Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 337 Uncle Laifu Is Not a Vegetarian

Chapter 337 Uncle Laifu Is Not a Vegetarian
Laifu and Huang Shijing also encountered a little accident at this time.

They didn't expect to meet players. After all, they ran immediately after cleaning the battlefield without any delay. This is a mixed team of ten people from two teams. They probably came here to join in the fun and see if they could catch any mistakes.

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes.

There are two monsters, a mangy yellow lion that everyone is familiar with, and a wild wolf that everyone often sees but is not very familiar with.

One of them, carrying three boxes, was exactly what they were aiming for.

"What should I do, boss?" asked the lion spirit.

In a head-to-head confrontation, the two of them certainly don't pay attention to ten players. However, neither Laifu nor Lion Spirit has the ability to instantly kill a group of players like the flat-headed brother or the sloth king Fules.

If other players join in, the box will probably be out of reach.

The box is a small matter, being killed in front of the younger brother hurts Master Laifu's face a bit, he still wants to maintain a tall and tall image.

"You go first, I'll be the last!" Lai Fu didn't have time to think, and hurriedly let the younger brother go first.

Even if it is killed, the little brother can't see it, so it won't affect its image. If these players can be killed, it can also increase its unfathomable.

"Boss!" The Lion Spirit was moved to tears.

What a good boss, let him go first after he is broken, but how can he be willing to abandon such a boss.

"Don't talk nonsense, you don't listen to me, do you?" Laifu was very serious.

Gritting his teeth, Lawn, the mangy yellow lion, turned his head and burrowed into the nearby jungle. It had to take the things out safely and live up to the expectations of the boss.

Damn players, you wait!

At this time, something unexpected happened to Laifu. The ten players looked at each other, and eight of them went to chase the lion spirit, leaving only two players to deal with it.

What is this ghost?

The doubt was only a momentary thing, and Laifu soon realized what these people were thinking. These people obviously came for these three boxes.

The lion spirit ran away with the box, and of course these people focused on chasing the lion spirit.

Laifu couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't expect these players to look down on it so much. Without the burden of Su Mo, although Laifu was not a BOSS, it was stronger than most of the BOSS.

Salted fish sting!

Immediately rushing forward, one of the crispy players was instantly killed, and the other player was ravaged by it, and was quickly killed.

Few of the players who hang around here all day are innocent, and Laifu killing them will not increase Su Mo's PK value much.

Laifu picked up the dropped objects and chased after the group of players.

These eight people formed a chasing formation, with the fastest runners at the front, and those with short legs at the back. Generally, priests and priests had the shortest legs, followed by wizards and animal trainers.

Laifu jumped up from behind and jumped directly onto the back of the sacrificial profession.

The poor priest suddenly had something extra on his back. He was so frightened that he was scared out of his wits. When he turned his head, he saw a wolf's face and a bloody mouth kissing him.

I hope this poor child doesn't have nightmares, Laifu realizes guiltily that he might be scared to death by it.

There is no way to chase the rest.

They stopped and surrounded Laifu. No matter what, they had to kill this guy first before continuing to chase.

Laifu is not afraid. Su Mo needs to increase his strength through continuous fighting, and it is the same. Only by fighting can he understand his new skills more thoroughly, so that he can use force to deal with the enemy when necessary.

After Little Lightning finished reading the article, lightning immediately enveloped the surrounding enemies.

Then Su Mo used the remaining mana to cast the phantom clone, and one wolf became three wolves, so that the players didn't know which one to attack for a while.

Most people's inertial thinking is like this. When encountering such monsters, they always want to distinguish which of the three is real. Only after they can't distinguish, they will have no choice but to choose one of them to attack.

The three blessings are exactly the same, and each has 70.00% of the body's attack and defense.

Seven players fight three, and there is a bishop who can increase blood. Laifu really can't beat it. After fighting for a while, he didn't kill anyone, and he knew that he should retreat.

"Hey, Boss, I'm back again." The mangy yellow lion leaped forward and knocked down a player when it landed.

"Why are you back, where are your things?" Lai Fu saw that his younger brother came back to support him, and immediately decided not to leave.

The yellow lion spirit came back with nothing on its back. It explained: "Find a place to put it away, let's kill them quickly, and then go get the things back."

When the two monsters cooperate, the result is naturally no suspense.

After some fighting, Laifu asked Huang Shijing to take all the remaining heads, and then picked up all the things and took them away. The two monsters continued to flee.

Compared with the last time Li Fu came here, the player density of Shituoling has increased significantly.

Because of the enduring escort missions, this place has developed into a PVP map. Players who like to kill people like to come to this place, killing people while robbing them.

Laifu and Lawn, the mangy yellow lion, went through several battles before returning to a safe place.

The old rule is to break open the boxes to get things, and all the things in the three boxes are presented in front of the two monsters. Except for the part taken away by the system, the rest are [-] gold coins, [-] pieces of equipment, and [-] pieces of materials. Three meatballs with fifteen full attributes.

I have never heard of the name of the material, Laifu, and I don't know how much it is worth, so I can only leave it for now.

The gold coins can be divided equally between the two monsters, and all the equipment will be taken away by Laifu. After it is sold, some gold coins will be distributed to the Yellow Lion.

The attribute meatball Laifu took two, and the yellow lion essence kept one.

If the player succeeds in robbing, the attribute balls will not appear. This thing is basically exclusive to monsters, and it should be replaced by life skill blueprints.

Su Mo heard that some people got blueprints after a successful robbery.

It is useless for monsters to ask for blueprints, only players have the concept of life occupation.

Fourteen pieces of equipment, two of which are silver, the attributes are not bad, it is the most high-end and popular equipment at present, just throw it to Gaara to deal with, or put it in the warehouse for use by my brothers, now the silver equipment It is not as expensive as before, the normal price is around [-] yuan.

About 2000 yuan is a price acceptable to mass players, and spending [-] yuan to get good weapons abounds.

Calculated, the items in this box may not be more profitable than killing three waves of players. Killing players only got five pieces of silver equipment, and only two pieces were obtained from three boxes.

(End of this chapter)

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