Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 343 Intimacy

Chapter 343 Intimacy

This is an easy thing to figure out.

One guild will be disbanded if the number of people is less than 30, and two guilds will be disbanded if the number of people is less than 60. You must know that the Scarlet Battle Banner has more than 100 people. Once the alliance is formed, Fu Jiafeng will no longer have to worry about being disbanded problem.

Fu Jiafeng stayed for a while, and finally shook his head unexpectedly.

"No need, Su Mo," the young man's tone was unprecedentedly serious: "You are you, I am me, the Scarlet Battle Banner is the Scarlet Battle Banner, the Temple of the God of Law is the Temple of the God of Law, we can form an alliance, but we will definitely not It was an alliance to avoid dissolution."

"Why bother?" Su Mo sighed.

"It's true that we are all just students and don't understand anything, but we, the Temple of the Holy Spirit, will never be inferior to you in the future." Fu Jiafeng, whose ID is the supreme mage of the ages, left a word coldly, and walked away.

It's a pity that this high coldness didn't last for three seconds, and he ran back again.

"Xiao Su, do you want to join me in the martial arts competition at the top of the Forbidden City?" As if the rhetoric at the previous moment was an illusion, the young man's mind was in chaos.

"What?" Su Mo opened his eyes wide.

"It's the Forbidden Mountain competition. The first prize is 880 gold coins, and the second prize is also available..." Fu Jiafeng's saliva almost flowed out when he thought of this generous reward.

"Wait a minute, do you have a request to watch other people's games?" Of course Su Mo knew about the game.

Spontaneous organization of players—not considered a voluntary organization, the supporters behind it should be the super guild of the Temple of the Gods, and only they can get more than [-] gold coins as rewards without blinking an eye.

The first prize is more than 8 yuan, the second prize is more than 3 yuan, and there are also third prizes and encouragement prizes.

The equivalent of 100 gold coins is more than [-] million in real currency. Although it is not a lot of money, at the moment when gold coins are generally difficult to get, using gold coins as a bonus is enough to show the arrogance of the temples.

Su Mo hasn't reached the point where he can't put down 100 million, but he really can't participate in the competition.

"Competition requirements? Let me see, hey, what the hell is this to spend [-] intimately?" Fu Jiafeng's eyes were completely attracted by the bonus, and the competition requirements were swept away, only remembering that two people were required to participate in the competition.

"You bastard, those are lovers, what do you want me for?" Su Mo was speechless.

[New World] Anyone can have intimacy. The increase of intimacy involves various factors. Normally, if you want to have [-] intimacy, it must be a couple who play games together all day.

If a man and a woman have an intimacy of more than [-], and they are not brother and sister, then they can really be together directly.

The intimacy between Su Mo and Fu Jiafeng is only over 30. Even if they hug each other all day from now on, they won't be able to reach [-] intimacy when the competition starts.

Also, that's disgusting.

In other words, the Top of the Forbidden competition itself is a competition for male and female couples. At least in the game, you have to do some couple things to increase the intimacy to [-].

This is the trick of the organizer.

An intimacy of [-] can keep most of the masters out of the door, and it won't leave any bad news, who made you fail to meet the conditions.

However, the organizer, that is, the Temple of the Gods, has already made preparations, and the qualified masters in their guild probably have already prepared several dozen.

At that time, the people from the Temple of God won the championship, and the fat water did not flow into the field of outsiders, and the purpose of publicity was achieved.

"It seems there is no other way." Fu Jiafeng left in a daze. Looking at his expression, it seemed that as long as he and Su Mo went to participate in the competition, they would definitely win the prize.

Su Mo was not as optimistic as he was.

[New World] There are countless capable people. What are the two of them? They can't beat others in singles. Does it mean that if they are tied together, they will have a chance to win the championship?

These kinds of competitions, large and small, all came to the fore because of the popularity of [New World]. Just this past week, there was actually the first competitive competition of "XX Anti-Hair Loss". The word "first session" was added, indicating that there will be more follow-ups.

Su Mo has never participated in any competitions. Except for the summit of the Forbidden City in front of him, there is no money for other competitions.

He—it has an average net worth of tens of thousands of yuan a day, and he really doesn't want to work hard for that meager bonus.

However, the million-dollar prize at the top of the Forbidden City this time will inevitably stimulate other forces to follow suit, and the scale and prize money of the competition will further increase in the future, and Su Mo has to prepare early for this.

He set up a martial arts arena in the open space near the tavern.

In fact, it is a small arena. You only need to report to the official and pay some money to design a place for competition.

It must be approved by the official, otherwise the safety zone does not allow death fights under normal circumstances, but the Martial Arts Field can, and you can also choose a reserved victory and defeat system, that is, to force a drop of blood to be kept.

If you die, you will lose experience, and no one will die with others for nothing.

Thinking about practicing his PK ability, Su Mo beckoned Yunfei to come and practice with him, but Yunfei happened to be fine, so he didn't refuse.

A hunter, a necromancer, are not considered popular PK occupations.

The really popular PK professions are Mage, Berserker, and Assassin, which is barely half. It really tests the operation, and the powerful Assassin is ridiculously strong.

The other ones who can still PK, that is, the bishop, who has output and can increase blood for himself, is a grinding little fairy.

The three idiots of the hunter class - it is generally believed that hunter players look stupid, which has something to do with their positioning and skill display - they have never been a profession that is good at PK.

As for why Fu Jiafeng invited Su Mo to compete with him, Su Mo couldn't understand at all.

In fact, no one can understand Fu Jiafeng's thinking logic.

"Jie Jie..." Don't get me wrong, it's not that Yunfei, a good young man, likes to use this kind of creepy laughter because he chose the profession of necromancer, but the sound effects of many skills of necromancer.

Two white and smooth skeleton soldiers were summoned. They were holding two watermelon knives in their hands, and they were making such loud laughter at this moment.

"Go!" Under Yunfei's command, two skeleton soldiers flanked Su Mo from left to right.

And Yunfei himself kept casting spells, some spells fell on the skeleton soldiers, increasing the movement speed and resistance of the skeleton soldiers, and some fell on Su Mo's head, bringing various negative states to Su Mo .

For example, the purpose of blinding is to confuse Su Mo's sight and make him unable to see the position of the skeleton.

Because of the blinding skill, the wizard profession can be regarded as the nemesis of hunters. After all, the system will not judge that the skill is locked successfully if it cannot be seen. It is difficult for a hunter who is approached by a skeleton to come back.

(End of this chapter)

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