Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 345 This killer is a bit picky

Chapter 345 This killer is a bit picky

Without wasting scrolls to enhance the skeleton, Yun Fei, a necromancer, was unlikely to be able to defeat Su Mo.

Now that a skeleton is dead, he is no longer an opponent.

It's just that everyone belongs to the strong-minded generation, and it is impossible to bow down and admit defeat until the end of the mountain. Yunfei directed his remaining skeleton to continue fighting.

Laifu rushed in front of Yunfei and launched a violent attack on him.

Bone Shield!

Necromancer's exclusive shield. Ordinary wizards don't have this skill. They can only be summoned after their necromancer pets die. Essentially, they use the destroyed necromancer corpses to form a bone barrier to protect themselves.

After the skeleton is dead, it can not only be used as a spell-casting material for the bone shield, but can also be used to draw a prison.

Drawing the ground as a prison refers to forming a cage on the ground, thereby restricting the opponent's movement. Yunfei is currently under attack, and Su Mo and his other skeleton have come to distance, so he chose to use the bone shield instead of Draw the ground as a prison skill.

The physical defense of the bone shield is very high, and the magic defense is far inferior to the magic shield of the magician profession.

Laifu basically doesn't have any magic skills. The only small lightning bolt needs to be read before it can be released. Yunfei, who has fought with Su Mo several times, has many ways to interrupt Laifu's skills.

Su Mo resisted several attacks from the skeleton, and shot several arrows at Yunfei's shield.

Together with one person and one pet, they finally broke Yunfei's bone shield. Without the bone shield, Yunfei couldn't hold on any longer. After all, his skeletons couldn't catch up with Su Mo at all. Sincerity has become a decoration.

This is why Yunfei didn't use the scroll.

If he smashed an acceleration scroll, Su Mo would not be able to distance himself as easily as now.

However, the necromancer's scroll cannot be taken out easily, especially in this kind of sparring occasion, Yunfei is not willing to spend the prestige to engrave the scroll.

Su Mo hardly attacked the second skeleton, but occasionally slowed down its movement speed with a Frostbolt.

One person, one pet focused on greeting Yunfei himself, a crispy little wizard who was beaten to the point where there was only a drop of blood left.

"Third brother, you lost, haha!"

Don't blame Su Mo for being a villain. He loses more than he wins in this martial arts arena. It's not bad to win.

"I'm coming!" A deep voice sounded from behind without warning.

"Second brother, I can't beat you." Su Mo turned around with a wry smile, and sure enough, he saw the old cat covered under the cloak and hood. Even if the soldiers were not so sunny, at least they would not be so gloomy. It's just that the old cat has experienced more.

"If you can't fight, why don't you stop fighting?" Lao Mao only said so much when facing his own brothers.

His daily life is to accept missions in the mercenary hall, and then go out to kill people. If you want to say who has the best PK skills in the Scarlet Battle Banner, it must be him.

The old cat entered the game very late, almost never touched the game before, but after entering the game, he devoted himself to studying PK, perfectly combining the game's lurking and real assassination, and he almost never missed the order to kill.

However, in the assassination-related list, he couldn't make it into the top ten no matter in terms of the number of kills or the reward.

Because this killer is a bit picky.

First, he doesn't kill women. There are quite a few female players in the game. This rule of his has reduced his business volume by [-]%.

Second, before he kills, he not only has to investigate the background of the other person, but also follow him for at least two hours to determine whether the other person should be killed or not. If the final result is that he should not kill, he will give up the mission and the system will The judgment of this is failure, so the success rate of killing Lao Mao has never been ranked high.

Finally, there is another point, that is, he will not deliberately choose high-paying assassination missions.

For example, there was a reward, which said that two girls were repeatedly chased and intercepted by a group of players, and molested in various languages-the game has a certain protection mechanism for girls, and doing it is equivalent to courting death-so the girls were angry and offered a reward.

The whole property is only thirty gold coins, and in reality there is no money.

Thirty gold coins are needed to kill five targets, and the average is only six gold coins each, which is completely inconsistent with the charging standards of killers.

However, the old cat didn't mind. He took the thirty gold coins and killed each of the five unlucky repeat criminals at least seven or eight times. It took him two or three days.

Moreover, he killed people in various ways, which left a deep psychological shadow on these players.

They even went to the forum to cry and let everyone comment on it. They never felt that they had done anything unreasonable, so the old cat stopped and killed them several times, forcing them to not dare to log in to the game for several days.

Su Mo's fight with the old cat was purely for abuse.

Of course, Su Mo's equipment is not bad, and his skills can't be said to be bad, but it's far worse than the old cat.

The old cat is studying and exercising all day long, while Su Mo spends a considerable part of his time buried in the soil, and the other part of the time is spent on various tasks, especially the main task. How can his level compare with the old cat.

Therefore, Su Mo lost.

The ass was blown from behind by the old cat easily, and Lai Fu had no time to save him.

Speaking of the main quest, Su Mo had to talk to Count Dracula to see if the old man had any quests for him.

sent to the underground base.

The underground base is still dark, but it's not the kind of darkness where you can't see your fingers.

There are lights everywhere, on the walls, on the buildings, and even on the road, there are many blue fluorescent gemstones inlaid. This kind of gemstone belongs to the specialty of Langley Canyon. No price.

The flamboyant nobles only use the most expensive ones. Since this kind of thing is very cheap, they naturally dismiss it.

It happened to be an underground base for vampires.

Su Mo first saw Santos, the general manager of the base. He was still so sunny and smiling, but his face was even paler.

"Dear Lord, long time no see." Santos is not someone who hides in the dark without a name. He is a nobleman of the Free Federation and his territory is in the south, so Su Mo called him the Lord.

"Son, it's true that we haven't seen each other for a few days." On the surface, Santos looks about 30 to [-] years old, with a handsome appearance and blond hair, but he is not young.

There are many ways for vampires to integrate into human society. In order not to be suspected of their aging and age, they like to make up, and some will get a double, and when the double grows up, they will live as a double.

In other words, the son and grandson of the vampire are likely to be the vampire himself.

The price of long lifespan and almost unchanged youthful appearance is the fertility that almost makes vampires desperate. Many vampires can't give birth to a little bat in their lifetime, and can only pass it on in other ways.

(End of this chapter)

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