Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 353 Not Sagra

Chapter 353 Not Sagra

A human priest appeared in the sight of the three monsters. He was alone, holding a fiery red staff, and slowly walked towards them to bless them.


The reason why such a judgment is given is because whether the player is rushing up or fleeing, they are all running with their feet open, and it is not like walking a little bit like this.

The aura of pretending was beyond words, and Pease, who had rich combat experience, bent his waist and lowered his body, as if he was facing an enemy.

"Do it!" Laifu did not run away with the two monsters.

Yesterday, Su Mo and his brothers chased the NPCs and players and fled everywhere with great momentum. In fact, they were ruthless. In fact, as long as they turned around, it was their turn to escape.

It doesn't want to repeat the mistakes of those players and NPCs today.

If you want it to escape, you have to show your means first. In case you encounter a guy pretending to be a wolf with a big tail, just reach out and try to see the result.

The first to strike was the golden python Nicole, she flashed in front of the human priest with a whimper, and kicked him without saying a word.

The priest didn't check for a while, and was kicked several times.



The last sentence is the roar of the priest. He is a high priest of the law enforcement team. According to the level, he is already a boss of level [-]. He never thought that he would be attacked and the attack would be successful.

The latter sentence is Nicole's exclamation.

A human in cloth armor, who was hit by her tail, actually just turned a few somersaults, and didn't lose much blood, so she let out a powerful sigh.

Now that Nicole was all applauded, Laifu began to think about how to retreat.

But Brother Pingtou didn't have such an idea. After Nicole made a move, it immediately followed her and moved its mouth, catching the priest who was still about to say something by surprise again.

The attack methods used by these masked monsters are even weirder than the previous one.

He actually headbutted him!

In fact, Pease used fangs and sharp teeth, and the white mask did not affect its biting target. Here I have to praise Santos, the vampire alchemist again.

Laifu even had a guess, maybe it was because many vampires could transform into bats.

This can also explain that monsters can also use masks, and this setting is quite convenient for fighting.

The human priest's fast hind legs were suddenly a little busy.

What made him even more confused was what was yet to come. What happened today repeatedly broke the lower limit of his cognition. It was the first time he saw someone attacking him with fire from his mouth when he grew up.

Seeing how lively the two monsters were fighting, Laifu also began to store energy and plan to release the little lightning.

The poor human priest, with his level [-] strength, originally didn't need to be in such a mess, but what happened to him was so unimaginable that he couldn't display one-tenth of his strength.

The first geek kicks and breathes fire, and the second geek bites and scratches, and that's fine.

The third monster, what the hell are you using? The human priest, who claims to have a deep understanding of magic, turned around and ran away when Lai Fu concentrated his skills.

His way of escaping, dragging his staff upside down and even losing his shoes, left the three monsters dumbfounded. For a while, they couldn't think of whether to pursue them, or just let them go.

Laifu really wanted to catch up and ask, Mr. Sacrifice, why did you run away so recklessly.

Nicole quickly went up to pick up the priest's lost shoes. What a stupid human being, he could actually lose his own shoes.

While beckoning the two accomplices to retreat, Laifu looked at the attributes of the shoes.

Nana's is actually legendary equipment, level [-] legendary equipment!

The monsters in the new world are divided into many levels, white equipment, green equipment, blue equipment, silver equipment, gold equipment, dark gold equipment, legendary equipment...

Now that gold is not popularized, almost no one has seen dark gold, and legends appeared immediately.

The buddy just now probably didn't have such a piece of legendary equipment on him, it looked so ill-fitting, it must not be the best equipment.

The priest ran all the way, out of the town, into the forest, and ran for half an hour.

Originally walking slowly all the way, the posture of poised and dressed has long since disappeared, the shoes ran away, the robe on his body was dusty, and some places were scratched, the hat was crooked, and the gems inlaid on the staff were dragging It also crashed in the process.

The shoes were picked up by Nicole, and the gem didn't know which bastard would be cheaper.

The cold wind in the field gradually calmed the mind of Master Priest, allowing him to gradually realize that it was definitely not Sagra himself who released the skill [Sagra's Lightning Field] just now.

God of Law, Emperor of Law, and Boundless Law, these nicknames made Sagra almost synonymous with invincibility.

And his signature skill, Sagra's Lightning Domain, is naturally a nightmare for many powerhouses in the Eastern Continent. This assistant of Smollett Brandon, was unlucky enough to have experienced the Great Demon King Sagra's Lightning Domain.

At that time, he was just brushed aside and ended up lying at home for three weeks.

Although the magic condensed by the third masked geek just now was very small, he will never forget this feeling.

Not Sagra, not Sagra, he kept reassuring himself.

"Senior, what happened?"

Standing in front of his immediate boss, Smollett, he was still chanting this sentence, not Sagra, which made Smollett not only hated iron, but also began to wonder what his deputy saw.

Under Smollett's stern and gloomy gaze, the human priest Senior finally found his voice.

He recounted his own experience, everything in detail, including his embarrassment after seeing someone cast Sagra's lightning field, including his loss of his shoes and the gem on the staff .

As the No. [-] member of the Federal Law Enforcement Corps, Smollett is best at interrogation. If he wants to avoid being suspected by him, he must not hide any details.

"Idiot!" Smollett was angry and funny, he helped his assistant tidy up the other party's messy appearance, and said firmly: "It must not be Sagra, and he is not even his disciple, otherwise, you are not at all. Can't live now."

"I'm sure, sir, that's Sagra's Lightning Domain." Senior was trembling.

"Sargra and his disciples, without permission, it is impossible to enter the federal border, and it is even more impossible to kill that old alcoholic Otis." Smollett's assistant, Smollett is obviously more willing to analyze the problem from a logical point of view.

To a certain extent, people like Sagra's level, they no longer know how to play assassination games.

(End of this chapter)

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