Chapter 354

It is said that Sagra didn't even care about the affairs of the Magic Kingdom, and devoted all his energy to exploring the infinite mysteries of magic.

There are only two possible situations for him to make a move.

One is that people of the same level as him come to the Magic Kingdom to make trouble. If they see the hunting heart, it will be a great battle;

Even if his disciples were fighting each other, and one magician overthrew another to become the consul, Sagra probably wouldn't bother.

How could such a character come here and pretend to be a masked weirdo.

However, out of trust in his assistants, Smollett Brandon did not suspect that one of the masked monsters used Sagra's lightning field, or a similar skill.

"It's a similar skill. Sagra's Lightning Field, the original skill, can be used by the entire Magic Kingdom. There must be no more than ten people. None of these ten people may set foot in the territory of the Free Federation. And you said that masked monster It's not silent, it's too powerful!" The law enforcement team is a bit similar to criminal investigation work, and it can also be said to be spies. This kind of people are better at reasoning, and Smollett directly explained the truth of the matter .

Senior, who knew the truth, was about to burst into tears.

Could it be that what he encountered were just three rookies? Judging from the damage caused to him by the first monster and the second monster, the opponent was indeed very weak, but he didn't know what level the third person who hadn't formally fought was.

"Brother Laifu, isn't this thing very valuable?" Seeing Laifu holding a pair of stinky shoes and admiringly, Nicole already associated Laifu's expression with gold coins, and from gold coins to food without stopping.

"Uh, is it worth it?" Laifu was stunned suddenly, feeling as if he had eaten the meat in his mouth only to find that it was covered with feces.

Level [-] legendary equipment, players will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey to equip it. Not to mention three special effects, even if there are six special effects, it is impossible for anyone to be willing to buy them according to the actual value.

It is estimated that the Grand Council will not use this to support the facade.

It's worthless, it can't be said that it's worthless, but it must be far from the price in Laifu's mind.

Seeing Laifu's complexion constantly changing, and suddenly becoming silent, the other two monsters closed their mouths tactfully. To make Laifu behave like this, it is natural that the ill-gotten wealth is like running water, and it is gone.

After waiting for a while, I changed the town and tossed.

Laifu vented his depression on the players and NPCs who came to make trouble. It no longer hid behind Nicole and Pease, but took the lead and fought hard.

If it wasn't for Nicole, it probably would have died.

When Laifu was slowly recovering his blood under the protection of Nicole, he saw a scene that he often saw on weekdays, but now it was like waking up from a dream.

An NPC bent down, picked up the equipment dropped by the player, and put it into his backpack.

In the [New World] game, if a player dies and loses equipment, it is almost impossible to run back and retrieve the equipment.

Monsters will pick up equipment, NPCs will pick up equipment, passing players will also pick up equipment, and it can even be said that the system will also pick up equipment, because it does not take long for the equipment to be wiped out by the system.

Therefore, equipment rarely stays in place until the player returns.

What Su Mo saw was the NPC picking up the equipment dropped by the player, which made him realize that the NPC also needs equipment.

Then, why can't the level [-] legendary equipment in its backpack be sold to NPCs.

If the player does not use it, it does not mean that the NPC cannot use it, and if the player has money, the NPC still has it, and if the player does not have an equivalent exchange, the NPC can also have it.

Maybe you can exchange for a piece of legendary equipment at level 35. Even if you can't change it at level [-], you can also use it at level [-] or even level [-]. At worst, you just need to practice hard.

Laifu, who came to his senses, quickly retreated with the two monsters to avoid being chased by the priest.

It didn't know that the person chasing it was no longer the priest it met before, and as soon as they left, Smollett Brandon rushed to the scene.

"Brother Laifu, seeing how happy you are, did you think of something?" Nicole asked.

"Yes, if there is no accident for these shoes, we can still find a buyer. Then I will make money and buy meat for you." Laifu was in a good mood and became more cautious.

"Thank you brother Laifu, but can you make me look like a normal person?" Nicole was also in a good mood to buy meat, and she took the opportunity to make her request.

"Want to look like a normal person?" Laifu was stunned. It was surprised that Nicole would make a request that had nothing to do with eating, and it was such a bizarre request.

It almost replied.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is not allowed to become a fine!
"Why do you want to become a human, isn't it also a human now?"

"It's not enough yet. Others are always shouting and shouting. I want to become like those normal people, so that I can go to the city to find Su Xiaojiu." Nicole said seriously.

"Ahem..." Laifu almost peed in fright.

Of course it wasn't because Nicole wanted to go to the city. Compared with the shock brought by the three words Su Xiaojiu, any language seemed pale and powerless.

Su Xiaojiu, that's my sister!

Why did Nicole go to the city to find Su Xiaojiu, or how did they know each other? I remember that last time Nicole caught Su Xiaojiu, there seemed to be no communication between one person and one monster.

Su Xiaojiu was so focused on escaping for her life at that time, how could she report her family name.

The older brother didn't know that Nicole and Su Xiaojiu met again in the Tongtian Tower, and after they came out of the tower, they had a meal together and became friends.

It can only be said that it doesn't care enough for its own sister.

"I haven't seen it for a few days. I miss Su Xiaojiu a little bit. She even invited me to her house as a guest. Then she will cook me all kinds of delicious food..." Nicole, the golden python, didn't realize that she was coming. Fu is abnormal, still thinking about the next meeting between her and Su Xiaojiu.

"Where is her home?" Lai Fu asked feebly.

"I know, Hudgens, she and her brother run a tavern in Hudgens." Nicole said without concealment, no matter how kind Su Xiaojiu treats her, she can't compare to Brother Laifu.

Lai Fu couldn't say anything at the moment.

Knowing Su Xiaojiu's name, knowing Su Xiaojiu's address, and even knowing the business that the Su brothers and sisters are now running, this information can't be obtained through torture, which can only mean that Su Xiaojiu took the initiative to talk about it.

When did the two of them have such a good relationship, and how did they communicate.

The scene of a little girl talking to a boa constrictor is unbearable to watch, especially since this little girl is still his sister.Laifu decided that when he went back, he would definitely teach this little girl who didn't know how to protect herself.

(End of this chapter)

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