Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 347 Special Operations

Chapter 347 Special Operations
What Su Mo said made sense, and Count Dracula knew it too.

What he didn't know was that Su Mo now had his own influence, and there were a lot of people in the Scarlet Battle Banner who were willing to cause chaos at the cost of going to prison.

What's more, Su Mo didn't do anything against nature.

Even if he is as paranoid as Rorschach, he will not be able to bring the morality in reality into the game, and even in reality, it is common to create chaos for strategic goals, but there is a trade-off in the choice of creating chaos .

It is necessary to complain and sell misery, and now everyone is busy upgrading, and they can avoid going to prison if they can.

"Santos, have you brought anything?" Count Dracula turned his head and asked Santos who came with him. The latter nodded and took out a stack of things that looked like masks.

Su Mo received it and found that it was not just a mask, but many, many masks.

His enthusiasm immediately dropped by three percentage points.

Rare things are precious, and this so-called mask, although there is only a small stack, has a total of three hundred sheets, which really cannot make people feel how precious it is.

However, after checking the attributes, his disappointment disappeared immediately.

Void Mask (Special): It hides the wearer's appearance, attire, and other identity characteristics. When wearing a mask, causality does not touch itself. Equipment requirement level 15, durability 32/32.
Three hundred empty masks!
It's really generous. Naturally, Su Mo can't be dissatisfied. After all, the quality is not enough, and people have made up the quantity, and they have made up so much.

Santos took out a mask by himself and showed Su Mo how to wear it. After wearing it successfully, he immediately changed into a person wearing a white mask with very vague height and attire.

Only a white face can make an impression.

Su Mo learned to put on one, and in front of Dracula's full-length mirror, he saw himself exactly like Santos.

"When I killed Otis, I was wearing such a mask, so if you are haunting the north with such a mask, you will definitely attract the attention of the law enforcement team." Dracula said with a smile.

Su Mo immediately felt that the mask was starting to burn his hands, and Dracula also smiled very sinisterly.

This is not a mask that hides oneself. If you wear this frankly, it will attract bees and butterflies. Fortunately, when you wear a mask, the karma does not touch your own attributes, which means that no matter what you do with the mask , After taking it off, it has nothing to do with me.

Sure enough, it is a must-have product for murder and arson.

"With these things, you can find someone to create chaos, right?" Santos was very satisfied with his work. Although the mask still had some shortcomings, he didn't plan to tell Su Mo.

"Don't worry, I will definitely complete the task." Su Mo had already received a system notification that he had received a task to create chaos.

It's the main mission again!
Alas, I didn't want to upgrade so quickly, but it's a pity that I can't give up on my natural beauty, and fate pushes him forward so cheaply.

There are several big cities in the north, but Su Mo would not choose such a place to cause trouble. The city guards alone can cause them heavy losses, even in larger towns.

At most, they go to small towns or villages to make trouble.

The selection of candidates doesn't need to be too troublesome, just people from the Scarlet Battle Banner, 100 people are enough, everyone has basically received training, and it's easy to do a little damage in the game.

Don't worry about leaking the wind.

For normal guilds, it takes a lot of scouring to screen out trustworthy elites.

Those black sheep, rats in the pot, thorns and so on, no matter how capable they are, they should be eliminated, otherwise the guild will be difficult to manage.

The Scarlet Battle Banner doesn't need to be so troublesome.

No matter how stabbing people are, they all know how to obey orders, and they all know what it means to put the overall situation first.

The more than 100 people received the order to take a mask from the guild, some food and medicine needed for the mission, and some transportation subsidies, and immediately divided into small groups and set off to the planned destination.

Su Mo followed the first team, all of them were brothers he was not very familiar with, and he had never even chatted with these people.

This does not prevent him from trusting these people.

While organizing the operation, he checked Smollett Brandon's information.

Grand Duke Otis, who was killed by Count Dracula before, didn't know if he was a bad guy. After all, he was a military commander, so he didn't have much time to do evil, and even if he did evil, it wouldn't spread.

But Smollett Brandon was different.

The youngest son of the Brandon family is definitely full of evil, he is simply a murderer with countless books.

Murder and arson are trivial matters, because this is the job of the law enforcement team. What Su Mo saw about Smollett Brandon made people want to kill him the most, that is, this person is a pedophile who eats both men and women kind.

And the reason why he was not sanctioned by the federal law was also because the families he attacked were basically criminal families sanctioned by the law enforcement team.

The criminals themselves were covered with crimes. Under the attack of public opinion, and their families were also hated by ordinary people, if any accident happened, no one would stand up for them.

"It should be killed!" This is the evaluation given by the old cat.

"Second brother, don't be impulsive. Our purpose is to create chaos. Smollett Brandon will be dealt with. We are definitely not his opponent at the moment." Su Mo reminded him.

"Received!" The old cat responded immediately.

"At the command office here, all the teams will report to me about their position!" Su Mo felt relieved after receiving the old cat's assurance. This is a collective action, and the old cat will put the overall situation first.

This made Su Mo feel as if he had returned to the seemingly distant battlefield.

The difference is that he used to be an executor, but now he is not only the executor, but also the commander of the operation.

"The first team is in place, waiting for instructions!"

"The second team is in place, waiting for instructions!"


Impossible to launch at the same time, so it is not confusing at all.

Smollett Brandon is no fool, goals everywhere means no goals.

"I will do it first here, observe the hand, and if there is a situation, give me a signal, act!"

A team of ten people, two observers, one staring at the station, one staring at the city gate, the others put on masks, followed Su Mo and rushed into a grocery store.

This is a remote small town in the north, leaning against the vast snow-capped mountains, and the whole town is covered with snow at this time.

When they rushed in, Floating Life Ruomeng was blushing with the owner of the grocery store. He accidentally sold a quest item to the other party as garbage. He wanted to get the money back, but the other party opened his mouth. Almost blackmailing at a hundred times the price.

(End of this chapter)

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