Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 361 Has Someone Bullied Us

Chapter 361 Has Someone Bullied Us
Such a pile of equipment, plus the four pieces of equipment dropped by the previous four followers, if you don't look at what Su Mo has experienced in the past two days, you might think that the game is flooded with gold and dark gold equipment.

In fact, the trading house didn't have a single piece of dark gold equipment.

There are very few gold equipments, even Gaara's private trading auction, such a high-end occasion, there are only a few pieces of gold equipment to support the scene.

Su Mo left a piece of dark gold with good special effects, and threw the other less practical piece to Gaara to sell for money. The gold equipment was basically processed in the same way, and it was really kept and thrown into the warehouse for everyone. Not much is actually used.

It is impossible for him to worry about everything just because he is the boss of the Scarlet Battle Banner, taking everyone's equipment and levels on him.

Moreover, everyone is the best, and everyone has arrogance in their hearts. Although they started late, other people have no plans to eat soft food. Many people used Su Mo's money and basic equipment, and put things away in at most two days. Pay it back - because they made their money back.

Even the comrade-in-arms who helped people move with a rope between his teeth, now earns one or two hundred yuan a day by selling materials. If he is lucky, five or six hundred yuan is possible.

He had already refused the subsidy that Shengshi Anning had arranged for him, and now he has returned the thousands of dollars he received before.

Even if someone picks up the gold and silver equipment that Su Mo threw into the warehouse, they will gather up a sum of money as soon as possible, and deposit the money at a price not lower than the market price—many of which will exceed the market price in the end. In the guild warehouse.

When Su Mo saved his equipment, he clearly saw that the number of gold coins in the guild's warehouse had climbed to fourteen.

It was still six hundred yesterday!
If 100 people collect eight gold coins each, there will be eight hundred gold coins.

The money is nominally Su Mo's, because it is stored on the exclusive page of Su Mo.

The money invested in these brothers before is now slowly returning.

Su Mo didn't intend to take the money out either. After a little manipulation, he earned the money into the public area, and greeted Sheng Shi An Ning, and Sheng Shi An Ning, a vibrant girl, began to arrange more people to enter the game.

It is said that she has recently been in contact with some institutions responsible for the placement of veterans, saying that they can provide them with jobs.

In fact, this is the first time that a so-called game guild has made a similar request. In the past, these were real companies and units that admired fighting heroes, and they were not like Shengshi Anning who would arrange hundreds of people at the first opening.

In this era, any industry is no longer a population-intensive business model.

But no one would refuse such a good deed, especially since this so-called game guild was founded by veterans, and they would not worry about them getting together to make troubles. If there is no accident, there will be a steady stream of novices entering the game from Scarlet Battle Banner .

The outermost warehouse of the Scarlet Battle Banner is filled with potions, basic equipment, and various consumables. After entering the game, newcomers can contact Shengshi Anning directly. Get basic equipment and potions here.

When others are reluctant to drink medicine, when others are still killing monsters with small whiteboards, players with guild backgrounds are already killing monsters frantically with the little green best.

It took these people only about ten days from entering the game to becoming familiar with the operation of the game, and then rising to level 25 or above.

And at level 25, or even level [-], they have already begun to thrive in the game because of their excellent personal qualities. It is hard to say that they can make a lot of money, and they are more than self-sufficient.

Of course, there are also those who really can't play the game.

There is no need to worry about not being able to arrange such people. With the increasing number of people in the guild, those responsible for logistics work are also indispensable, not to mention that there are places such as One Piece Bar that need to be taken care of.

Su Mo didn't care about these chores, Sheng Shi Anning did them all.

Sheng Shi An Ning is indeed very capable, and he handles major and minor matters in an orderly manner, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

Su Mo's first payment of this month has already been repaid to Manager Li's account. Adding up the previous and last, he has already repaid 300 million, and the rest is only 1000 to [-] million.

The money was repaid too quickly, which made Master Su very unfulfilling.

He even secretly wanted to borrow another [-] to [-] million to stimulate himself, but unfortunately he didn't have anything to spend money on, and Manager Li probably wouldn't dare to lend him a loan. If Manager Li was more vicious, maybe The entire lending industry knows the name of Master Su.

Ten experience pills will also be distributed.

More than 100 people are divided into ten, which is really difficult to divide. It stands to reason that Su Mo intends to divide it among his close brothers.

This is human nature, even if it is counted according to credit, it is Tian Dazhuang who has the most credit, and has always put himself in the most dangerous position, and other people can't gossip.

It was just rejected by Tian Dazhuang and the others, who proposed to promote the brothers who had not reached the thirtieth level first.

They are already level 33. Ashamed to say, Su Mo entered the game earlier than Tian Dazhuang and the others, but in the end the level was actually overtaken.

The money has been earned, but the level has dropped, and his own strength other than the equipment has not improved much. Master Su's face is a bit embarrassing, but he has no intention of eating for himself, but chooses to throw it to those who are below the [-]th level. .

Ten balls down, no one at level [-] will definitely reach level [-].

In order not to waste, all the brothers who are only 100th level by more than [-] million are selected. After eating the meatballs, they can reach [-]th level with a little practice, and they can do job transfer tasks.

When Su Mo just changed his job, the job transfer task was a big obstacle that prevented many people from continuing to upgrade. The first batch of players at level 34 were blocked for more than a week, otherwise the highest level of players now would not be only [-].

It's different now, normal people at level [-] can easily complete the job transfer task.

That kind of job transfer task can't be completed at this point, and some of them have been delayed for several weeks, and they are nicknamed the Chosen Son by other players.

Su Mo and Sheng Shi An Ning quickly selected the people who used the experience balls, they were all brothers who had entered the game and showed great talent.

The Scarlet Battle Banner is especially good. Soldiers regard obedience as their bounden duty. This statement is nonsense, but it is not unreasonable at all. They implement the decisions made by the above thoroughly, and there will be no other soldiers who are not assigned. Too big an opinion.

If it were an ordinary guild, anyone would want something that could be improved by one or two levels.

If the distribution is not good, it is not a welfare, but an accident.

You can't choose a crony, but you can't chill those close to you. With this level of control, let alone Su Mo, even Shengshi Anning has a headache.

It's all right now, ten places have been selected, and the matter of experience meatballs is over.

"By the way, we have been established for a few days. Has anyone bullied our brothers?" Su Mo suddenly said after finishing the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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