Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 364 The Secret Realm

Chapter 364 The Secret Realm
At the earliest time, Laifu didn't know what was behind the magic hood, it looked like a palace from the outside, so he decided to wait for the players to kill each other for the treasure before making a move.

He never thought that there would be a hole in the cover, so that players would not have to kill each other for a while.

Now, the monsters also need to rush to the side of the cover and go inside.

The surrounding players will not be indifferent, this is probably human nature, just like Tongtian Demon Tower, monsters line up to enter, but Tongtian Tower, players have to fight before entering.

At this time, the players were already on their own guard, but suddenly a monster came, and they immediately attacked like frightened birds.

"Kill them!" Laifu gave the order.

With the protection of a few boss-level monsters, it could indeed rush in unharmed, but not necessarily those low-level monster apostles that followed.

In order to protect the low-level chat group members behind, Laifu could only let people kill players.

Poor players, they didn't know what they were facing. When the monsters got serious, blood flowed in front of the magic hood.

However, players are not powerless.

After all, the underground palace has been opened, and players who know it are flocking to it. Today, there are as many players as the hair of an animal coming to Pavo Swamp.

"I can't hold it anymore!" The one who spoke was the militant Pingtou brother, with such a thin and small figure, but no one could stand for more than 30 seconds for dozens of yards around him, because they were all dead.

But Brother Pingtou, as the vanguard, also suffered the strongest attack.

"You guys block it for a while, don't fight recklessly, the others enter the magic shield, Angus, you go in too!" Laifu was also helpless, and had to let the weaker ones go in first.

As for this process, if someone is killed, it can only be regarded as bad luck.

"I'm very good, oh, okay, I'll go in first." Originally, I planned to use the clone technique to show off my strength, but I was beaten so badly that I almost died. Tiger King Angus had to follow the other little boys The apostles retreat.

The main combat forces are Salted Fish King Victor, Candle Wolf King Pease, Langley Parrot Jamie, Sandwalker Jason, and Golden Python Nicole. They are either attacking high or defending thick. one piece.

"Let me help you!" Something suddenly jumped out of the muddy water, one turned into two, two turned into four...

"Mr. Bigworth, you came just in time." Laifu heaved a sigh of relief. In this case, there would be less pressure on their side.

It is also true, the 72 big cat clones of Biggerworth are stronger than Laifu.

All of a sudden, the players on this side were directly slaughtered. According to a rough estimate, more than 300 players were killed at this time, and a large area was emptied.

And the big cat Bigworth didn't come alone, he brought several old men of his own.

Their chat group is not like Laifu's. Laifu relies on its own clever brain, while Bigworth relies on its strength. There are actually only a few people who really obey it.

"Run, there are too many monsters!"

With such unreasonable skills, the players had no choice but to disperse in a hurry, so only the equipment left floating all over the place was picked up, at least two hundred pieces were still available. .

The big cat, Bigglesworth, licked his paw, turning a blind eye to Laifu's movements.

"After going in, is everyone relying on their own abilities?" The black crow Brad Pidan asked before the big cat Bigworth.

"..." The big cat Bigworth was silent.

"What Mr. Bigworth wants belongs to you, and everything else belongs to us," Laifu blinked, and added: "Of course, you can also pretend that the competition of the previous few days never happened."

"Okay." The big cat Bigworth heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hmph, isn't it just a fluke win? I'll do it next time if I have the ability, but it's okay to eat it." Brad Pidan said unconvinced. It seems that the only thing he was convinced in the last game was the golden python Nicole's stomach.

"Hehe." The mocking laughter had nothing to do with Laifu, it was the old enemy Langley Parrot Jamie who laughed at it.

"Okay, let's all go in. After entering, we can see the direction where Nicole spews flames, and we all gather together. After we go down, we will go towards the palace together. We will kill players when we encounter them. Do you understand?" Lai Fu As a matter of course, the big cat Bigworth and the others were also commanded together.

No one had any objections, and the big cat Bigworth also nodded.

He rushed towards the magic cover, and Laifu passed by smoothly. After he recovered, it was already in mid-air, and below was the distant and dark land. Mountains, rivers and rivers could indeed be seen vaguely, and there were almost completely visible things in the distance. Unclear silhouette of a huge palace.

That palace is probably the rightful owner.

However, Laifu soon lost interest in studying the palace. It looked around, but found no flames from Nicole, nor did the other monsters.

It couldn't help but smile wryly in its heart, this place is too big, and it is estimated that it was released immediately, so there are no other monsters in sight.

However, there are a few players in the field of vision, scattered in the sky.

What is this, Laifu moved and found that he could control the direction and speed of his flight, as if he was carrying an open parachute on his back.

After getting closer to the ground, Lai Fu found that the ground was not very flat.

The green-skinned lizard Orlando said that there were three or four camps in its field of vision, and the people who came in and out seemed to be wild men on horseback. Besides these, there were many monsters outside the camp.

It's just that the monster species here are very different from those outside, at least the monster Laifu has never seen it recently.

For example, there is a monster that looks like a bear but has a long tail. It has two heads, and each of them looks very difficult to mess with. Laifu had to adjust the landing point many times before landing on a deserted slope.

But soon, there was a voice gradually approaching.

Escort, Nicole, come and escort!
Uncle Laifu yelled in his heart, but it was a pity that it was useless, any chat channel could not be used, and even if he could call someone, it was too late to help.

Laifu quietly lurked behind a rock, watching a two-headed fur monster approaching while sniffling.

This thing has such a sensitive sense of smell?

Now that he got closer, Su Mo realized that the monster's tail was really long, dragging on the ground, covered with armor, like a crocodile's tail.

The two-headed bear stopped and let out a dull roar at the rocks, probably already knowing that Mr. Laifu was hiding behind.

The two-headed bear circled around the rocks to attack Laifu, but Laifu played a game of hide-and-seek on tiptoe. When the two-headed bear got impatient, Laifu suddenly accelerated his speed and walked around behind the two-headed bear. Swish, swish, and several claws all attacked the tail of the two-headed bear.

It's actually all damage reduced by one, which is completely defenseless, Lai Fu's heart is instantly filled with despair.

(End of this chapter)

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