Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 356 The Battle Is Coming

Chapter 356 The Battle Is Coming
With the enemy at hand, Su Mo certainly would not hesitate to send people to follow Smollett Brandon. He has more than 100 people, and more than half of them have the experience of tracking and investigating.

Constantly changing faces, even a seasoned enemy would not be able to detect it, let alone Smollett Brandon.

No matter how high his intelligence level is, it's just a set of data.

There is a valley in the north called Tingfeng Valley. The name is very poetic, but it is not really a place suitable for reciting poems, because the mountains and rivers here are poor. If it were not an important post station for north-south transportation, the Federation would have given up on this place long ago. Lost.

Not only are there no products here, but even the most basic food cannot be grown, and materials have to be transferred from other places from time to time.

Today, it has also become a place where masked monsters are rampant.

There were several masked monsters, and Smollett Brandon chose this place because he heard that there was a master in this place, who wiped out a team of law enforcement.

If Su Mo hadn't been setting off smoke bombs for the past few days, Smollett might have confidently considered whether this was a trap.

It's a pity that all his wisdom and meticulousness were lost in the cat-and-mouse game of the past few days.

Confidence and anger were the biggest reasons why he came here with only four entourages. He got his wish and saw Count Dracula waiting for him.

It's the same weirdo wearing a mask, it doesn't look any different.

Smollett Brandon, however, couldn't connect Count Dracula with the clown who was making troubles everywhere these days, because the clown wouldn't be so calm when he saw him coming.

"Who are you?" Smollett Brandon took out his own weapon, a two-handed sword.

He is a berserker, not a mage as he usually dresses up. After the big sword, he also summons a whole body of armor, which is tightly wrapped from beginning to end.

"Knowing who I am means nothing to you." Count Dracula was not surprised by Smollett Brandon's appearance. Since he chose this person as his target, it is impossible for him Man knows nothing.

He also took out his own weapon, a pair of spike-like things.

This kind of weapon is also used by players, and the name is usually suffixed with tattoos. In fact, it is a kind of dagger, and it is undoubtedly an assassin's weapon.

Dracula turns out to be an assassin.

Su Mo had known him for so long, and this was the first time he knew Dracula's occupation.

Assassins and Berserkers duel!
There were no players in the station, only a very small number of NPCs. At this time, they all stood by Smollett Brandon. Regardless of the reputation of the law enforcement team, if they want to survive, they must help Smollett Brandon .

Otherwise, even if the enemy does not kill them, they will not escape the investigation of the law enforcement team.

"Little Mo, what happened over there, we can't get through." Yunfei sent a message, and Su Mo didn't know that this side had been blocked by the system until he received the message.

At least it is impossible for players to participate in this plot anymore.

This also explains why the last time Count Dracula killed Otis, no player knew at all. The system does not want players at this stage to participate in the battle of the [-]th-level NPC.

As for Su Mo, he was completely surprised.

Now Su Mo is hiding in the hotel, like a passenger who happened to pass by.

The owner of the hotel has already carried a shotgun to participate in the battle. For him, this move has nothing to do with defending his homeland, but purely to find a chance in the inevitable ending.

Su Mo didn't feel too guilty about this.

At least from the point of view of good and evil, for the sake of the poor, no matter what the reason is, Count Dracula, who wants to overthrow the old aristocracy, is better than the executioner who tries to oppress the rebel class all day long.

The Law Enforcement Corps is not a good organization, and their evil deeds are all over the Free Federation.

In the so-called free federation, only the nobles are free. Once someone interferes with the freedom of the nobles, the law enforcement team will be dispatched immediately. Almost all the people who are targeted by them will be ruined.

Seeing that the masked man had no interest in chatting at all, Smollett Brandon stopped talking nonsense.

He is not an aging coward like Otis, no matter who the opponent is, he is confident that he can defeat the opponent, and then he will make this guy regret coming to this world, so as to reward him for his hard work these days.

Su Mo watched the two strong men confront each other from afar.

However, it wasn't Smollett who made the first move, but the soldiers of the post station who resolutely moved forward under his strict orders. In fact, there were only five or six of them.

Then came the owner of the inn, the blacksmith who repaired weapons, and the pharmacy owner who helped tourists heal...

These people all held crude weapons and rushed towards the masked monster.

These days, these towns in the north are almost full of scary legends about masked monsters. Tingfeng Valley is the main station connecting the north and the south, so the news is naturally well-informed.

They are afraid of the masked monster, and they don't want to get involved at all.

However, the members of the Law Enforcement Team dissuaded them from such thoughts. Instead of facing the persecution of the Law Enforcement Team afterwards, they might as well simply die in battle.

Count Dracula is not a soft-hearted man, he is not even considered one.

How could a vampire, who lived for an unknown age, shrink back because of the lives of some civilians, so a few figures of him flashed by, and those who rushed towards him began to bleed halfway.

Not long after, these people died on the way to charge.

The guards and NPCs were all dead. They were sent to this road of no return just because Smollett Brandon wanted to test his opponent's strength.

It's a pity that these guards and NPCs are too weak, and they can't even do such a simple task well.

He can only judge that the masked man in front of him is very fast, the speed that has almost teleported. If there is no accident, it is just his normal movement.

The difference in levels was too great, so it was impossible to confirm the opponent's attack power.

Smollett Brandon looked at his four entourages, signaling that they could do something now. It was still a trial. Of course, it would be more perfect if he could find the opponent's shortcomings during the trial.

Compared with the hesitation of NPCs and guards when charging, his four followers acted as cannon fodder very decisively.

The members of the law enforcement team are not only cruel to others, but also to themselves. They are completely brainwashed tools. As long as they think it is worthwhile, they will definitely do it.

There is no way to instantly kill the four followers, or Dracula does not intend to use all his strength.

These four attendants met Count Dracula's attack together, none of them died, and even left some traces of weapons on Count Dracula's body.

(End of this chapter)

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