Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 349 Players Just Like to Make Trouble

Chapter 349 Players Just Like to Make Trouble
Don't get me wrong, the eight masked men didn't have any physical contact with the little widow.

The moment she saw them, the little widow's face turned pale. She was terrified, but because it was too late to take away the child next to the fireplace, she didn't run away like the other NPCs.

"Gentlemen, please don't hurt my child. He is still young and has no father." The little widow pleaded.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally all their eyes were on Su Mo.

Su Mo looked at this simple but neat little tailor's shop. There were ready-made clothes on one side and some fabrics piled up on the other. If it was burned down, the mission of this small town would be completed.

"Go to the room." Su Mo waved the machete in his hand.

With tears in her eyes, the little widow walked towards the room helplessly with heavy steps.

"Wait a minute, take him with you." Su Mo pointed to the child who was still crawling on the ground, and signaled the little widow to run to the inner room with him.

The little widow almost burst into tears, but finally entered the room dawdlingly.

"Close the door, don't come out if you have nothing to do." Su Mo added later, and the little widow closed the door with a bang as if she had been pardoned.

"How many people are here?" Su Mo asked the brother who was observing the enemy's situation at the station. He had just received information about this brother, saying that there was something wrong at the station.

"Eleven. It looks like they are members of the Law Enforcement Corps, but it is impossible to confirm whether the target is among them. They are heading towards you now. They are moving so fast that I can't keep up."

"Retreat!" Su Mo gave the order.

The eight people read the return journey at the little widow's tailor shop without hesitation. After 30 seconds, everyone disappeared here. The other two guards didn't wear masks. They stayed in the small town to observe for a while before leaving swaggeringly. .

"The second team will do it!"

Another small town fell into chaos. When it was about the same time, this team retreated in time and replaced it with the next team.

There was some time in the middle, and the route was not planned casually.

It gives people the feeling that a group of people are running around, burning, killing, looting, and even entering the little widow's house, which is ordinary turmoil. There is no shortage of such plots in the game.

Originally, the law enforcement team could not be alarmed, but these thugs all wore masks of nothingness, which had to make the law enforcement team exhausted.

Of course they knew that these people were not the masters who killed the northern commander.

However, in the absence of any clues, catching these masked men is undoubtedly the last hope. At the very least, the source of this mask can be found out, so that further investigation can be carried out.

The ten teams took turns to toss, and they didn't just do this one thing.

The locations everyone chose were of the type that could kill monsters and upgrade. When other teams were tossing around, they could completely farm monsters and level up in the wild, and then return to villages and towns to wreak havoc when they were ready for action.

There have been several incidents of the masked man. Presumably, the top executives of the law enforcement team—that is, Smollett Brandon, who stayed in the north to investigate the cause of the commander's death, have already attracted attention.

Now that there are clues about the murderer, even knowing that the situation is weird, it is impossible for Smollett Brandon to set off and rush back to the south.

By the way, NPC and player traffic are very different.

It's nothing more than a teleportation array. It's a movement in space. Players and NPCs are basically the same. If it's a means of transportation like a train or a carriage, the player can cross half a continent in a few minutes if it's fast, and only ten minutes if it's slow. Look, the reason for the difference lies in the price paid in gold coins.

The game company once promised that it would not burn players' point cards with traffic time.

This sentence explains two problems, one is as above, and the other is that at a certain time in the future, the game will start the point card payment mode.

Therefore, there is no game company that does not want to make money.

The only difference is that there are more pits and fewer pits.

Players don't spend a lot of time in transportation, and NPCs are different. If there is no teleportation array, they must actually be called vehicles to get from one place to another.

There are relatively few free federal airships, and Mr. Smollett Brandon can only take the train.

When Su Mo's third team was in trouble, he received news that the NPCs had no voice calls or chat channels for players, but magic technology allowed them to carry small magic letterhead delivery boxes with them.

Smollett Brandon set off immediately, first took the teleportation array to the nearest big city where the incident happened, and then took the train to the place where the incident happened.

As soon as he got off the train, he received a second wave of information, saying that the masked man had left the town under his feet, but went to another town not far away.

He left his deputy to investigate the scene, and returned to the train station by himself.

He is the second-in-command of the law enforcement team, so of course there is no need to wait foolishly for the shift, all he needs is an order, and the train starts to drive to the destination with a bang.

All other shifts along the route had to make way for them.

Probably for the convenience of the game, the designers omitted the railway construction process. There are railways almost everywhere in the entire Eastern Continent, and larger villages have temporary train stops.

Before the second place was optimistic, something happened in the third place.

Smollett Brandon sneered from the bottom of his heart, he already roughly understood the opponent's train of thought, didn't he just want to tire him out?
Then come on, anyone who underestimates his willpower will be hit hard by his thunder.

However, to his surprise, after a few incidents happened that day, there was no more movement.

It wasn't that Su Mo didn't give him face, it was mainly because there was an accident in the fifth team, and things began to develop in the direction he didn't want to see.

"Troublesome, there are players blocking us!" The fifth team at that time was smashing up the mayor's office, and finally encountered a player who saw the way.

Su Mo sighed in his heart, and the thing finally happened.

It's not that he is worried that his brothers won't be able to fight, but that as long as there is a battle, everyone will know the true strength of these masked men.

Once players find out that the masked man is nothing more than that, they will flock to help NPCs hunt down Su Mo and the others.

Bullying the weak and fearing the hard, this is the inferiority of players.

The fifth team was led by Yunfei, and they decisively killed several players who blocked them.

Their level is not high, and their equipment is not very good. Individual battles may not be the opponents of those few players. However, after the encounter between the two sides, the emphasis is on reaction ability and teamwork.

Several players were eliminated with zero casualties, and they continued to complete unfinished tasks.

It seems logical, but Su Mo knows that the matter will not end here, and the following tasks will inevitably encounter more twists and turns.

(End of this chapter)

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