Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 363 Opening of the Underground Palace

Chapter 363 Opening of the Underground Palace

"Old Fu, do you have many enemies?" Su Mo asked.

"A lot, how could there not be many? I don't know why these people have such a bad temper. They said it was good, but they turned their faces in a blink of an eye. Recently, they have been fighting all day long, hitting this and that..."

"Being beaten up by one and then replaced by another," Su Mo couldn't help complaining: "Why did you hit you, don't you have any compulsion in your mind?"

"Xiao Su, what do you mean and how do you speak?" Fu Jiafeng stubbornly called Su Mo Xiaosu, and at the moment he still regarded Su Mo as his little brother, and he didn't even have hair on his head.

"I want to declare war on you right now." Su Mo sneered.

"Brother Binghe, if you want to hit him, just hit him. We can't take it anymore." Wang Shuo begged for mercy. The two people who fight the tiger have the final say.

Chongchong, who fights the tiger, recently took a sum of money and invested in the game, and everyone is vowing to work hard.

"Bring out all your enemies, and we'll help you beat them." This time, Su Mo really hoped that Fu Jiafeng and the others would be more hateful, and stop making dozens of so-called enemies.

Wang Shuo was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately started contacting the enemies.

Su Mo was speechless watching from the sidelines. These little brats are so clever, and the opponent even adds friends. Could it be that it is for the convenience of making appointments.

The opponents for the fight soon gathered.

"God Emperors of the Heavens, you are so shameless that you are looking for helpers." The first group of people who came over saw the huge black area, and their faces changed immediately.

The god emperor of the heavens, that is, Song Zhibo, quickly argued: "We not only called your family, but also others. We guarantee that you have a large number of people."

When the other party heard it, they were relieved.

From the appearance and tone of voice of the other party, Su Mo could quickly understand that these children were probably high school students. He was quite confused. Don't children now have to do their homework, and even so rich they can create a guild.

The two groups of people who were about to fight were not at war, but were chatting happily.

Su Mo leaned over and listened. A group of people said that the English teacher was beautiful, but it was a pity that he had a boyfriend. Another boy said that the math teacher slapped him, and his father went to the principal. , the teacher is probably going to transfer classes; but what’s more, he fell in love with a female classmate, but the female classmate didn’t accept it, and vowed to make the female classmate regret it in 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.

After a while, another group came.

It is said that it is still a guild with a few hundred people, but only a few dozen people come. These student-themed guilds are basically like this, and the number of people online is very average.

It is far inferior to Fu Jiafeng and his group of internet-addicted teenagers.

Dozens of dozens of superpositions, not long after, more than 200 people gathered here.

The two sides began to talk about each other, which is similar to what you worry about and what you are doing, or retrospectively, what happened to everyone last time, this time I will have to be ashamed.

Then the atmosphere was finally heated up to a certain level, and the two sides finally started fighting after a disagreement.

Su Mo and the others are Fu Jiafeng's allies, and they are also in the melee. We are a group of several people, and we fight very well. According to Su Mo's request, we try our best to gradually improve the game's position, movement, and skills. Integrate into everyone's daily battles.

Both sides have a large number of people on the one hand, but on the other hand, they have high fighting qualities, and the fight is inextricably linked.

While fighting, I heard someone yelling: "What time is it? They are still fighting here. The magic shield in the Pavo swamp can be entered. Hurry up and grab the artifact."

This scuffle couldn't continue immediately, and none of you had any idea about artifacts.

Su Mo said that the team was handed over to Yunfei and the others, so he hurriedly found a place to switch his perspective. In order not to be dug out and flogged his corpse, he would simply leave his own body in the hotel and use the pass to send the future blessing directly to Papa. ferocious swamp.

Don't wait for me, although Su Mo doesn't think there is any magic weapon in the cover, but he doesn't think it was made by the government to entertain everyone.

While running towards the direction of the cover, it asked the group about the situation there.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: What's going on inside, did anyone go in?

Orlando the Green Lizard: Come in, come in.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: What's going on there.

Green Lizard Orlando: Uh, I died, there were too many monsters in it, and I just landed in a pile of monsters.

Ferocious Wolf Laifu: Landing?what does that mean?
Orlando, the green-skinned lizard: I just fell down. After entering, I fell onto a small hillside. Unexpectedly, there was a stockade on the top, and there were many dark-skinned humanoid creatures in it. When they saw me, they babbled something I couldn’t understand. Then kill me.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Is the place big? Let's open it from the outside of the cover, but it's just a palace.

Green-skinned lizard Orlando: It should be quite big. When I descended from the sky, I could see many mountains, rivers, and a huge palace in the distance, but the place was very dim, and most of them couldn’t see clearly.

Ferocious Wolf Laifu: Did you fall fast? Did you get hurt when you fell to the ground?
Green-skinned lizard Orlando: That's not true, and you can adjust the direction in the air. I was not proficient at the beginning, so I accidentally landed in that stockade.

Salted Fish King Victor: Why don't you try it first.

Iron Winged Goshawk Snow: Haha, I must be in this game, who is more suitable than me?
Nicole the Golden Python: I want to go too.

One-legged king Allen: Hehe, Nicole, you probably just want to eat. It has been closed for many years, so how could there be anything to eat.

Nicole the Golden Python: Who said that I am here to eat, I am here to go in and protect everyone.

Raun the mangy yellow lion: Boss, why don't I use it as a ride for you?
Nicole the Golden Python: I... I can do it too.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Come on, don't make a fuss, let's all go in if we can go in now, and gather around Nicole after we go in, Nicole, remember to spray a few fires to show everyone the direction.

Nicole the Golden Python: Don't worry, I will be very careful not to spray fire on my own people.

At this moment in the Pavo Swamp, the huge blue magic cover had faded a lot, and players could be seen flocking from afar in Laifu.

They jumped directly on the cover, and disappeared on the cover in a blink of an eye.

It seems that the cover no longer hurts the approaching players. As for the situation after entering, Orlando, the green-skinned lizard, said that everyone has confidence in their hearts. The next step is to break through the player's blockade and enter the magic cover.

(End of this chapter)

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