Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 359 Lord Huggins

Chapter 359 Lord Huggins
Because of the curse!

There is a curse on Count Dracula. This curse is very powerful, and it was cast by many wizards together.

In fact, curses are very common in the Eastern Continent.

The Federation of Freedom is not bad. After all, it advertises freedom. Regardless of whether it is true or false, it is impossible for the curse to control others to prevail. However, curses exist everywhere in the Magic Kingdom.

For example, a teacher, he leads the disciples who follow him to learn magic, and there are many curses on these disciples.

The Magic Council is just the biggest curse in the Magic Kingdom. There are countless large and small groups of magicians over there. The more famous ones include the Wizard’s House, the White Tower, the Curse Research Society, etc. The large organizations are not bad, and the cohesion of small organizations depends on curse.

There is no curse on the Holy See, but there are stigmata.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is still a curse. If the stigmata occurs, it can burn the soul of the priest, leaving the priest with only a body, which is more vicious than most curses in the magic kingdom.

Having said that, the curse that Count Dracula enjoyed back then was not so vicious.

At least compared to the stigmata of the Holy See, it can be said that it is the utmost benevolence.

As long as Count Dracula does not rebel, and has been honestly being the Count of his Shadow Castle, he will not suffer from the scorching sun, and even has the benefit of making him not afraid of the sun.

The end of the curse should have ended with the death of Count Dracula, and most curses are played like this.However, vampires have strong vitality, and many of them can resurrect and run out after death, so the end of the curse was replaced by a berserker with strong vitality, that is, Smollett Brandon.

Only with the death of Smollett Brandon will the curse end.

"No, Lord Earl..." Su Mo didn't say the following words, but how could Santos not understand what he said.Count Dracula is like this, if this is not rebellious, then the person who cast the spell can die.

Not to mention other things, even the commander of the north and the second in command of the law enforcement team were slaughtered by him. It would be ridiculous to say that he turned his back on his heart.

"Hmph, curse, curse, have they forgotten the source of the curse? The great vampire clan researched the curse tens of thousands of years ago, and the first embrace is actually a curse." Santos said disdainfully.

Su Mo understood after hearing what he said.

Wizards can release curses, but vampires are the originator of the art of cursing. As a powerful vampire, although Count Dracula cannot tear up the curse contract by himself, he can deceive curses.

Now that Smollett Brandon was dead, the curse was completely gone.

"Will the higher-ups suspect Count Dracula?" Su Mo asked with concern. He especially hoped that Dracula and his group would succeed. Once they succeeded, Master Su would be able to raise all boats.

He was still counting on being able to become a member of the new nobles. The fiefs were all selected, and that was Huggins.

Lord Huggins, haha...

Of course, he was drooling inwardly, but on the surface he still looked worried.

"Hmph, of course they suspect that there were people who came to investigate before you came, but they were fooled by adults. These people are with you every day, and adults already know how to fool them."

In fact, Count Dracula has been sick in bed for the past few days because he sucked unclean blood.

Being imprisoned in this shadow castle, the law enforcement team controls Count Dracula's food, so they get some blood from various places and send it over. Blood drawing is a very common thing in the Eastern Continent, especially those who are hostile to the Holy See. If you are sick, don't go to the priest, just use bloodletting therapy.

The law enforcement team belittled Dracula in various ways, and they had long stopped treating him as one of the eight masters of the Federation.

The blood sent was mixed, not to mention expired ones, and many of them were "poisonous" blood from sick patients. It was no secret that Dracula had diarrhea and even stayed in bed all these years.

In fact, how powerful a vampire is, how could it be poisoned by blood.

Today Count Dracula heard that Smollett Brandon, who was associated with his curse, died, and wept at that time, crying that it was Smollett Brandon who saved his life at that time, I didn't expect to be killed by someone, and there was no bones left - he had already crushed his bones to ashes.

That sad energy moved even the people in the law enforcement team who humiliated him all day long.

He secretly sighed and proudly thought that a wolf had been tamed by himself with the technique of boiling an eagle. The new curse ceremony that was supposed to be carried out immediately was not immediately put on the agenda. After all, it is hard to find a great wizard , The required materials should also be collected slowly.

Thus, the suspicion of Dracula was temporarily cleared.

Looking at the sleeping handsome Earl Dracula, Su Mo finally felt the viciousness and viciousness of this guy, he really is a person who wants to do great things.

"Next, you still need your people to continue to wear masks to attract the attention of the Federation." Santos looked at Su Mo and said seriously.

Attracting your uncle, you are being stupid, Su Mo cursed in his heart, but his face was extremely solemn and sincere: "Master Santos, don't worry, I promise to complete the task." But just after saying this, he sighed again: " However, if the Earl kills two strong men in the north, there must be a large number of experts in the north, and my people are just ordinary adventurers, so there is no way to complete the task."

In the final analysis, he still has to seek the welfare of his brothers.

Looking at the current ranking list, the top 34 are almost all Shifang Mingliang's group of people, all of them are level 35, and it is estimated that they will rise to [-] in these two days. The reason why those people can rise so fast is entirely because of the main task. reason.

Su Mo also helped Shifang Mingliang obtain mission items twice.

This shows how generous the rewards of the main task are, and Su Mo is only level 32 now, which is not worth mentioning at all.

The first scene of the game [Magic Blood Moon] is coming to an end, and the next scene is probably the big event that Count Dracula and the others are planning. The strength has improved.

If everyone in the Bloody Battle Banner is level 35, Master Su will look a little more respectable.

Long before the confrontation between the two masters, Su Mo thought that Count Dracula had made such a request. Now that the old matter was brought up again, it seemed that he had done useless work, but it was not.At that time, Su Mo had only completed the first phase of the mission. Now Su Mo not only blocked the strongest blow for Count Dracula, but also played an important role in the next action.

If Su Mo and his people can attract the main force of the federal law enforcement corps to the north, then the south will become a fertile ground for riots.

(End of this chapter)

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