Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 342 We Are Different

Chapter 342 We Are Different
"Su Mo, are you sorry for me?"

When Su Mo returned to the tavern, he encountered such a sentence head-on.

The people around him filed in one after another, turning a blind eye to the scene in front of the tavern, after all, these two idiots had done more than one or two strange things.

Even the newest brother knew that Fu Jiafeng and Su Mo had a very good relationship.

"I'm sorry for what I did, old Fu. You can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately."

"Can rice really be eaten indiscriminately?" Fu Jiafeng beamed with joy, blinked and said, "Demon King, I ate the beef rice bowl you entrusted Xiao Shizi to buy."

"Fuck, how dare you eat my beef rice bowl!" Su Mo immediately became furious.

Unceremoniously, he rushed up, intending to knock the kid down and beat him up, but when he barely grabbed Fu Jiafeng, he was kicked away by a transparent cover.

Magic Shield!

Damn magician, only then did Su Mo realize that this is in the game, each profession has its own means, and he can no longer abuse teenagers at will like the real world outside.

"Hey, Su Laomo, you don't mean anything. You just said that you can eat food indiscriminately, and..." Fu Jiafeng complained: "Don't forget, last time you ate my instant noodles, which taste like tomatoes and tomatoes. of."

"It's just a bucket of instant noodles. Didn't I pay you?" Su Mo said impatiently.

"Your flavor is braised beef, mine is tomato flavor, can it be the same, huh? Can it be the same?" Fu Jiafeng was a little angry. He was not distressed about his instant noodles, but angry at Su Mo, who didn't care. manner.

"Sand sculpture, a tomato is a tomato, a tomato is a tomato, there is no such thing as a tomato." Su Mo said with contempt.

"Fan...tomato...It's tomato flavor anyway, so you deserve it if I eat your beef rice bowl." Fu Jiafeng became angry from embarrassment, so he wouldn't say that he asked Xiao Shi to buy another one.

"Hehe, let's wait and see, let's have a good chat after you go out." Su Mo sneered.

"Don't go yet, we still have a debt to settle, how could you be the president of the Scarlet Battle Banner behind my back." Only now did Fu Jiafeng remember his original intention of coming to find Su Mo.

He received a report from his younger brother that Su Mo had betrayed him.

"What does my being the president have to do with you?" Su Mo wondered.

"It doesn't matter, you are my younger brother. If you want to join the guild, you should also join my Dharma God Temple, but you have become the president of the Scarlet Battle Banner in private. You are called another mountain, and you are betraying me. , in the future, people on the road will know, how do you let me mess around."

"Brother..." Su Mo felt powerless.

"Hey!" Fu Jiafeng was so excited that he was about to cry. His little brother finally realized the reality and started calling him big brother.

"Hey, sister, when did I become your younger brother? You tell me." Su Mo didn't care what kind of mage he was, and took advantage of Fu Jiafeng's magic shield entering the cooling down stage. hit.

Play in the game first, and then continue playing after the game is out.

"It was that day, don't you remember, you called me big brother more than once." Fu Jiafeng was confident.

"Brother, do you understand people's words? I'm a modal particle. Big brother, excuse me. It's similar to this. Also, big brother, do you want to be beaten?" Su Mo felt that he had to discuss the matter with Fu Jiafeng. A primary and secondary came.

"That's it, but I still think you are my younger brother." Fu Jiafeng used a skill to bounce Su Mo away from his side, so that he would not be grabbed and beaten.

"There's something wrong with your brain." Su Mo continued to pounce.

However, Fu Jiafeng was familiar with throwing a frost path to Su Mo's feet, his movement speed was greatly reduced, and he even fell a somersault.

Su Mo turned forward and continued to approach Fu Jiafeng.

Fu Jiafeng opened his hand that was not holding the staff, and the hurricane came out from his hand, blowing Su Mo almost hard to move. If he were a soldier, he wouldn't be affected so much.

After all, hunters are long-distance occupations, and their resistance to magic effects is far inferior to that of warriors who need to get close to fight.

If Su Mo gave up bows, crossbows, pets and other methods and wanted to teach Fu Jiafeng a lesson by fighting alone, it would undoubtedly be a dream.The results indeed proved this point. Su Mo searched for opportunities several times but failed. There are too many control methods in the mage profession.

It was also difficult for him to take out his bow and arrows for PK, so he could only withdraw resentfully.

After fighting for a while, the two stopped drinking and found a table in the corner of the bar. Although there were some people during the day, at least it was not as noisy as at night.

"We only have 31 people." Fu Jiafeng said aggrievedly.

"We have more than 100 people. Alas, it's hard to support so many people." Su Mo sighed pretendingly. Of course he understood what Fu Jiafeng said, but he was just pretending.

"Where did you deceive so many people?" Fu Jiafeng asked resentfully.

Why is he so smart, but the guild only has more than 30 members, at most it did not exceed 30, and the liquidity is particularly exaggerated, often worrying about being disbanded by the system if there are less than [-] members.

"Don't think about them." Su Mo snorted.

If Su Mo gave an order, some of them could also join the Temple of the Fa, but it was impossible for Su Mo to give such an order.

"It's all found in reality, and you paid for it?" Fu Jiafeng continued to ask.

"We are all soldiers. We can't get along in reality, so we have to live in reality. Although we all play games, we are different." That's all Su Mo could say.

These children are from good families and are still in school. They have neither the need for employment nor the pressure to support their families. They really play the new world as a game.

And Su Mo, no matter how cynical and optimistic he is, he can't change the reality that he needs to support his family.

His father was unable to make a comeback, and his mother, who had been a housewife for many years, couldn't find a job anymore, and Su Mo couldn't bear to let them who were over fifty years old work hard for their livelihood.

There are still more than 1000 million debts that need to be repaid, and usury is also money. If people lend money to the Su family in real money, it is impossible to say that they will not pay it back.

The same is true for the other people in the Scarlet Battle Banner.

There is a comrade-in-arms who is on crutches but has to support four elderly people. He also has a daughter who is in high school. In order to give his daughter a better future, he had to move into an Internet cafe on crutches.

There is a comrade-in-arms who not only needs to support his own family, but also the family of the squad leader, because the squad leader died in a foreign country to save him.

Many of them don't have very advanced culture, nor do they have such outstanding work ability, they can only grasp every possibility around them to earn their lives.

"Let's form an alliance, form an alliance with us, you don't have to worry about being disbanded by the system, and then you can play your game with peace of mind, no matter how many people are left, you don't have to worry about being disbanded." Su Mo finally suggested to Fu Jiafeng.

According to the regulations of the New World, once the alliance is formed, the combined number of the two guilds exceeds 60, and there is no need to worry about being disbanded.

(End of this chapter)

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