

Even if there is a mercenary regiment warehouse now, it is not as convenient as the warehouse that you carry with you. The authority of the mercenary regiment warehouse is basically open to everyone. It is impossible for Su Mo to keep no privacy. My secrets are revealed to everyone.

The babies on Su Mo's body now are all eighteen-shaped, all from the weaver bird Bella.

At present, the mainstream players are still backpacks with [-] grids or even [-] grids. Few are [-] grid backpacks obtained through hidden missions or other adventures. If you throw out an [-] grid backpack, you can sell it for thousands of dollars. Even tens of thousands.

"It can be divided into half, but I have a request." Weaver Bird said a little embarrassedly.

"What request?" Lai Fu asked.

If it is a backpack of six twenty grids, its value is immeasurable, no matter what request the weaver bird asks, it will try its best to meet it.

"Can you help me sell the bag I made in the human world and exchange it for some gold coins," Weaver Bird explained, "There are a lot of things I want to buy in the monster store, but I have no money. I saw Jie Sen and Snow have both made money, and they are also wondering if they can follow your footsteps."

OK, why not!

Laifu is of course what you wish for. As a black-hearted, ah bah, business-minded businessman, the exclusive agent for a backpack made by a high-end tailor, and can set the price at will, this is simply a pie that fell from the sky.

If the pie falls in front of the dog, there is no reason not to eat it.

"That's really great, Boss Laifu, thank you very much." Weaver Bird was very happy. As a monster with shopaholic tendencies, it must be such a painful torment to drool over the dazzling array of products all day long. It's a pity that these monsters have too few sources of income, even if they sell their kidneys, they can't find a buyer.

What can Laifu say?

The weaver bird's request is to kneel in front of it, hold its thigh and beg, you cheat me, please, you can cheat me hard.

"It is more convenient for me to deal with the outside world, but the price is not very easy to operate, so I can only say that I will try my best to help you sell higher." Laifu was vaccinated in advance.

"It's fine, it's fine, as long as you have money." Weaver Bird certainly wants to sell it at a higher price, but the prerequisite is that it can be sold, and it doesn't know whether the backpack it made will be sold in the human world. .

As for the matter of Laifu pitting it, it didn't doubt it at all.

How could such a great and righteous monster as Laifu cheat its money.

"Just send it to me. After selling the gold coin later, I will send it to you as well." Laifu nodded, knowing that he was about to make a fortune again.

"I have also made a lot of backpacks for a long time, especially some early works, which are of average quality and take up space, but I have been reluctant to throw them away. Why don't I give them to you first." Weaver Bird can't wait.

Laifu nodded, with the backing of the mercenary regiment's warehouse, it would always come.

So the weaver bird began to take backpacks out, and the first ones were probably its oldest inventory, all of which were crude in appearance, with only four or five compartments in space.

If this thing was just released in the game, there might still be a market for it, but now even the poorest novice in Novice Village can't... well, the poorest novice can't afford a backpack, but at least a six-slot backpack is the bottom line, novices The peddlers in the village sell them.

Fixed price of one silver coin for a six-slot backpack.

A silver coin is one yuan and fifty cents. How much does Su Mo plan to sell these backpacks with four or five compartments?

But he didn't dislike it either. He didn't want to hurt Weaver Bird's enthusiasm. Secondly, rotten things have their uses, and they can be given to those novices who can't afford backpacks in Novice Village.

The weaver bird is a natural tailor, and he can make four or five grid backpacks at the very beginning.

With its talent, it didn't make many backpacks with four or five grids, and soon there were backpacks with six or seven grids, and then quickly turned into backpacks with eight grids and more.

Starting from eight grids, these backpacks are finally able to enter the market and enter circulation.

For example, eight backpacks can be sold for five yuan each, and dozens of them can be sold for a hundred yuan. Su Mo intends to throw them into the mercenary regiment warehouse and save them for the new comrades who join the game in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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