Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 362 This Can Have

Chapter 362 This Can Have

Hearing Su Mo's words, Sheng Shi Anning was stunned for a moment, looking a little confused, but quickly shook his head: "No, no one bullied us, and I haven't heard of anyone being bullied."

"You can have this." Su Mo said.

"There really isn't one," Sheng Shi Anning was sure, the people on their side didn't grab things or take up territory, they just practiced honestly, and there was no chance of conflicting with others at all.

"Why not?" Su Mo was depressed.

"You...what do you want to do?" Sheng Shi An Ning couldn't understand the way of thinking of a psychopath at all, and it didn't seem to care about the brothers' game life depending on the situation.

In the army, if you fight with other departments, you will be asked whether you have won or lost, and then you will discuss the punishment. It's not bad for a beating.

"Actual combat exercises, you have to fight to get exercise." Su Mo said it as a matter of course.

In this operation, he discovered the shortcomings of his brothers. They can't fight, or they can't fight in the game, and there are too many traces of reality in their shots.

So we must let everyone learn to fight.

Originally, Su Mo thought that the establishment of the Scarlet War Banner would cause some troubles. After all, everyone would make some enemies, and who knew that everything would be all right.

"Why do they fight all day long in the Fashen Temple?" Su Mo suddenly remembered.

The Fashen Temple was fighting with others almost all day long, from morning to night, if it weren't for the young people's energy, they probably wouldn't even have time to level up.

"Children are not sensible," Sheng Shi Anning said after a pause, "The Thirteenth Taibao and their gang of brats have their own aura of ridicule. I want to beat them all, let alone those outside."

Well, the reason is strong.

"How did they offend you?" Su Mo was curious.

"They actually said that my mother is strong. Although I am one hundred and one, but I am more than 1.7 meters, how can I be strong?" When it comes to this prosperous age An Ning, I feel a little crazy. No matter how much a girl who doesn't care about her image is said to be strong She couldn't be happy either, not to mention Sheng Shi An Ning still cared about her own image.

"Uh, the brat is ignorant, so don't take it to heart." What else could Su Mo say.

"If you want to practice in actual combat, you can help those brats beat others. They have a lot of enemies and often make appointments." Sheng Shi Anning actually wanted to say, you just beat the brats, but it's a pity that the brats are not very good at fighting.

"That's a good idea. I'll go find Old Fu." Su Mo nodded.

"You can also go to the mercenary hall to pick up some fight orders, and there are occasional group fights in it." Sheng Shi Anning added that she is not high level, only a dozen or so levels, and she has long given up upgrading in the game, but in order to manage Su Mo well Her game career is no worse than Su Mo's understanding of games.

Su Mo readily agreed, and asked Sheng Shi Anning to go to the mercenary hall to find a list, and he would contact Fu Jiafeng.

"Old Fu, are you still fighting with others today?"

"Hit, it's hitting, haha, don't run, see if I don't kill you."

There was a commotion over there, and it seemed that there was a real fight. Su Mo regained his energy immediately, and asked, "Old Fu, where did you call? Tell me the address quickly, and I will help you."

"Help me? No... no need, who am I, how could I need..." There was no sound after that.

Su Mo didn't know, so he had to ask the relatively reliable Wang Shuo, that is, he couldn't remember in the game, and finally figured out the truth from Wang Shuo.

Fighting is real fighting, but gaining the upper hand is complete bullshit.

The so-called telling others not to run just now is also a slap in the face to pretend to be fat, and the communication that was cut off in the end was also because he was killed by someone, and he was summoned by the system master to revive him.

After asking about the place, Su Mo began to gather free brothers to help him.

The bloody battle flag is united. As soon as Su Mo spoke, 130 or 120 members of the [-]-person guild responded, and the remaining four were basically non-ranked and did some chores with Shengshi Anning.

A group of people flocked to the scene of the incident soon.

When the hundred and ten people arrived at the place, they didn't say a word, just stood there, and both sides who were fighting fiercely felt a little nervous, but the Thirteenth Taibao quickly recognized that they were their acquaintances.

"Oh, Xiao Su, you're here. I'll talk to you after I've dealt with them." Fu Jiafeng just came back from the resurrection.

"These idiots actually have helpers, what should we do?" The opponent of the Fashen Temple was a little dumbfounded.

"What are you afraid of? They dare not..."

"Do it!" Without Su Mo's words, these soldiers would not have done it at all, but with the order from Su Mo, the number one hundred and ten people immediately found a target and started to do it.

There are more than 30 people in Fashen Temple, and their opponents are forty or fifty, and they are safely suppressed to fight.

But now Su Mo has brought more than 100 people, and these 100 people are so strong, they immediately turned the tide of the battle, and the others who beat them soon failed to stand up.

Or not, so there is no pressure.

Most of the brothers are still fighting in a realistic way, and often forget about skills and normal positioning, otherwise they wouldn't have lost so much blood and wasted so much time while fighting so few people.

When Su Mo watched two NPC masters fight, he realized that skills are not omnipotent.

But he also knows that the battle between players depends on skills and some skills in the game after all, and everyone is far from the level of Count Dracula.

The damage caused by an ordinary skill is much more than that of ordinary skills.

Especially those brothers who are legal professions, you use your staff to kick and kick, who did you learn from?

" wait, our Return of the King guild will not let you go." An opponent shouted sternly.

"The return of the king? How many of you are there?" Su Mo's elf sword held the downward-slashing ax and stopped the fatal blow.

"More than 200 people, why do you ask this?" The player who escaped by chance asked in surprise.

"Then why do you only come here to fight with so few people?" Su Mo couldn't figure it out, a "big" guild with more than 200 people, only more than 40 people came here.

"Some people don't want to come, some people are not online." Players don't want this either.

Originally, it was relatively easy for more than 40 people to bully 100, but now there are more than [-] opponents, even if they can fight, they can't bear it, let alone the new group of people who can fight more than them.

"Disappointing!" Su Mo took away the player's last HP with a light swipe of the sword in his hand.

"Haha, Xiao Su, you finally came to help me, I knew you..." Fu Jiafeng ran over happily.

"Shut up, or I'll beat you up in front of so many younger brothers." Su Mo threatened angrily. This threat finally had some effect, making Fu Jiafeng shut up obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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