Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 334 Big Cat's Request

Chapter 334 Big Cat's Request

Su Mo is not offline, but Laifu is online.

After dealing with the bag, it also needs to deal with the smaller golden python Nicole—although the name is no longer worthy of the name, but for the sake of convenience, it will not be renamed.

"Have you finished eating?" Lai Fu asked.

"It's over." Nicole said reluctantly as she swallowed the last meatball.

"Are you full?" Lai Fu asked again.

"It seems...not." The little boa constrictor felt it, and lowered her head a little dejectedly. She thought she could still eat, but there was no more food.

"Why have you become so small, isn't your strength weakened?" If that's the case, I won't give her any good food in the future.

"No, no, I'm amazing now." Nicole clarified quickly, and was keenly aware of the maliciousness behind Laifu's words.

"You've only grown so big now..." Laifu really couldn't hide his dislike.

"I..." Nicole looked down, and said proudly: "The condensed ones are the essence. I can beat Jamie now, as long as he doesn't fly."

"Hehe." What else can Laifu say.

"Really, I'm really good now, look!" Nicole took a sharp breath, then opened her mouth and spit out, and the golden flames spread all over the whole area in an instant. In the flames, it turned into ashes like a shattered body.

It is indeed much stronger than before. It seems that after the striking ability of the tail disappeared, the little golden python strengthened its magic ability.

"It seems to be really condensed." Laifu nodded, that's all he could do.

Nicole in the past was many times bigger than Laifu, and now Nicole looks similar to Laifu if they are put together.

Being protected by such a big python, the sense of security is not as good as before.

The next day, Laifu continued to go online, but was notified that the big cat Bigworth had something to talk to, and the time and place were set by him.

Laifu chose the Hudgens territory.

Of course, it is impossible for the two monsters to meet in Su Mo's tavern. Maybe there will be a chance to realize such a scenario in the future. For example, if the monster store can launch camouflage props, it will be no problem.

Not for now, though.

Su Mo was lying on the bed in the hotel, while Lai Fu left the town.

It is not worried about being found abnormal now, the effect of the wild heart is very powerful, if you enter the boundary of the rabbit monster, you will become a rabbit, if you enter the boundary of the fox monster, you will become a fox, and if you enter the boundary of the wild dog monster, you will become a fox. The land boundary... It doesn't matter if it doesn't change, it looks about the same anyway.

Laifu soon saw the big cat Bigworth who came by appointment.

"Is this your home?" The big cat Bigworth squatted on a felled tree stump, looking down at Laifu.

Laifu was not in the habit of talking to people with his head up, so he chose a slightly higher stake and climbed up.

Bigworth was speechless, but he couldn't be too cheeky to find taller tree stumps. That would be too shameful, even if no one saw them, he would feel ashamed.

"Forget it, why are you looking for me, I can't fight, I don't like to fight." Laifu blocked this in advance, so as not to be pulled and gesticulated, and it would stop when he gestured.

"It's not a fight with you, nor a game. If we lose, we lose." The big cat Bigworth said.

Laifu heaved a sigh of relief. He was most afraid of hooligans, especially hooligans who were particularly fierce in fights. He liked this kind of reasonable monsters the most. As long as you are reasonable, I can make you unreasonable.

"I actually want to ask for something." The big cat Bigworth finally decided to get straight to the point.

"Please tell me, I will be unambiguous if I can help." Laifu patted his chest and boldly made a promise. In fact, it is very problematic to interpret what he said. What is able to help is what he said. .

"Let me tell you a story first..." So it tells a story about a necromancer.

The protagonist of this story is its owner. It tells the encounter with the owner, daily life, and finally the owner lies in the coffin and seals himself in eternal death.

"I want to bring him back to life," said the big cat, Bigworth.

"I don't think I have the ability to do it," Laifu didn't have any evasions at this moment, it really couldn't resurrect an undead magic god, probably few people in this world could do it.

It is said that Kiergaard was still unable to crack the mystery of life and death, and finally sealed himself helplessly. As the sealing time got longer and longer, it was almost impossible for him to be resurrected.

There are also rumors that the Great Bull Demon Chief was once elected as a strong man to monitor Kiergaard, and he guarded there for many years, until he thought that Kiergaard would never be able to stand up again, and then returned to his own Thunder Mountain .

What's interesting is that during the years when Chief Bull Demon was away on business, his wife cheated on him.

That's another story.

After encountering the big cat Bigworth, Su Mo searched for information about Kiergaard through various channels, and concluded that this necromancer was lost in the kingdom of death, and he no longer had the ability to return to the present world.

"The underground palace, if there is anything there that can bring my master back to life, I hope you can lend it to me, and I will repay you, even if it costs me my life." Bigger Cat Bigworth Said.

Laifu is not obvious on the surface, but in his heart he is quite contemptuous. Why do I want your life? We are all monsters, we can be resurrected after death.

However, there is no need to immediately reject this matter.

It's not good to provoke the opponent, especially when the opponent is so powerful. Although Laifu and the others have won the game with two wins in three rounds, what if they cheat.

If Bigglesworth, the big cat, plays tricks, Laifu can only count on the cat-teasing stick in his backpack.

"I promise you, Bigworth, but you also have to help us occupy the underground palace. Those players, they won't just watch us occupy the underground palace."

"At the critical moment, I will send someone to clean up those players. There is an old loach in Pavo Swamp. I will send it to act with you. If necessary, it can give me a signal to attack." The big cat Bigworth did not Talking about conditions on this, the player is their common enemy.

"One more thing, I want you to swear, in the name of your master's freedom and life, that you will respect our ownership of the underground palace." Do what the villain needs first.

Biggers the big cat was a little angry, if it really took over, it didn't need to beat around the bush.

It suppressed its emotions, solemnly swore the owner's life and freedom, and admitted that the monster chat group where Laifu was located had all the decision-making power over the underground palace.

(End of this chapter)

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