Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 357 The Bystander of the Great War

Chapter 357 The Bystander of the Great War

The blood stained the black clothes of the masked monster red, and even splashed a little on the white mask, making the already cold mask even more weird and evil.

Smollett Brandon was greatly relieved that the four followers could deal damage to the enemy.

If the four entourages were still completely dead in one face-to-face like those cannon fodder just now, he really wanted to plan how to get out of today's round. With his strength, he couldn't solve his four entourages in one face-to-face.

"Things that hide their heads and show their tails, take off the mask if you have the courage!" Smollett Brandon roared, rushing towards the enemy.

Since the four followers can play a role in the battle, they cannot be allowed to die in the opponent's hands, so he took the initiative to attack, thereby reducing the pressure on the four followers.

Count Dracula is under siege.

Su Mo was a little worried, but he wasn't worried about his own safety. He was just a passerby now, and even if he was discovered, he could still say that he happened to be passing by.

What he was worried about was Count Dracula. This guy was directly related to his main mission. If he died here, he would be playing fart later.

But having said that, since Count Dracula is the protagonist of the next version, he probably won't be killed so easily.

Well, in theory.

Su Mo can't help at this time, if he goes up, it is probably fate that he will be killed in a second.

His current status is that of a standard spectator, at most he can see how the top players in the game fight.

Today's two are physics majors, and their fighting style is very passionate.

Even Count Dracula, who is an assassin, can confront Berserkers head-on, and they don't just use skills purely.

Kicking, elbowing, punching and smashing, any means that can defeat the enemy emerge in endlessly.

Strictly speaking, they don't use skills much, probably because skills more or less require some gestures or even reading.

It seems that boxing skills cannot be left behind.

Su Mo secretly made a decision. As a hunter, his main territory is eight yards away, and his strength can be more perfectly reflected if the distance is more than eight yards and still within the shooting range.

If it was closer to eight yards, his bow and arrows became a display.

Eh, no, there is something wrong with Count Dracula. While Su Mo was thinking, he suddenly found that Count Dracula's fighting state was very problematic.

This guy has been bleeding, why is his blood volume almost full.

Even Su Mo, an outsider, noticed it. How could Smollett Brandon not notice it? The opponent's HP went up and down, but overall there was almost no loss.

Blood sucking!

The opponent is obviously an assassin who is very good at blood-sucking, but he doesn't know whether the blood-sucking is caused by equipment or his own skills.

And this blood-sucking will not be too strong.

Under the siege of five people, almost no blood was lost, and the income and expenditure were balanced.

Smollett Brandon hunted and persecuted strong people everywhere. He had never seen what kind of people, but this was indeed the first time he met an opponent who sucked so much blood.

"Vampire! He's a vampire!" one of the attendants shouted suddenly.

The others suddenly realized, why didn't they think of this one? When it comes to vampire attributes, no one can compare to vampires.

It is said that the king of the wood elves is also an assassin, and the wood elves also have the attribute of blood-sucking, but their blood-sucking is still far inferior to the professional race of vampires.

Ordinary people may know nothing about vampires, and they may not even know that there are vampires in this world, but Smollett Brandon and his followers are completely professionals engaged in special tasks, and they are well aware of the special powers of special races .

"Who are you?" Smollett Brandon asked earlier, before waiting for his opponent to respond, he added with certainty: "Dracula, Dracula Belmont, it's you, Do you know what you're doing!"

Anger was no longer enough to describe his mood.

The old vampire had been being watched by the law enforcement team, and someone beat him up every now and then, and even humiliated him with words, just to force him to resist, and then he took advantage of the situation to kill him.

It's a pity that Dracula is really tolerant, and he can bear anything in order to survive.

His wife was burned to death, and his son was also lost, and finally he was alone, hiding in the shadow castle and lingering on his last breath.

A coward!
A coward who can even scold ordinary members of the law enforcement team, a super coward who would even disregard his wife and children in order to survive, the law enforcement team has continuously lowered his threat.

In addition, Dracula did make a lot of contributions in the War of Independence, and many people in the Federation did not support his execution, so the law enforcement team tolerated him to live.

Unexpectedly, he was in front of her, wearing a weird mask.

And in a few days, it was this man who killed the commander of the Northern Legion, His Excellency Otis, and made the North a mess.

However, apart from anger, Smollett Brandon still had a trace of fear in his heart—it was too difficult to kill a vampire, but he was the only one here today.

The reason why his four entourages can survive to this day is obviously that Dracula kept them for blood-sucking.

Count Dracula did not admit it, nor did he deny it. The two thorn-shaped weapons crossed downwards and made a gesture. This is his standard action, and this posture is equivalent to his admission. own identity.

"The Federation really shouldn't spare your life!" Smollett Brandon said angrily. He was the most determined person in the law enforcement team to execute the other party, so the other party came to him today.

Think about it, the death of Otis earlier was probably all to lure him into the trap.

"Stop talking nonsense, let me send you on your way." Count Dracula shook his head, he didn't want to talk nonsense, arguing is meaningless, after blocking the communication here, it takes too much for law enforcement teams from other places to rush over Moreover, he is not afraid even if there are many people. The last thing vampires are afraid of is gang fights.

"Go aside, all of you, and get out of here!" said Smollett Brandon to his four attendants.

"No one can leave. This is my domain, the domain of bloodstains." Earl Dracula said proudly. Following his words, he could indeed see bloody lines floating on the ground, all over the entire station.

Compared with Sagra's lightning field, his field is much worse.

Especially the preparatory work is required. As an assassin, he is not good at magic. Unlike Sagra, who releases his skills as soon as he releases them, he needs to use magic materials to lay out the lines of the domain in advance, and then activate them at critical moments.

"You kill yourself, your family members will receive preferential treatment from the Federation." Smollett Brandon gave the order coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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