Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 365 Green Crystal

Chapter 365 Green Crystal (recommendation ticket requested)
Fortunately, this monster was very clumsy, and when he turned around, Lai Fu had already run away.

This monster is too powerful, Laifu didn't even dare to let the other party touch him, he died directly because he was afraid of being touched, this is not impossible.

But escaping like this is not the way, and it may not be possible to escape.

The two-headed bear roared furiously, but it didn't have any brains at all. In fact, if it turned around or stopped, it might be able to catch up with the wild wolf that was playing hide-and-seek with it around the rocks.

The rock is too small, and the two-headed bear is clumsy. Looking at its thick claws, Laifu doesn't expect it to run very slowly, so there is no way to stop and test the opponent's magic defense—most monsters even Players have magic and physical defenses, and monsters with high defenses may not have the same high magic defenses.

The two-headed bear turned around a few times, his head was a little swollen, and then he found that the prey suddenly disappeared.

That's not bad, it speeded up, and its tail swung, causing pieces of dirt and grass clippings to roll up on the ground, but the prey that was still running for its life just now really disappeared.

A two-headed bear paced unhurriedly not far away, glanced at it, and walked away lazily.

Walking so leisurely, it must have just caught prey. If it were it, there would be no way to be so leisurely. Its low IQ is full of prey, which may not be angry and wronged, making it too lazy to say hello to its kind. Anyway, it is not a mother at first glance. of.

Laifu is as stable as an old dog on the outside, but panicked inside!
The ghost knows whether this two-headed bear with a well-developed sense of smell will find out its details all at once. The heart of the wild is not omnipotent, at most it can only imitate the appearance.

Yet this seems to be enough.

The monster watched Laifu leave helplessly, and could only vent with the rock in vain.

Heading towards the center of this area in hiding, you will never get lost here, because although the huge palace in the center is far away and vague, it guides everyone like a bright light.

Laifu soon discovered the first outsiders.

There are two players, they are fighting a two-headed bear, one of them is attacking by the two-headed bear in front, and the other is attacking with magic in the back.

There are both players and monsters entering this secret realm, but the number of players far exceeds that of monsters, so it is not uncommon for the two players to be together.

It was strange that they were fighting a two-headed bear.

Just now, Laifu retreated after meeting each other. Could it be that these two people are so much better than him? It absolutely doesn't believe it, because it is Laifu, and it is Laifu without Su Mo's drag.

Or maybe they're just dying in vain.

However, it turned out that Laifu was wrong, because the two-headed bear was killed in this way.

Physically immune monsters!

Undoubtedly, only this reason can explain it. It is not surprising that two players can kill a monster whose attack is not very high. It is immune to physical attacks but not immune to magic damage.

"Oops, here comes another one." One player went to pick up something, and the other player looked around while recovering. He didn't know how lucky he was, and he saw Laifu at a glance.

Laifu was very speechless, it only showed half of its head, so everyone could see it.

Whether to turn around and run, or send it up to let the two players know why the flowers are so popular, Laifu didn't hesitate too long, because the two players couldn't wait to run towards him, and one left and one On the right, in a double attacking posture.

It retracted behind the stone, canceling the status of Wild Heart.

Heart of the Wild has no cooldown time, as long as it is an animal, it can cosplay, but it is a pity that it can be used when it cannot be used in combat. As long as it enters the combat state, the cosplay effect will be gone.

"Didn't you say you saw a single two-headed bear, why is it a wild wolf?" a player complained.

"Uh, I did see the two-headed bear, forget it, don't blame it, go find the two-headed bear to get crystals, I don't believe that the monsters here only drop green crystals." Another player thought he was dazzled .

"Aren't you stupid? Why don't you fight if there's something strange? Maybe it's the blue crystal that's to blame."

As they said that, they attacked Laifu, and Laifu who eavesdropped on them was confused, what kind of green crystal and blue crystal, when did this kind of thing appear in the game, it sounds like it fell from a two-headed bear.

The player slashed at Lai Fu's body, knocking out more than 40 HP.

"This monster doesn't seem to be physically immune, but its skin is thick enough."

That's pretty thick. If it's Qiuqiu who came here today, then you should know what thick skin is.

At this time, the magic attack also fell on Laifu, knocking out its blood volume in the early 900s. The strength of these two players is still quite good, and Laifu's total blood volume is only more than [-].

Qiuqiu's blood volume is almost [-], and the professionalism of reincarnation is incomparable.

Laifu stabbed with a salted fish, which not only narrowed the distance with the magic profession, but also knocked out most of the opponent's HP. This is its strongest single attack, learned from the salted fish king Victor.

"Mist grass, this is the BOSS, it hurts to hit me, hurry up and help me." The magic player almost pissed in fear.

Although his blood volume is not high, but killing five or six hundred of his blood volume at once, this is something that only a boss can do. Even if the player's strongest single-target skill is charged up, it can't be defeated. He has so much blood.

Laifu ignored the player who attacked with physical force, just stared at the player who attacked with magic, and quickly killed the player.

Another player from the physics department couldn't tell the pain in his heart, and was finally killed by Laifu on the spot.

Green crystal: material, used to strengthen green equipment, one crystal is consumed each time, after strengthening +3, the equipment is upgraded to blue, and three green crystals or one blue crystal are required to be consumed, only for strengthening green and blue equipment .

Strengthen equipment?

Laifu seems to understand something. This is probably the green crystal that the player said just now, which can be used to strengthen equipment and turn green equipment into blue.

And the blue crystal is naturally something that can directly strengthen the blue equipment.

Three green crystals are roughly equivalent to one blue crystal. It is estimated that there should be silver crystals or gold crystals on top of the blue.

This is not a trivial matter, the level barrier of equipment has been broken, and the level of equipment can be changed with this small stone.

Laifu searched for a while, found a group of two-headed bears, hid in the distance and released a small lightning at them, these two-headed bears suffered a heavy blow immediately, and more than 100 damage emerged from their heads one by one Come.

This damn monster is indeed physically immune.

Lai Fu's magic power is not enough to kill a group of two-headed bears, so it can only run wildly, and then use the heart of the wild to become a two-headed bear to avoid.

(End of this chapter)

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