Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 366 The Bound Play of the Black Bear Spirit

Chapter 366 The Bound Play of the Black Bear Spirit
Laifu is basically a monster with physical attacks. Even with a powerful magic AOE skill, it is impossible to farm two-headed bears to earn green crystals.

Fortunately, the two-headed bear's hole card is so big, and Laifu soon approached a village.

There are some people riding horses around the camp - after a little closer, Lai Fu discovered in horror that this is not a person riding a horse, it is a person growing on the horse, or a person growing on the horse body.

Laifu quickly remembered this species in the fantasy novel, which should be a centaur.

So the question is, is this thing a human being or an animal?

If it was an ordinary player, they wouldn't care whether it was a human or an animal. Anyway, as long as it was a monster in this secret realm, they could all be killed to get loot.

Laifu approached the centaur cautiously, trying to use the heart of the wild.

As long as the heart of the wild can be used successfully, these centaurs are naturally animals, so it is more convenient for them to pass through the camp. It has been observed in the sky before, and the range of these centaur camps is very wide, especially after landing on the ground. Broader than when viewed from heaven.

Detours are a hassle.

Just when Laifu was getting closer, the centaur turned around suddenly, took off the bow from his waist with one hand, and pulled out an arrow from the quiver with the other backhand, and shot it quickly.

When it turns around, its upper body, that is, above the waist, is turning, and the lower half of the horse's body has hardly changed.

The whole process can only be described as lightning-fast, Laifu was shot in the face before he could dodge in time, the accuracy is too good.

Seeing the amount of blood he lost, Laifu kicked his feet and rushed forward.

The centaur archer drew out three arrows without hesitation, and shot them all at once, puff puff puff, Lai Fu hit three arrows in a row, hitting the eyes, throat and heart respectively.

Laifu's blood volume has been knocked out a lot, but it still has to sincerely admire the bow and arrow skills of the centaur archer. This is a difficult skill that players and many NPC trainers outside can't master.

The centaur archer's face was human, but his skin was dark, so he couldn't see his face and expression clearly, and his chest was so flat that he couldn't judge a man or a woman at all.

It backhanded out three more arrows, and this time it didn't shoot all at once, but three times in quick succession. Each arrow was nailed to the same position on Laifu's chest, and its charging figure was completely stopped. , and even took a step backwards.

Compared to this centaur archer, Su Mo is shit.

With a low growl, Laifu suddenly transformed into three wild wolves, and then all three wild wolves rushed towards the centaur.

This was a skill learned from eating the meat of Angus the Tiger King. If he didn't use it now, Laifu estimated that he would be kited to death. The appearance of the three wild wolves really made the centaur panic.

It turned around and moved its four legs, trying to regain the distance.

Of course, Laifu couldn't make it come true. After the distance was reduced to [-] yards, he immediately used the charge skill and rushed to the centaur.

Charge: Level 1, active, 30-second cooldown, rushing to the enemy target within 0.5 yards, causing a 20-second immobilization effect, and causing the next first attack to cause an additional [-]% damage.

Not only is it close to the target, but also has a 0.5 second immobilization effect.

Just such a meal is enough for Laifu to attack the centaur.

The centaur's previous attack on it did so much damage that it had to use multiple skills to get close to the target. Now that it attacked the centaur, it also tested the opponent's defense.

The centaur's defense was very weak, and Laifu's attack on it usually dealt two to three hundred damage, and soon the centaur's HP was knocked out by half.

At this time, the centaur finally opened the distance again.

Weakened version of Sagra's Lightning Field!
Laifu's magic skills were also thrown up again, severely wounding and slowing down the centaur that was about to run away, it hurried over and continued to attack, and used normal attacks when it lost its magic, and it took a lot of hard work to get rid of the centaur .

The centaur archer neighed as he was dying.

The camp was not far away. Laifu hurriedly touched the corpse, but found nothing unexpectedly. The drop rate in the new world has always been shabby, and it has not changed because of the new map.

The sound of horseshoes sounded in the distance, and Laifu hurriedly used the skill of Wild Heart.

On the ground was the centaur's corpse. Even if it was dead, it would not prevent it from successfully using its skills. After it was successfully used, it would not dare to march forward against the sound of the horse's hooves. If someone could talk, it would be a big deal.

After making a small circle, Laifu entered the hinterland of this camp.

The camps of the centaur tribe are very simple, and the dwellings are generally leather tents. The shape is basically the skin peeled off from the two-headed bear, and some are simple mud and thatch huts-it looks more like a stable than a stable. Not a house.

Apart from the archer before, Laifu also saw other professionals of this tribe.

The spearmen appeared most frequently. They were holding a very long spear with one end slashed, and most of them were left with dark red blood stains. These spearmen also had short spears for long-range attacks behind them.

However, there are also a few spearmen whose gun heads are made of metal.

Perhaps because of the relatively low metal output, Laifu did not see iron products such as swords here.

The most numerous are spearmen and archers, but there are also very few legal professions. They are probably the key to the survival of the centaur tribe. After all, the two-headed bear has evolved to not eat physical attacks.

When passing by the centaur camp, Laifu took a casual look inside, and unexpectedly let him see an acquaintance—or it would be appropriate to say that he was a stranger.

At this time, the black bear leader Dabson was trapped by his limbs and hung from a tree, with a centaur guarding him.

Originally there were four monsters guarding it, but they didn't know what happened outside. The other three monsters all ran out. Dobson felt that his chance had come and began to struggle continuously.

As long as it breaks free from its shackles, theoretically speaking, it can definitely beat this centaur spearman.

The centaur spearman murmured something, and saw that the black bear that was about to be skinned and divided was still struggling, so he stabbed it fiercely with the barrel of his gun.

Laifu originally planned to slip away quietly, but when he saw this scene, he sighed inwardly, and decided to save this unlucky child.

It is impossible to rush up and fight.

The dying roar of the centaur archer mobilized the entire camp, but there were still some centaurs active in the camp.

If it goes directly up, it is pure courting death.

It seemed that some chaos had to be created. Laifu looked at the fires not far away in the camp, as well as the stables made of leather and grass, and had an idea in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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