Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 358 Su Mo was crushed to death

Chapter 358 Su Mo was crushed to death
The four attendants looked at each other in blank dismay, gritted their teeth, took out their knives and began to self-mutilate.

All of them sealed their throats with one knife, and the bloody one was crazy. Even if this is a game, it probably won't last for a few seconds with the data.

Count Dracula didn't expect that these followers would be so fierce, and if he lost four blood-sucking objects, he wouldn't be able to kill Smollett Brandon without injury.

He was upset about this, but he would not lose confidence because of it.

Immediately, he quickly rushed towards Smollett Brandon, leaving bloodstains on his opponent's body. He could suck blood, but his opponent couldn't. Sooner or later, he would win.

It's a pity that the lost vitality still needs to rest for a few days.

The four entourages were bleeding from their necks, and they were walking towards death quickly. If Su Mo could still hide in the hotel quietly at this time, then he would not be the great devil recognized by his comrades.

Dare to do things that others dare not, and be able to accomplish tasks that others cannot.

In addition to powerful skills, there is also meticulous thinking. Of course, it must be mentioned that Su Mo is so crazy that he can even die.

However, Su Mo's explanation for this is that those who die are afraid of death, and only those who are not afraid of death can live.

When the four attendants started committing suicide, Su Mo jumped out of the window, swished, and shot several arrows, all of them aimed at the dying attendants.

One of the followers who didn't cut it so thoroughly was furious, picked up the weapon on the ground and threw it at Su Mo.

The weapon arrived in an instant, brushed past Su Mo's scalp, and finally stuck into the wall, three points into the ground, full of strength, if he hadn't aimed at Su Mo's head, and Su Mo would have crawled to the ground after shooting the arrow , It is estimated that he has been nailed to the wall by this sword.

After the follower finished attacking, with an arrow stuck in his chest, he glared at Su Mo, seemingly viciously, but in fact he was silent.

The same goes for the other three followers.

Su Mo's make-up was just right, the arrows shot in succession, and the arrows hit.


Originally, he still lacked a lot of experience, but now he was upgraded immediately, and the equipment was dropped on the ground. At this moment, Su Mo fully played the style of artificial death, and rushed forward and put the things dropped by a few followers into his backpack.

He is a level 31 player (the level of archery), no matter what level the monster he kills, the system will drop equipment according to his level, most likely level 35 equipment, no matter how bad it is, it should be level [-] .

Instead of being a human sacrifice like that law enforcement group, the shoes that escaped were level [-] legends.

If Su Mo killed him, it is estimated that the shoes will become level [-] equipment. Of course, it is impossible to be legendary, and it would be good to be able to become level [-] dark gold.

These four attendants may not be as good as Smollett Brandon's deputy, but they also contributed one piece of unique gold and three pieces of gold equipment. The unique gold is level 35, and the gold is all level [-] equipment.

Smollett Brandon was furious in his heart. His followers could kill themselves or be killed by Dracula, but what kind of fun does a weak-looking adventurer like you have? , the whole person jumped up high, and smashed down from top to bottom towards Su Mo's position.

"Mist grass, is it necessary?"

The two-handed sword used by the berserker was extremely powerful.

The ground was torn apart, sand and rocks were flying, and a huge crack appeared in the post station. This was obviously a big move in the big move, and even Count Dracula had to dodge quickly in the face of this move.

Face kills people, this time it was Su Mo.

Smollett Brandon was offended by Su Mo's shamelessness, and even left Su Mo with the ultimate move to deal with Count Dracula.

Su Mo was directly smashed into meat sauce, there was no possibility of him escaping.

He didn't know about the follow-up battle. The resurrection point was Huggins, and even if he teleported to the nearby area and ran there, it would be too late.

The experience lost is not much, and it is nothing compared to what you get from killing four followers. Now Su Mo has more than 32% experience at level 20.00, which is a full half level up.

The current highest level is 34. If he can kill Smollett Brandon, he will probably be able to catch up.

Fortunately, none of the four pieces of equipment were exposed. What Su Mo lost was a piece of ordinary silver. For this loss, he must ask Count Dracula to get it back.

He didn't think he could help much this time, but it turned out to be a big help.

Smollett Brandon's ultimate move he took for Count Dracula, and when Smollett Brandon jumped up to attack him, he also saw Count Dracula like a brown sugar Crazy output against the opponent's chrysanthemum.

After taking a break and saving the good things, Su Mo teleported to the vampire's underground base.

Santos was not in the underground base, but this did not prevent Su Mo from using the teleportation service. He teleported directly to Count Dracula's bedroom.

The moment he appeared, he clearly felt the murderous intent.

"Mr. Santos, don't shoot, it's me!" Su Mo quickly reminded the nervous Santos. Behind Santos, Dracula sat on the bed with a sallow face.

"My lord, did you succeed? Are you okay?" Su Mo asked knowingly.

Isn't this nonsense? If it doesn't work, Count Dracula won't be able to sit here. As for Count Dracula's injury, he doesn't need to be confused. The powerful vitality of vampires is not only reflected in blood sucking.

"I'm fine, thank you for rushing out desperately." Count Dracula was not surprised by Su Mo's resurrection. Jealous of adventurers, theoretically, they don't think about it.

"It's a pity that my strength is too meager." Su Mo looked ashamed.

This embarrassment is true. He obviously ran out to make up for the knife to grab the head and grab the equipment, but Count Dracula thought he jumped out to help.

Favorability +50 is a must.

"You still have potential. If you have the opportunity in the future, I will help you improve your strength. The background of the blood-sucking family is beyond your imagination." Count Dracula tried hard to squeeze out a smile.

Su Mo did really well. If it wasn't for this guy's big move, Count Dracula's injury would have been more severe.

There is a fart in the background, is it true that you are so miserable?
He complained in his heart, but Su Mo was very grateful to Dade, and vowed to shine for the vampire family, go up the mountain of swords and go down the pan of oil, and never hesitate to die.

The two sides came and went politely, enjoying themselves.

After the politeness was over, he began to talk about this action. Only then did Su Mo know why Count Dracula insisted on killing Smollett Brandon, the number two member of the law enforcement team.

(End of this chapter)

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