Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 352 Losing Money Is Impossible

Chapter 352 Losing Money Is Impossible

As Su Mo, he led the brothers to act together, and all kinds of cooperation were in place, including those who were in charge, those who were on the lookout, and those who were in charge of finishing and emergency.

Leading the monster as Laifu is different.

They had to manage their own time, and there was no standard for when to retreat, because intelligence was extremely scarce.

The brothers of Su Mo can plan troublesome routes and towns for Laifu, but they can't help them watch out, because Laifu doesn't want more people to know the secret.

Or call the iron-winged goshawk Snow, who can watch out for everyone in the air.

However, one more person would cost fifty gold coins, and Laifu was a bit reluctant.

The three monsters turned around and ran. The players thought they were afraid, so they chased after them as a matter of course. Unfortunately, their moving speed was too fast, and they were quickly left behind by a long distance.

When the player was no longer visible, the three monsters teleported away.

After all, even the monster apostle is more mobile than the NPC, and the pass is more practical than the player's return skill, but the price of [-] gold coins is too cheap.

Laifu felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't show it in front of Pease and Nicole.

It's just that his next target chose a town surrounded by high-level monsters. The players here are generally above level [-]. If they drop equipment, they can at least drop a level [-] blue equipment.

Obviously, Uncle Laifu wanted to get back the money for the pass from the player.

Compared to killing NPCs and robbing NPCs, he didn't have any moral pressure on this. Those players were sent to the door by themselves, shouting and killing to kill them, they had to fight back in self-defense.

The spoils obtained in this process naturally belong to them.

This time, the players reacted faster than last time. Some people may be paying attention to the forum all the time. As soon as they heard that the masked monster appeared, they began to look forward to the masked monster's visit to their villages and towns.

One by one, they sharpened their knives and waited for the pigs and sheep to come to their door.

However, when Zhu Yang really came to the door, they realized that Zhu Yang was different from what they thought, and some people even began to question the authenticity of yesterday's posts.

Someone posted that they killed a masked monster and grabbed the masked monster's mask.It's a pity that the person who picked up the mask was quickly killed, and the mask already in the backpack fell out.

This post shows at least two things.

One is that the masked monster is not difficult to kill, and the other is that the mask will drop as soon as you die.

Today, when the people in this town heard that the masked monster was coming, they flocked immediately, wanting to kill the monster and grab the mask. From then on, they might reach the pinnacle of their lives.

The three monsters at this time had just come out after robbing a restaurant.

This restaurant belongs to the place with the best food in the town. It is said that it is opened by the mayor’s brother-in-law—who knows why they are all brothers-in-law. I feel that the standard for NPCs in [New World] to choose a wife is that a daughter-in-law must have a brother-in-law. This is convenient for hooking up and hugging money together.

It was Laifu's idea to rob the restaurant.

In order for Nicole to have a good time, the little golden python followed her out early in the morning to wreak havoc, and she still hasn't had breakfast yet.

The players who were eating were beaten up by Pease, and Laifu followed behind to pick up equipment.

Now with the entire guild warehouse as the backing, it no longer needs to pick and choose, as long as it takes all the equipment away with a wave, it is called an autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

Nicole made a fuss about Hesse, and the three monsters immediately moved their positions.

Having learned the lesson of being besieged last time, they chose street fighting this time. In such a small alley, even if the players surrounded them back and forth, not many people could actually attack the monsters.

The flat-headed brother who has become more and more courageous in the Vietnam War, and Nicole, who has already eaten and stuffed her stomach, are completely two bulldozers in street fighting.

There is no need for Laifu to do anything.

An alley was killed from the beginning to the end, killing hundreds of players, followed by either players flocking to them, or players running away all the way.

Everyone is more than 30 levels, leveling all day is exhausting, it is not easy to gain some experience.

When they realized that these three masked monsters were not easy to bully, they had already lost their will to fight. The worst thing was that the masked monsters still picked up equipment.

A buddy was unlucky, he lost his best silver equipment, he still held a shred of hope, hoping to run back and find his equipment, not afraid of ten thousand but just in case, in case everyone is red-eyed , No one bowed their heads to pick up equipment.

After being resurrected, he found out in despair that the players might not have time to pick up equipment, but one of the masked monsters was having so much fun picking up equipment.

If you lose experience and equipment, you are not afraid of fools.

Laifu checked the attributes while picking up equipment, and he was very sure that he would not lose money in this transaction, not only would he not lose money, but he might also make a lot of money.

Seventy or eighty pieces of equipment have already been obtained, and there are a total of nine pieces of silver equipment.

Even if the price of silver equipment has fallen exaggeratedly, there is still a market for [-] to [-] gold coins, especially silver equipment with special effects.

The most valuable is a silver ring.

Equipment like rings is not very common. If anyone can have a pair of blue rings, they can tell about their hard journey to get the rings, so that the girls will be taken aback.

And what kind of experience is it to have a silver ring?

It’s said—many stories on the forum can only be summed up as rumors, which is the same as some people who have experienced more than 100 kinds of legendary lives on XX. Various stories about hooking up girls with silver rings.

You don’t need to send a ring, that’s something that hanging silk can do. You just need to show the hand wearing the silver ring without experience, and then look vicissitudes and memories, and the girls will immediately discuss with you which hotel room’s bathtub can accommodate it. The two pose freely.

And now, Laifu picked up a silver ring.

It's a pity that he's not a hunter, otherwise Master Su would have hoped to get rid of his virginity.

It's best for the priest profession, throw it back to Rorschach, or take it to the auction, it is estimated that ordinary gold equipment is not so valuable.

"I want to run, chase, hurry up and catch up!" Lai Fu's eyes were really red.

How could Pease reject this kind of suggestion that went deep into its heart? When it fights with others on the grassland, it must chase them to their lair and kill them to be comfortable.

"Brother Laifu, there are food for sale over there." The golden python only had food in his eyes.

"That's a bakery, and you don't like bread, work quickly, and buy meat for you when you earn money." Laifu made a promise without hesitation.

It is true that greed is not enough to swallow elephants.

They were so obsessed with chasing and killing players, they unknowingly ignored the time. For the first time in two days, the masked monster encountered the law enforcement team head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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