Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 336 The Birth of the Dramatist

Chapter 336 The Birth of the Dramatist

A team of new players rushed over. They were actually only five of them. It was impossible to deal with an escort team composed of seven players and six NPCs.

However, there are always some seemingly incredible things happening in this world.

The escorted players were killed and fled in all directions. Five people went straight to the six NPC soldiers. They had to kill the six NPC soldiers before they could take the contents of the three boxes as their own.

As for why five people can defeat seven people in an instant, NPCs with little intelligence can't understand.

They took out their weapons and fought with the five robbers. The seven people hid aside to watch the fun. They would not help the NPC kill their own people, nor would they help to kill the NPC, because they all had escort missions. Now, once they face NPC opponents, they will become traitors who guard themselves, and the NPC who issued the task will issue a kill order about them.

This is different from the rewards for the robbers. They don't know who the robbers are, but these people who have accepted the mission have already been recorded, have names and surnames, and committed murders. It should not be too simple to arrest.

Here, five people went through a hard fight and finally killed six NPCs.

They themselves were almost dead, and there were only two of the five people left, one output and one healing, and the healing magic had been exhausted, so they had to replenish it to continue fighting.

Fortunately, after all the NPCs were killed, they only needed to take away the three boxes, and they could share the spoils with the seven people.

At this time, another group of people rushed out.

When the two sides meet, they start fighting without saying a word. They are all from the same way, and the targets are all boxes. It is useless to talk nonsense.

The remaining two out of the five have no fighting power, and the real confrontation is the seven, they are all in one group, and they must defend their ownership for the box right in front of them.

Nine on one side and ten on the other.

Laifu and Lawn, the mangy yellow lion, watched with relish in the dark. This is Laifu's strategy. The four lions went up to rob, making the players think that the monster's robbery had passed.

The rest is naturally the cannibalism among the players.

Humans are undoubtedly very intelligent, but because of this intelligence, they will always compare who is smarter.

"Okay, Lawn, it's time for you to act, kill them, and take the box away." Laifu didn't do anything, why did he do something that could be solved with his mouth.

There are only four or five people still fighting underneath, all of them with residual blood.

The most powerful boss of Shituoling, the yellow lion rushed down from the mountain, overturning the entire battlefield, and it even knocked out the medicine in a player's hand.

The remaining players were extremely angry, but they were not Lawn's opponents at all.

Laifu also rushed down, but it didn't attack any player, but went straight to the equipment on the ground.

These team players all have some good equipment.

There were 25 people back and forth, and twelve pieces of equipment were left behind, three of which were silver and gold did not exist. At this stage, most players don't even know what gold equipment looks like.

What surprised Su Mo the most was not the three pieces of silver equipment.

Instead, in the middle of a pile of rubbish, he saw a guild token—a guild item worth 5 yuan. Su Mo was no stranger to this.

Presumably there is a team here that has already planned to create a guild.

They are likely to create a guild after finishing this vote, and then become the guild leader and leader, dominate the world, and then marry Bai Fumei to reach the pinnacle of life.

It's a pity that this child can only cry at the resurrection point without tears.

If I had known it earlier, I would have established the guild first before going to rob. I have never heard that things that fell into the hands of monsters can be returned.

Laifu was overjoyed, and threw all the silver equipment and guild orders into the warehouse of the mercenary group.

The garbage equipment was not thrown away this time either, saying that garbage is not actually garbage, blue equipment with a level [-] attribute plus a lot of blue equipment can still be sold for money, and it threw all of these into the first page of the mercenary regiment's warehouse. The page that can be accessed.

At this time, the mercenary group already has quite a few people.

The Su family brothers and sisters, Sheng Shi An Ning, Tian Da Zhuang four, recently contacted forty or fifty comrades in arms, although it was only established yesterday, the number of Scarlet Battle Banners has already surpassed that of the Fashen Temple.

Laifu quickly cleared the battlefield, and then left with Huang Shijing carrying three boxes.

It is very simple to take the box away. The mangy yellow lion specially found a grid rack made by Weaver Bird. One or two boxes can be placed on one side, and then put on the back, it can be carried away.

As a BOSS, Lawn is not weak, and his body is very large, otherwise the system would not give it to four daughters-in-law.

They are on their way back there, and Sheng Shi An Ning here is no longer calm.

Because she saw what "Su Mo" just put in the warehouse of the mercenary group, a warm guild order, if she still has such a thing as reason, then she will at least consider other possibilities, such as this thing Su Mo is only temporarily stored here, and it may even be stored by someone else.

It's a pity that Shengshi Anning has no such thing as reason.

She's even made up a whole bunch of dialogue in her head.

Shengshi Anning: Boss, is this guild order yours?

Su Mo: Isn't this nonsense, how could other people's things be kept here.

Sheng Shi An Ning: What is the boss planning to use it for? Sell it?

Su Mo: You girl is getting more and more stupid. We have already established a mercenary group. Of course, we must quickly develop it into a guild. Now that you have a guild order, you can use it.

Shengshi Anning: Is it really possible?

Su Mo: Don't worry, I left it in the warehouse to let you use it.

Brain Budi, who is very rich in inner drama, imagined such a scene in an instant, and forced himself to believe that all of this was not his own imagination, but a real thing that happened.

So she took out the guild order - only the leader had the authority on the third page, but Su Mo, the leader, had already given all the authority to her, the deputy leader.

Upgrade, confirmed!
The Scarlet Battle Banner Guild was established by accident. As the leader, Su Mo, who is now the chairman, knew nothing about it.

According to the setting of the new world, the upper limit of mercenary groups is [-], and the upper limit of guilds is [-].

The mercenary group only has the leader, deputy leader, elite, and ordinary players, but the guild has multiple positions such as the leader, vice-leader, elder, leader, and deputy leader.

The only bad thing about the guild is that it must meet a certain number of people. Once the guild has fewer than 30 members, it will be given an ultimatum by the system. If it cannot recover to 30 members within a week, it will be forcibly disbanded.

Another downside is that guilds have to pay taxes.

According to the number of guild members, a certain amount of tax has to be paid every week. This amount may change at any time. On Monday, it will be sent to the president's mailbox in the form of an email. If the president fully delegates, the people who are delegated will also be able to see it. .

(End of this chapter)

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