Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 344 Hunter VS Necromancer

Chapter 344 Hunter VS Necromancer
Su Mo wasn't too worried because he was not alone.

He still has blessings!
In such things as PK, Qiuqiu is useless, unless the opponent is a girl, a girl who likes pandas very much, there is no need to fight, just use Qiuqiu to kill her directly.

It's a pity that Yunfei is not a girl, and he doesn't have any feelings for pandas. He threatened Qiuqiu more than once to stew and eat it.

Laifu is different. Wild wolves are aggressive pets.

If it wasn't for its poor template, it would actually be no worse than other hunter popular PK pets.

Laifu bypassed the watermelon knife of the skeleton, and rushed towards Yunfei himself who was hiding in the shadows behind. Necromancers are similar to hunters. They both belong to the profession of letting pets go up to fight and hiding behind themselves. Once they are approached, it will be more troublesome .

The skeleton missed a single strike, and then slashed at Lai Fu's waist.

As the saying goes, a wolf has a tofu waist with a copper head and iron bones. There is also such a saying in the game. As early as in Novice Village, when players beat wolf-shaped monsters, they liked to greet their small waists.

Just when the watermelon knife was about to cut down on Laifu, the skeleton soldier suddenly leaned back.

An arrow hit the skeleton soldier's head, which made it lean back a bit, otherwise, the knife should have been able to hit.

Although Su Mo was blinded, and what he saw in his eyes were messy things, he closed his eyes, quickly estimated the position, direction, and speed of the skeleton, and shot an arrow blindly.

Few people use this trick in the game, and it can't be used, but it is indeed a very common skill on the battlefield in the past.

When there is no way to show your head, it's fine if the barrel of the gun is exposed. It doesn't matter if he can hit it or not, just shoot it. It doesn't matter if he doesn't hit it.

After a normal person is blinded, the correct reaction should be to step back and create a distance.

"Hey, third brother, you guys, you can play other people's tricks unexpectedly." Su Mo closed his eyes, shot another arrow, and finally survived the blinding effect time.

What he complained about was nothing else, but the effect designed by Yunfei's blinding skill.

The skill of blinding is an illusion, which allows the player to lose their true vision and see what the caster wants to see, such as turning the real scene upside down or dislocating it, so as to achieve the purpose of confusing the audience.

There are also some geniuses, and their blinding settings have produced some messy things.

For example, the one used by Yunfei. After Su Mo was blinded, all he saw were bare thighs and plump breasts. It is unknown which indescribable websites he found the pictures from.

There is always a moment of hesitation for a normal person to be blinded, let alone looking at so many beautiful pictures suddenly.

In fact, after the players protested, the official improved and restricted the situation. In the earliest version, the blinded players can even watch small movies during the blinding stage. ", that's why many people choose wizards.

Now the scale is limited, but blinding is still a relished skill.

Yunfei has no time to pay attention to Su Mo, he has already been approached by Laifu.

But at this time, only one of his skeletons that was not attacked approached Su Mo. It seemed that the two had a tie, but in fact Yun Fei had already fallen into a disadvantage. Su Mo's blind shot made the other skeleton almost completely lose the follow-up. fighting power.

How could a single skeleton be Su Mo's opponent.

But Yunfei did not admit defeat at this point, the outcome is unknown, he still has many methods that he has not used yet.


Laifu immediately lost his autonomy and ran around in fear. When the influence of fear was about to end, Yunfei placed a dark sky at Laifu's location.

As the name suggests, the fear skill is to make the target feel fear, and then run around without a clue. It can be used not only for players, but also for most hunter pets.

The reason why most of them are said is because hunters still have a certain chance of recruiting necromancer or mechanical pets.

Fear has no effect on undead and mechanical units.

The dark sky is another control skill of the wizard profession. It covers a small area with a piece of darkness. The covered target not only loses vision, but also loses perception.

Just like now, Laifu is covered by the dark sky, but Su Mo is not affected at all.

It's a pity that he can't command his pet to come out, because Lai Fulian can't even do the commands he issued, such as walking forward. After losing his senses, it doesn't even know where the front is.

It is indeed possible to walk out of the dark sky by accident, but it is also possible for those who are unlucky to just circle around in that small circle.

Su Mo gave Laifu an order to run quickly regardless of direction.

Anyway, the dark sky is only such a small area, if you are lucky, you may run out in a second.

And he himself was not idle, he had been attacking Yunfei's skeleton all the time, after such a long time of special care, the little bone stick was almost bleeding.

The disadvantage of the skeleton is that the movement speed is limited and the blood volume is not high.

Otherwise, the wizards would all go to play with the bones. In fact, the number of necromancers is not large. After all, they sacrificed a lot of things, especially their blood, to gain the ability to communicate with and control the dead.

While attacking this key care object, Su Mo did not forget the other skeleton.

While moving, he puts poisoned arrows and ice arrows on another skeleton. The poisoned arrows can continuously consume the blood volume of the skeleton. Although the damage is very low, the duration is very short, which is the key to the accumulated damage of hunter players. Skills, if you encounter a large number of monsters, the hunter can give each one a poisoned arrow, which can be regarded as an AOE skill.

As for the Frostbolt, of course the purpose is to slow down.

Only by slowing down can Su Mo maintain a distance from being attacked while continuing to output.

An arrow with a flame on its tail hit the skeleton very quickly, and this arrow made the entire skeleton seem to be enveloped in flames.

The burning damage continued, emptying the last of the skeleton's health.

After the blood volume was emptied, the flame on the skeleton's body not only did not go out, but became more vigorous, and finally the flame burst out, and the entire skeleton exploded.

The other skeleton was pulled away by Yunfei, and Yunfei also hurriedly backed away.

This is why it was not affected by the aftermath of the explosion. This is the new skill Burst Arrow that hunters learn after level [-], which deals continuous fire damage. The effect of killing.

This skill is very strong, but the cooling time is relatively long, and it is estimated that it can only be used once in a battle.

So the timing of using it is very important. Su Mo chose the timing very well. He killed Yunfei's skeleton in one fell swoop, thus laying the foundation for his victory.

(End of this chapter)

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