Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 355 I'm finally going to do it

Chapter 355 I'm finally going to do it
According to Laifu's thoughts, it absolutely does not want its own sister to get involved with this little golden python. It is too dangerous. If the little golden python gets angry one day and swallows Su Xiaojiu with its mouth, it will probably leave a psychological shadow of.

But he couldn't find a reason to refute it either.

After all, it is just a wolf and has no right to interfere with the legitimate friendship between Nicole and Su Xiaojiu.

After agreeing, Laifu continued to make trouble with the two monsters. Later, in order to avoid encountering the law enforcement team again, Su Mo had to send trustworthy people to investigate and guard.

He can trust most of the people who are trustworthy, the Scarlet Battle Banner, but the most trustworthy standard, it must be Tian Dazhuang.

One is watching the station, the other is watching the city gate, and the other is at the front station. For the remaining one, Yunfei has never been afraid of death, or he habitually wants to play himself to death. This is the case in reality, and it is even worse in the game. He even followed the members of the law enforcement team with great interest, so that Su Mo would know where the two big men of the law enforcement team went after them.

They can't talk to Laifu, but they can send messages to the guild channel.

There is a page in the guild warehouse dedicated to recording guild chats, so that guild members can look up the records after they go online. Laifu will look through the records every now and then, and he will know the whereabouts of Smollett Brandon like the back of his hand.

After tossing around like this for three or four days, Laifu even went to participate in the Tongtian Demon Tower on the way.

Count Dracula finally chose to attack Smollett Brandon. The old injuries on his body seemed to be almost healed. It is estimated that the injuries were not serious. It may also be that the game automatically speeds up the process, otherwise it would take a year or so , the weirdo in the mask couldn't hold on anymore.

Although the northern part of the Federation is vast and sparsely populated, there are still quite a lot of masters.

Most of these masters are concentrated in big cities and garrison areas. Now that the law enforcement team is exhausted, Smollett Brandon issued an order to order the Northern Legion to deploy troops to garrison the small towns below.

Originally there were only a dozen or so garrison towns, but now there are hundreds of soldiers, many of whom are experts of forty or fifty ranks.

On this day, Count Dracula appeared in front of Su Mo.

It's Su Mo, not Laifu. It's impossible for Su Mo to let Count Dracula know the identities of the three masked monsters who have been messing around these days.

"My lord, Smollett is still in the north, my mission has been completed." Su Mo praised himself.

If you have credit, you must bring it up, and for example, let the NPC know how hard you have put in to complete the task, otherwise the NPC is likely to issue rewards according to the minimum standard.

"You did a good job, better than I imagined." Count Dracula was a little helpless.

An adventurer like Su Mo, in his original plan, was just a cannon fodder, a courier delivering letters, but this cannon fodder can create miracles for him time and time again.

Not to mention that sending the letter was foolproof, it also helped him find two potential powerful allies.

Now, he has dragged Smollett Brandon to the north, and that guy probably doesn't know why Su Mo is making trouble around.

Originally, it was just for him to create a little chaos, but now the north is almost in chaos.

Not only was Smollett Brandon left in the North, but he was also disgraced. After all, the three thousand masters of the Law Enforcement Corps and the entire Northern Legion were at his disposal, and he didn't even touch a hair on the masked weirdo's leg.

And the masked weirdo didn't just leave in a flash, it was really burning, killing and looting.

"This time we dispatched a lot of people, and they all put in a lot of effort..." If the mission reward could allow him to advance to the third level, then he would rather share the experience with his brothers equally.

"It's not right," Dracula immediately shook his head upon hearing this, and said, "Only you and I know about this, so you wouldn't tell anyone about me, would you?"

"Of course not. You and I know about this, and Lord Santos." Su Mo said hastily.

Although his current accomplice is very powerful, he is obviously overly cautious. It can be seen from the fact that he needs to heal his injuries for a few days before running back to kill Smollett. If Su Mo was in this position, he would He would lurk at the scene of the crime and launch a sneak attack when Smollett arrived in a hurry.

One came from afar after receiving the news, and the horses and horses were exhausted, and even the guards might not bring much.

What a great opportunity to wait for an opportunity, but unfortunately this old guy is really saving his life.

"What do you think about hunting Smollett Brandon this time?" Su Mo's affairs were done well, and Dracula began to rely more on him without knowing it.

Plotting big things with NPCs, the game is so wonderful that it is so wonderful.

But Su Mo didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and thought seriously: "Let's do more things to attract the attention of the law enforcement team, and then take advantage of the chaos to make a surprise attack."

"Okay, just do as you said, you can make arrangements." Count Dracula thought for a while and accepted Su Mo's proposal.

In fact, when they reached their level, ordinary trash fish would not take it seriously at all. It didn't matter how many people Smollett Brandon was with.

Su Mo started to arrange with great interest.

His brothers came into play again. In the past few days, no player dared to yell at the masked monster.

Nicole and Pease taught them the principles of life.

The truth of being a human being is very simple - don't get along with the monsters, or you will definitely lose your life and equipment. The page of the bloody battle flag belongs to Su Mo's warehouse, which is full of funerary objects of players who don't believe in evil.

After struggling for the past few days, Smollett Brandon's nerves were a little numb.

These scumbags who can't stand on the stage dare not confront him head-on at all, and they don't even dare to harass the larger towns.

On this day, as usual, Smollett Brandon lazily listened to the report of his subordinates, saying that the masked monster did some evil deeds again, causing so many local losses, and how many personnel battles. die.

However, there is also a difference, that is, accidents happened in multiple places at the same time today.

Arrogant, really too arrogant!

If Smollett Brandon could bear it, then he would not be the second-ranking member of the Federal Law Enforcement Corps, but a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle with a green head.

"Let's go, everyone take a team, rush to the scene quickly, and chase them, be sure to catch a few masked monsters."

The order was issued, and the accompanying [-] elite law enforcement teams were divided into dozens of waves, some went to the scene of the incident to track down, and some went to ambush in towns where chaos might occur. As long as one or two masked monsters could be captured alive, the law enforcement team The current torture experts have plenty of ways to make them speak.

From the beginning to the end, Smollett Brandon didn't know that these people who played peek-a-boo with him were players and monster apostles.

(End of this chapter)

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