Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 351 Humanoid Monsters

Chapter 351 Humanoid Monsters

Laifu thought for a while, the underground palace has been out for almost two weeks, and it is about time for a change.

Otherwise, players will definitely think that the game company is playing tricks by making such a big battle, one week is excitement, two weeks is anticipation, three weeks and four weeks probably no one will attack the energy shield again.

Laifu praised Orlando, the green-skinned lizard, and asked him to keep an eye on the underground palace, and then switched to Su Mo for leveling.

Go to class in the afternoon, and then review homework, standard good student.

A few days ago, the school's guild notified everyone to hold a group activity together, but Su Mo didn't participate, that thing was purely a prop for the student union cadres to pretend to compare.

Going online the next day, Laifu handed over Pease and Nicole, and the three monsters began to pretend to be the masked monster.

Regardless of whether it is a human or a monster, after putting on the mask, they are all in human form. Nicole and Pease were very surprised when they got the mask. The flat-headed brother who is usually mature and prudent, now observes himself in a circle. The situation makes Lai Fu The only thing I can think of is a Erha who is looking for his own tail.

Not to mention Nicole.

It kept screaming, even rolling, and looked more like Erha than Erha.

"Let's just teleport to a place, and then cause damage, try not to kill people as much as possible." After finally calming down, Laifu explained the requirements of this mission to them.

"Can't kill people?" Brother Pingtou was very confused, why didn't he say it in advance.

However, for the sake of being able to change into a human form, if you can't change into a human, you can't change, and if you don't kill people, it doesn't mean you can't fight. You can fight, as long as you don't kill yourself.

"You can't say that you don't kill people, but don't kill casually. Don't kill small businessmen and civilians who are almost powerless. If they are adventurers... By the way, can you tell the difference between adventurers and aborigines? "Laifu asked.

"Of course." Pease nodded.

"Adventurers are cowards." Nicole said.

"Why?" Laifu didn't understand. If the aborigines were strong and the players were weak, it was quite understandable, and normal games were designed like this.

"The aborigines can eat it, but the adventurers can't eat it, and it will melt in their mouths." Nicole said quietly.

"Uh, ok, but you don't want to eat people in the future, it's poisonous and dirty." What else can Laifu say, this is obviously an official design to protect players.

Fighting doesn't matter, killing is also acceptable, but if you let players accept being eaten, it's a bit difficult for the strong.

Imagine that you are grabbed by a monster, regardless of your struggle and howling, stuff you into your mouth, and then bite you up and down with sharp teeth. You have to bear all kinds of puncture feelings.

It is even more terrifying if you encounter small carnivores.

It will bite you bit by bit. It’s okay to bite you from the head, but you will die soon. If you start eating from the foot, it is likely that you are still awake when the JJ is bitten off.

It's not that such a game cannot be designed, but that no one dares to play it, and no one dares to design it.

It is said that there was a game before, which was of the adventure type. During the exploration process, the player was squeezed into a meat sauce by two walls. The game company lost a lot of money, but the player who was already scared to death was never I can't save it.

Su Mo and the others had received virtual reality training before, and they would not let the soldiers experience the real death process.

Fear of death is the most basic respect.

In order to avoid the death of his brother and to prevent the mask from falling into the hands of players, Su Mo gave up the idea of ​​using his brother to carry out the mission.

Is money important, or is brother important?

Brothers of course!
For three monsters, the minimum cost is the passport, and the three passports are 150 gold, which is almost 2000 yuan based on the current gold price.

Laifu felt sorry for the money spent, but he had to spend it.

Today's first goal is a large village. Because there are many monsters around, it is basically a place suitable for leveling. There are also several special products that cannot be found elsewhere. Coupled with the beautiful scenery, it has become a popular novice It is one of the villages with a permanent population of more than [-].

With the arrival of the three monsters, the guards at the entrance of the village spotted them immediately.

The Law Enforcement Corps has electrified the entire northern area yesterday, strictly ordering any local defense forces to actively fight. Some city guards who escaped yesterday have all been punished.

Therefore, no matter how scared they are, they must fight.

A guard ran to report the news, and the remaining three armed with long weapons rushed towards the three masked monsters.

This made Laifu a little surprised, but it did not pose a threat. The masked monster played by Pease had already rushed up, scratching and biting, leaving the three guards covered in bruises.

Fortunately, it remembered Su Mo's instructions, and did not harm the names of the three guards, but only temporarily disabled them.

Compared with those small towns with only ten guards, this village has twelve guards, but it still can't make any waves.

What really caused trouble to the three masked geeks were actually weak, but endless players like ants.

【New World】At present, the number of real-time online players is 700 million, both at home and abroad. This is already a huge number, and at least one-tenth of them are players who are still in the novice stage.

Such a novice village, the most popular in the north, naturally has a lot of players.

According to visual inspection, there are always thousands of ants. If there are too many ants, they will kill elephants. Probably the beginners have such thoughts. Anyway, low-level players can quickly practice even if they lose experience.

"Kill it." Lai Fu sighed.

Of course, it couldn't be idle by itself, swish swish swish, a few claw shadows flashed by, and the buddy in front of it lay down on the ground with an expression of disbelief.

If you want to be so tragic, I feel a little embarrassed.

Laifu took the initiative to pounce on a sweet-looking girl with protruding front and back, but it was a pity that he was kicked away by Nicole before she pounced on her.

Compared with Laifu and Pease who like to attack with their front paws, Nicole uses her tail.

It is reflected in the human form, that is, she likes to kick with her feet, kicking people away with one kick, and dying in mid-air, no one has ever been able to withstand a second blow.

It's just a player of more than ten levels, and two bosses of forty or fifty levels certainly don't need much effort.

Even Laifu, who is weaker, can actually kill these players in seconds.

The skills of the players fell on them, and at most they forcibly deducted one or two points of health. In addition, they also had a certain ability to automatically recover blood, so they did not fall into danger after playing for a long time.

"Let's retreat." Feeling that the time was almost up, Laifu turned around and rushed out of the village.

(End of this chapter)

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