Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 348 Eight Masked Men

Chapter 348 Eight Masked Men

Such things will indeed happen in the new world, as if there are always good people or bad people, some people do business with integrity, while others are standard profiteers.

Players are somewhat uncomfortable with this.

But the official response was very simple. Since the new world is a new world, nothing would be too strange.

In fact, this task item is not very expensive, it just takes a little more time, even if it is bought back a hundred times, it does not need much money, after all, the profiteer will not pay a high price when selling it.

It's just so embarrassing that this kind of thing happened to me.

Fushengruomeng dare not attack NPCs, but he dares to quarrel, and will use some special characters to communicate "friendly".

"Your mind is in waste oil! When I saw you, I thought of four words: physically disabled and strong."

"Sigh, my mother and maid!"

"You are an alien with a genetic mutation, a high school student at the kindergarten level, a frog head born with Mongolian disease, an abandoned baby of the Everest snowman, a murderer who blocked a septic tank..."

The NPC is obviously very ignorant, at least the system has not set up relevant vocabulary in his mind, which makes him know that there is nothing he can do about this player's insults to him, but he will not show mercy when he swears, and it is even more explicit .

When Su Mo rushed in with someone, it was when the two of them were spitting at each other.

"Didn't you see that someone is here, can't you wait a while!" Floating Life Ruomeng thought that someone was here to buy and sell things, and he hadn't gotten enough of scolding, so he said something without knowing it.

"..." The owner of the grocery store who was facing Su Mo and the others was not as keen on arguing as he was.

Seven or eight guys with weird masks rushed in, and it seemed that the visitors were not friendly. The owner of the grocery store immediately gave up, and he didn't care about the business, and turned around and ran into the back room.

"Where to run, kill him!" Su Mo ordered.

Immediately, two people held shining machetes—in fact, everyone has various occupations, but in order to create the temperament of a gangster, they all took a machete—over the counter and chased after them.

Floating Life Rumeng's mouth opened wider and wider, and he was completely frightened out of his wits.

It was enough for the NPC to be a rogue to challenge his imagination, and he didn't expect a slashing battle to be staged in front of him.

This is not over yet, the remaining few masked men swung their machetes and smashed the grocery store, glass bottles, porcelain and the like were especially treated emphatically.

The grocery store owner hid inside and immediately locked the door behind him.

The two thugs yelled and yelled, beating and killing, and the machete slammed on the wooden door, which made the grocery store owner who had no fear when he was arguing with the player scared his ass to pee, and could only tremble behind the door.

After smashing it, several people including the two who failed to smash the door came out in a file, leaving only Fushengfumeng standing there stupidly.

For a moment, Fu Shengruo Meng forgot that this was in the game, his knees were weak, and he just wanted to kneel on the ground and beg his brother not to kill me, but these gangsters never gave him even the slightest attention from the beginning to the end.

Although it was sabotage, Su Mo and the others still had principles.

They don't kill people, they seem to be yelling aggressively, but in fact they are mainly intimidating, otherwise how could the small wooden door withstand the raging of eight machetes.

Then there is no robbery, the goods in the grocery store can always be sold for some money, and there may be gold coins in the cash drawer.

As for whether the remaining player will take advantage of the fire to rob, then it doesn't matter about Su Mo and the others. Normal players who rob NPCs will be wanted, and they will be thrown into prison after being caught.

Just robbing a grocery store is obviously not in line with the style of people like Su Mo. The second goal is the pharmacy.

It's also driving the NPCs into the back room, and then smashing them randomly, destroying some worthless things, and retreating after smashing, as for the other players on the scene, they don't have to worry about it at all.

"Boss, a guard has passed by." The observer at the city gate reported the situation.

"How many guards are there? Are there any guards on your side?" Su Mo asked.

"Four guards, these four guards should be the only guards at the city gate, there are four more at the mayor's side, and two at the station, and the location of the others is unknown."

"Get ready to fight." After Su Mo thought for a while, he announced to continue fighting.

Leaving now would be a bit of a petty fight. Maybe the mayor would not even think of finding a law enforcement team. This is not in line with their combat objectives. It seems that a tough battle must be fought.

After coming out of the third shop, they rushed towards the direction the four city guards came from.

There are more or less players in the small town. Different boundaries in the new world have different resources and monsters. In order to earn more, players will set foot in even the remotest boundaries.

In such a big place, there have been many looting and smashing incidents in a row, and everyone knows almost all of them in a short period of time.

However, no one came out to stop it from the beginning to the end. This shows how deeply the principle of nothing to do with oneself is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. They didn't even think about whether this was a situational mission.

They have at least dozens of people, and they are still not enough to deal with eight guys with machetes.

However, they didn't know that these eight masked guys were players like them, and they didn't even know that two of them hadn't even reached level [-].

Regardless of their strength, Su Mo and the others at least showed their aura.

No normal person would dare to smash up an NPC's shop. Since he dared to do something that he and others dared not do, it naturally belonged to someone who was better than him.

However, a few people ran to take advantage of the fire after Su Mo and others smashed it up, and stole some potions from the NPC.

The eight thugs are not too many compared to the players, but in the eyes of the four city guards, their number is fully double that of them, especially the masks worn by Su Mo and the others, which look like ghosts. Sha.

The city guards only saw such weird masks on the arrest warrants.

That was the strong man who killed Lord Otis!
The four city guards had no fighting spirit, turned around and ran away without even issuing a single skill, and Su Mo, who was planning to fight a battle, saw the scene and immediately followed behind, yelling.

Chased from Zhennan to Zhenbei, and finally returned to Zhennan.

After returning to Zhennan, the four city guards had become eight, because the four city guards from the mayor's house who came out to see what happened were also scared and ran away together.

These eight city guards were chased by eight masked men, they left the city gate, and ran away without looking back.

This further established the guesses in the players' minds. Masked men are not easy to mess with. If you see them, you'd better avoid them. However, there are also guys who are full of doubts and yearning, such as Floating Life Like a Dream, so he secretly followed them all the way.

In the end, I watched these masked men enter the tailor shop of the little widow's house in the town, and none of them came out again.

 Limited free, free today and tomorrow, friends who are raising remember to watch it
(End of this chapter)

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