Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 335 Robbing is also a skill

Chapter 335 Robbery Is Also a Skill
Who doesn't want a free thug, the olive branch thrown by the big cat Bigworth, Laifu accepted it without hesitation
As for the underground palace, who knows what's inside.

Laifu still didn't have time to log in to Su Mo's account today. According to the agreement, he needed to help Laoen, the mangy yellow lion, to rob him.

They have successfully cooperated twice in such matters as robbery.

It can't be called robbery, Laifu corrected what the lion spirit said, the occupation they are engaged in can be called robbing the rich and helping the poor.

People who walk with such a big box are naturally rich.

And they who are going to rob for their lives should of course be helped.

After several revisions, the escort mission here has also changed. It has become an NPC escorting the player together. The defense force has been greatly increased, and the number of escort boxes has also become three.

Correspondingly, the number of monsters guarding the level has also become five. After the promotion of the mangy yellow lion, Raun's strength has increased dramatically, which has increased the difficulty of the escort task by more than one level.

The other four bosses are not apostles and have no wisdom, but they can understand Lawn's instructions.

It is equivalent to four more younger brothers.

These four younger brothers are all lions - lionesses, and lion spirits can be regarded as monsters with a harem. In comparison, Laifu is a poor single dog.

"It's getting harder and harder to rob now. There are players and NPCs, and there are also people robbing business." Lawn, the mangy yellow lion, said that business is not easy to do, and it is difficult to lead a team when people lose their hearts.

"What's the general situation?" Lai Fu asked.

Big winds and waves are coming, and it already looks down on this kind of petty robbery.

"We finally succeeded in robbing, and suddenly a group of people rushed out and wiped us out, taking advantage of the fire to rob, these beasts." When mentioning this matter, Huang Shijing's eyes were full of tears.

"The character of those we robbed is low enough. I can't think of anyone worse than us," Laifu echoed and complained, and then asked: "After those people robbed the box, continue to escort or what?"

"I don't know, I'm dead." Huang Shijing said he didn't know anything.

Laifu guessed in his heart that the players should have discovered the secret of stealing the box. In fact, it is very simple to steal the box, just grab it from the player.

Even, the players who robbed and the players who escorted them might be in the same group.

Compared with the deposit for accepting the mission, the contents of the box are more valuable. The two groups spend some deposit to earn a box, and if they are lucky, they can get silver equipment from the box.

This is probably the reason why the system arranges NPC escorts.

However, this is a strategy that treats the symptoms but not the root cause. The player and the robber player can play a show, and finally kill all the NPCs, and finally get rid of the treasure chest.

In fact, this bug is very simple to solve. You only need to increase the deposit to be more valuable than the contents of the box. However, I don’t know what the officials are thinking. They just don’t fix this bug, so that the escorted treasure boxes are rarely escorted. to the destination.

Today there are still three boxes, pushed by six NPCs with carts.

Their attire is similar to medieval knights. In fact, they have all kinds of professions, and their strength is similar to that of players over level 30. The templates should be elites, and occasionally small bosses will appear.

Ten players from the two teams escorted the surrounding area, and people were arranged in front and behind.

At least on the surface, the players are very dedicated.

"Where are we going to ambush, should we send a younger brother to test it first?" Raun and Laifu, the mangy yellow lion, watched the group of people furtively from the top of the hill.

"What's the hurry, let's take a look first, by the way, aren't these all lionesses, how come they are younger brothers?" Laifu asked.

"Women are troublesome. I want to replace them all with male lions like me. Unfortunately, the master of the system ignores me." As soon as this trouble is mentioned, Huang Shijing feels depressed, and now he can only reluctantly treat the four younger sisters as younger brothers. .

"Damn you, you deserve to be single forever." Lai Fu was speechless.

They followed the convoy, and soon found two other groups of people. After some observation, Laifu had an idea in his mind.

Four lionesses rushed out together.

The players who escorted them not only didn't panic in their hearts, but were very happy that it finally came.

"Protect NPCs!"

As a routine procedure, the player pretended to go up to fight, but actually pulled the four lions to the vicinity of the NPC, in order to let the monster's group sweeping skills hurt the NPC as well.

After being attacked, the NPC will fight back. At this time, the player will reduce his output and transfer the hatred to the NPC, so this kind of robbery becomes a duel between the NPC and the monster.

Players don't contribute at all, if they concentrate on attacking a monster, they can kill the monster quickly, but doing so reduces the monster's output to NPCs.

They will wait until the monsters have killed all the NPCs, and then kill all the monsters in one fell swoop.

The next thing is very logical, they are not good at escorting, the box was snatched by the players who came behind, just ask the NPC to apologize, and then you can run to share the loot with the accomplice who robbed the box.

Today, things will not be so simple, because Laifu observes this scene from a distance.

The four lions originally planned to attack the NPCs together according to the player's inducement, but they suddenly became smarter today, and they stared at the player to fight all the way.

Four lions set fire to one player, and the crispy priest stopped cooking quickly, and the priests of his teammates didn't even have time to add blood to him.

Then the lions went to attack the priest again, a very old routine, but absolutely effective, after killing all the players' healers, they can entertain other people well.

The NPC was watching the fun from the sidelines, and had no intention of making a move at all.

If they were wise, they must be gloating in their hearts. The four lions were not very powerful, and they were quickly killed. They killed a total of three players, including two healers.

The seven players who survived were a little dumbfounded.

That's not how the script was written. According to the script, there shouldn't be at least six NPCs left safe and sound.

"Let's go!" The six NPCs pulled up the car again according to the set situation. As long as it is safely delivered to the destination, the player will complete the escort mission.

The team leader's heart was hardened, and he signaled to follow the accomplices who were waiting to hand over the treasure box to enter the arena.

These newly entered players are actually the same as the escorted players, playing the role of robbers. After the NPC dies, they "beat" the escorted players and snatch the boxes, thus completing the entire robbery process.

Now the six NPCs are still alive, and they can only kill them.

This is not a good job. Killing an NPC will increase the player's PK value and reduce some prestige. If detected by NPC detectives, there may be a prison sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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