Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 350 Santos Unexpected Situation

Chapter 350 Santos Unexpected Situation
Su Mo went to the forum and saw related posts.

Not to mention the popularity, if you follow the chronological order, it is enough to restore the truth of the matter.

At the earliest time, it was the players who posted that there were a group of masked monsters going around prostitution and plundering. Su Mo was puzzled, saying that it was fine if they robbed, but what the hell was prostitution.

And the latest post is about them being killed by masked monsters.

In addition to bragging about his own bravery and fearlessness, the person who posted the post also pointed out that the masked monster was ruthless, his damage was not high, his defense was not high, and his strength was almost the same as that of players like them.

In the following thread, some people even started advocating that everyone should go to kill the masked monster together to solve the disaster of the northern people.

Su Mo quickly reminded the other teams to pay attention.

Soon the Scarlet Battle Banner's prostitution and robbery team encountered players from the big team, and some teammates in the seventh team even died in battle.

The Void Mask drops out immediately after that teammate is killed.

Picked up by a player out of the blue.

Fortunately, the people with the Scarlet Battle Banner fought hard to kill the player, and successfully took back the dropped mask.

Death must fall?

Su Mo finally understood what was wrong with this void mask.

The members of the seventh team quickly took off their masks, restored their original identities, and disappeared among the chasing crowd.

Escaping is as simple as that.

Putting on the mask is a masked monster, and taking it off is an ordinary player, as long as the transformation process is not discovered.

"At least a few thousand people are in the town, and the surrounding area is tight. The station is full of people searching for us, and the NPC's house has also been searched for. It is estimated that the NPCs have suffered heavy losses." Tian Dazhuang still stayed there to report the situation, and the others Then left that place by train.

"Did the player who grabbed the mask transform?" Su Mo asked.

"No, he put it in the backpack, and we killed him before he could equip it, but I'm not sure if he has the ability to check the mask."

"That's how it is. The other teams will also evacuate, and the remaining missions will be temporarily cancelled." Su Mo didn't want them to become rats crossing the street who were shouted and beaten by everyone.

This task is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people, this is the first day.

However, Su Mo is not a normal person. He has at least three plans that he can use to ensure that he can complete the task of creating chaos.

The first is to reduce the scale and frequency of dispatches, and replace them with a few masters to do the damage, and remove the mask directly after the damage is over.

Anyway, it is impossible for players to fill up all the places. There are so many towns in the north, it is not difficult to find a village with no people. Even if the transportation method of the players is faster than that of NPCs, Su Mo and the others are sure that they will be able to catch up before a large number of players arrive. Complete destruction.

Only in this way, they appear too passive.

It can also be said that they are too cowardly. This kind of behavior that even adventurers want to avoid can easily make Mr. Smollett Brandon lose interest in them.

Second, invite foreign aid, such as shoemaker Max, or Shadow Mosaic.

Su Mo only knows these two ability users and they seem to have a good relationship. It's hard to say for the little shoemaker, but Shadow Mosaic should not mind helping.

As long as you ask the Beastmaster, you should be able to find out the whereabouts of the shadow.

If the Beastmaster himself is invited, it is estimated that the other party will not agree to come out of the mountain, after all, he is not very interested in mundane affairs.

There is also a problem with this strategy. The shadow is not Dracula's man. Ask him to complete the task of creating chaos. Contact the previous killing of the northern commander. Then Su Mo's hidden identity is no secret to Shadow Mosaic.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, Su Mo didn't want people like Ying to know his identity.

After all, this ability user used to be a nobleman's killer.

In the end, there is only the third option left, which is to outsource the matter to Cangjia or Gaara, and let their people complete such tasks.

For someone with power and money, the task is simple.

They have a lot of people who can protect their masked monsters, and all kinds of tricks such as pretending to be fake can be used.

The premise is that Su Mo must hand over the mask to them.

Su Mo didn't plan to use these three strategies for a while, and he planned to try another way.

This mask is a special equipment, that is, something that does not follow the general equipment rules, so can this thing be put on other things, such as the face of an animal?
The way to experiment is too simple though.

He switched accounts, and Laifu got up and took out a mask from the page belonging to Su Mo in the guild warehouse, and put it on his wolf face.

Then, Laifu felt that his gaze was slowly raised.

It looked down at its hands and feet, and grinned, yes, it is now in human form.

It is exactly the same as the human player after wearing a mask. It tried to do a few combat moves and found that there was no discomfort.

Santos who made the mask is a genius.

Su Mo couldn't help admiring in his heart. In fact, Santos never thought that such a situation would happen. He made this thing for people to wear.

It is estimated that this master vampire alchemist would never have dreamed that his mask would appear on a wolf's face.

After experimenting with the mask, Laifu put the mask back with satisfaction, and began to call for helpers.

Compared with Su Mo and his teammates, Laifu's own strength is very strong, but this strength is not enough to make it feel safe.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: I have something to ask for two helpers, who is free now.

Salted Fish King Victor: I, I'm about to die of idleness.

Raun the mangy yellow lion: Boss, please bring me.

Tiger King Angus: It must be me, Boss Laifu, we have known each other since a long time ago.

The monsters were so enthusiastic, Laifu himself felt a little emotional. I don't know when it started, so many people responded to it casually.

I think it was the first time it made a sound in the chat group, it was a cautious one, lest it would be discovered if it behaved badly.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: There is nothing to gain this time, only two helpers are needed.

Nicole the golden python: Brother Laifu, I'm with you, if anyone of you wants to snatch it from me, I'll eat it! ! !
Tiger King Angus: Uh, don’t you want two? It must be Nicole, you, and me. If anyone refuses to accept it, Nicole, you can eat it.

Pale Wolf King Pease: Do you have a chance to fight? If so, I will go, Tsundere Tiger, you are free to practice your skills.

Tiger King Angus: ┭┮﹏┭┮.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Okay, just Nicole and Pease. I will pay the travel expenses. I will act tomorrow morning. Today, everyone should clean up the players in the Pavo Swamp.

Orlando the Green Lizard: Speaking of Pavo Swamp, the cover of this underground palace seems to have changed color.

The ferocious wild wolf is blessed: what, what the hell is changing color?

One-legged King Allen: Green?
Green Lizard Orlando: Literally, after so many days of attacks, I feel its color has faded, does it mean that the cover is about to break?

(End of this chapter)

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