Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 346 Mission Impossible

Chapter 346 Mission Impossible
This old guy who couldn't tell his age brought Su Mo to the teleportation room.

This time, he didn't tell Su Mo about the incident, but followed him. Su Mo didn't know what he was doing, but he didn't like this gay guy who kept smiling all the time, but he was gay.

In other words, although there are still teleportation arrays, there are actually not many of them.

The underground base still uses teleportation arrays. It is estimated that the officials can't think of any tricks to solve the traffic problem here. Most of the teleportation arrays have been banned now, and it's not like there are none.

Teleportation technology is something that magicians have researched.

In the Nossa Kingdom, teleportation arrays can still be seen everywhere, but the other two countries have reduced the proportion of teleportation arrays.

Especially in the Koro Kingdom of the Holy See, priests and magicians are incompatible, so there are almost no magic circles in the territory, and even other means of transportation are only open to the Free Federation.

The transmission time is a bit long, more than ten times longer than before.

But fortunately, both of them appeared safely in Dracula's bedroom. It was inevitable that dizziness was inevitable, and Su Mo had to resist retching.

"You guys are here." Dracula was sitting in a corner of the room, on a dark red leather sofa, with his legs crossed, holding a goblet in one hand, leaning against the sofa, looking very Gentlemanly.

Su Mo turned his head and glanced at the opened curtains. He really didn't understand what kind of hobby this guy had. He insisted on letting the sun shine in, but he didn't want to bask in the sun.

"Our friend passed by the base, and I will accompany you here, and I will see you by the way, Dracula, are your injuries better?" Santos asked.

"I've been out of the way for a long time. How can I not pay a price for killing Grand Duke Otis?" Dracula's voice was steady and full of energy. In addition, his appearance remained the same. There was no trace of injury. .

However, Su Mo was shocked when he heard it.

Grand Duke Otis?
Wasn't that one of the Federation's eight masters, the Northern Commander of the Federation, who died in the hands of Count Dracula without a word? This old vampire's strength seems to be stronger than usual. what.

After all, it is impossible for the northern commander to not have some strong defenses.

"What do you think about killing Otis?" Dracula asked Su Mo, looking at Su Mo.

I have no idea what to say, but Su Mo still bite the bullet and said: "Odis is the highest military officer in the north, his death will make the northern army unstable, just in time for an incident."

"It's not time yet, let's wait." Dracula thought that Su Mo was so eager for their cause, but he misunderstood the meaning.

"What the earl said is true." Su Mo replied.

If you have anything to say, you can say it yourself, why did you do it so profoundly, his heart is full of regrets at this moment.

I really should have come to Dracula earlier. It would be great if I could bring myself to kill Otis. Even if it is just to accompany, I guess I have a lot of experience to start with. Killing the highest military officer of one party definitely belongs to the main line the scope of the task.

Moreover, if the blind cat hits a dead mouse and Su Mo grabs the final blow, wouldn't he be responsible for the fall?

Odis, from the position of the Long Island Freedom Federation, he should be able to rank among the top ten in the Federation in military terms.Can he be worthy of his status as the northern commander without dropping a piece of legendary equipment?
"I killed Otis for another reason." Dracula said.

"What's the matter?" As a subordinate, you must learn to flatter, otherwise it would be boring to let the leader talk dryly.Dracula is indeed his boss in a sense, and if he wants to seek his own interests in the upcoming vicissitudes, he must hold his thigh tightly.

As for Dracula failing, will he be implicated?

Su Mo didn't care, he just went to the Nossa Kingdom to hang out, and the magicians didn't care about the affairs of the Federation, let alone extradition.

"Smollett Brandon!" Count Dracula called out a name coldly.

Su Mo immediately sighed in his heart. Sure enough, Xiang Zhuang's sword dance was aimed at Peigong. Even if Dracula really wanted to launch it, there was no reason to start from the north. The south, where exploitation is serious, is more likely to succeed than the north.

And it was impossible for Count Dracula to go and kill Odis, who probably had no grudge against him.

His target was Smollett Brandon, the second in command of the Federal Law Enforcement Corps.

After the death of Otis, the law enforcement team will inevitably send competent people to investigate, and the north belongs to Smollett Brandon's jurisdiction, so he must leave his station to investigate.

It's all a mess, and it has something to do with me.

He regretted not being able to participate in the killing of Otis just now, but now that he was involved in the murder of Smollett Brandon, he immediately gave up.

The law enforcement team are all ruthless people.

Even if you fled to other countries, they will continue to send dead soldiers to hunt and kill. If Su Mo participates in killing the second leader of the family, he will definitely be hunted and killed, there is no doubt about it.

The three countries in the Eastern Continent, the Federal Law Enforcement Corps, the Parliamentary Law Enforcement Corps, and the Holy See Law Enforcement Corps (also called the Court) are definitely the most terrifying organizations.

"I don't need you to help me deal with Smollett, you have other tasks..."

After some explanations, Su Mo breathed a sigh of relief. Earl Dracula obviously knew what level Su Mo's strength was, so the task he gave was just for Su Mo to buy him some time.

What is slapping the face to pretend to be fat, Dracula is it.

He said he was not injured, but in fact it was not as easy as he said, otherwise why not lie in ambush in the north, and jump out when Smollett Brandon comes and kill him.

Now he wants Su Mo to go to the north to create chaos and detain Smollett Brandon in the north. He will kill him after he fully recovers from his injuries.

"My lord, this is not easy to handle." Su Mo said bitterly, "We adventurers, knowing that chaos is illegal, people can see it from a long distance, and everyone will shout and beat us wherever we go. No confusion."

It's not that he's making excuses, it's true.

According to Dracula's request, if he wants to know the chaos, killing people and setting fire is a must. Even if he doesn't kill people, he must create chaos in some northern towns.

Let’s not talk about killing people in the safe zone. Once you attack NPCs for no reason, it’s okay to kill fewer people. If you kill more, it’s worth increasing your PK.

[New World] Although there is no clear concept of red name, there is actually a punishment for red name.

The death drop increases, and the price of purchases increases. When it reaches a certain level, you will be wanted directly, and you will be arrested and thrown into prison when you enter the city.

(End of this chapter)

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