Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 333 Uncle Laifu is a profiteer

Chapter 333 Uncle Laifu is a profiteer
There are low-level bags at various stages, and I don't know how much space the weaving bird itself has, and it can hold so many things.

Backpacks are not ordinary things. It has a very important feature that it cannot be superimposed.

Low-level backpacks are not very valuable, until the eighteen-grid backpack appeared, and there seemed to be a lot of them. Each of these backpacks can be sold for two hundred gold, which is 3000 yuan each.

Laifu intends to give the Weaver Bird fifty gold each, which is already a very generous price.

Originally, it was supposed to be worth [-] gold pieces, that is, [-]% of the price. After all, Mr. Laifu played a key role in it. Without him, the weaver bird would not be able to earn even a single coin.

But Mr. Laifu is a moral and cultured monster after all.

Earning [-]% and [-]% is already a very good income. Weaving Bird can earn [-] gold for making an [-]-grid backpack, which will make it the biggest local tyrant in the entire chat group besides Laifu.

No, Laifu is not as good as it. After all, Laifu sends all the money it earns to Su Mo.

Regardless of people or monsters, if you have too much money, you will learn to be bad. If Laifu gives two hundred gold coins to the weaver bird, it will become even worse. In order not to let his little friend become too bad, Laifu can only bear the pain Three-quarters of the proceeds were stolen.

Those relatively low-level backpacks in the front can't make much money, and Laifu doesn't count.

There are more than 100 backpacks with eighteen grids. Laifu calculated that the backpack with eighteen grids alone can bring about 30 real money.

It's that simple to cheat money.

The weaver bird didn't feel that it was cheated at all. When Laifu told it that this kind of [-]-grid backpack could be sold for [-] gold coins each, it was so excited that it was about to pass out.

More than 100 passes!

Then it took out the [-] bags that it treasured, a total of nine!
This was the last time it accidentally got a backpack made of a piece of high-grade leather. Because of making these nine backpacks, its tailoring skills successfully got a breakthrough.

How much can a backpack with twenty grids sell for?

Laifu estimates that one can sell for tens of thousands, but it is not clear how much it can sell, because there is no such backpack on the market.

It must be handed over to Gaara for him to auction.

Ordinary players couldn't afford the price at all, and they wouldn't spend tens of thousands of dollars to collect six backpacks with twenty grids just to get a few more grids.

Only those second generations who are idle and have nothing to compare with each other will squander gold coins in order to be better than others. They can give a woman a bag that can cost tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands or millions of watches. You can also get a dozen as a gift.

There are beautiful women everywhere, and it is impossible to pretend to be compared when you take them out.

But there are no backpacks with [-] grids. Imagine a group of second-generation gamers drinking together. One of them deliberately brought up the topic of backpacks. When everyone complained that there was not enough space in the backpacks, he lightly said that it was okay. Well, my twenty-slot backpack feels like enough.

Isn't it more enviable than a woman with big breasts?
[New World] There is a market for the rich second-generation group who like to pretend to compare. There are a lot of people who play this game, otherwise Gaara would not have met so many local tyrants.

The weaver bird took away Nicole's molted skin, and Laifu threw all the weaver bird's backpacks into the warehouse of the mercenary group.

There is no one in the warehouse of the mercenary regiment now, only Sheng Shi'an, Su Xiaojiu and Tian Dazhuang are the few, so Su Mo doesn't have to worry about the twenty-square backpack being stolen.

"Oh my god, this..." Shengshi Anning has been paying attention to the warehouse of the mercenary group.

She suspected that Su Mo needed such food in order to do hidden tasks, but it was difficult for her to ask. Many people don't like subordinates who are too curious.

It wasn't until I saw backpacks constantly appearing in the warehouse of the mercenary regiment that I confirmed my guess.

At the beginning, there were some backpacks with four or five grids. She was full of contempt for Su Mo in her heart. She felt that Su Mo might have received a deceitful hidden mission—this kind of mission is not uncommon. The players who arrived could only consider themselves unlucky.

Later, the capacity of the backpack became larger and larger, and she was finally not sure if Su Mo had been cheated.

When sixteen backpacks appeared, Shengshi Anning had completely changed his view of Su Mo's hidden mission. At least this mission was not too tricky.

Sheng Shi Anning was stunned when the backpack with eighteen grids appeared.

Although it took a lot of money to buy food, it was only a few hundred gold coins. Basically, everyone chose the type with a large amount of food, and two backpacks with [-] grids can earn back the original cost.

Su Mo got one or two hundred [-]-grid backpacks all at once, making a fortune.

Just when Shengshi Anning imagined that Su Mo was extremely tall, Su Mo threw in a few more backpacks, this time the number was not many, only nine.

These nine backpacks made Sheng Shi Aning feel that she and Su Mo were not playing the same game.

"Boss, did you get these backpacks for doing missions?" Sheng Shi Anning asked.

System: Sorry, the target of your communication is not online, and your message has been converted into a voice message. I wish you a happy game.

The cold system prompts made Shengshi Anning numb.

Fuck, I am going offline so soon, is it because I am sure that I will ask him questions, so I am so afraid of being known.

Simply don't ask, Shengshi Anning withdrew her message, she decided to maintain a tacit understanding between a manager and her boss, never ask the boss's secrets, and only concentrate on the tasks assigned by the boss.

But the boss didn't give any tasks. The boss who doesn't want to make progress agreed to create a mercenary group just for a big warehouse.

Then, a professional professional manager should find something to do by himself.

Shengshi Anning began to partition the warehouse of the mercenary regiment - the guild warehouse can be divided into eight pages, and different permissions, usage permissions, viewing permissions, etc. can be set, while the warehouse of the mercenary regiment is relatively shabby and can only be divided into three pages.

The first page is set as a common warehouse, which can be viewed and used by any member.

The second page is set as an elite warehouse, which can be viewed by any member, but only elite members can use it. The purpose of this setting is to show some good things, but make ordinary members unable to hold them. If they want to get them, they must do more Contribute and perform well, and strive to be promoted to an elite member as soon as possible.

The third page is the head's warehouse. After all, the head agreed to create a mercenary group for the sake of the warehouse.

All the backpacks that Su Mo put in were placed on this page. In fact, those low-level backpacks can be thrown on the third page, and the benefits for new players joining the group are also good.

It's just that Sheng Shi An Ning is a very sensible person, without Su Mo's permission, she will not decide the ownership of these things.

(End of this chapter)

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