Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 367 Black Bear and White Bear

Chapter 367 Black Bear and White Bear

When a centaur camp starts to catch fire, Bear Chief Dobson knows his chance has come.

The poor IQ can also teach it some things. It no longer struggles, but hangs obediently from the tree. When the guards go to put out the fire, it has a chance to escape.

However, what made it smile bitterly was that a centaur archer came over again.

Are you stupid? You didn’t try to rescue the fire, but you came to see what I was doing. It seems that you will die in this encounter, but the way you die is a bit aggrieved—being tied up, hung up, skinned Cutting flesh is really embarrassing.

Fortunately, no acquaintances saw it, otherwise it would not go out to hang around in the future.

"Dobson, Dobson."

"Wucao, who are you, how do you know my name, hey, no, Boss Laifu, woohoo, hurry up and help me." Of course it can tell the tone and habits of Laifu's speech, but what does Boss Laifu say? It became like this.

"Haha, Dabson, why are you tied up? Are you going to bake it or cook it?" He kept teasing, but his hands didn't stop, and he cut the rope with a knife: "Follow Me, don't run around, I'll take you out."

"Boss, how did you know that I was arrested?"

"Minds think alike."

"Hey, Boss, I knew you would come back to save me. What happened to the other brothers, and Little White Bear, did you see her?"

"I didn't see it, you were the first one I saw, stop talking nonsense, hurry up, get out of the range of this camp first, you are such a burden, without you, I would be swaggering everywhere in the camp let's go."

Although it was a habitual complaint, what Laifu said was indeed good.

One plus one may not be equal to or greater than two, Su Mo is cumbersome, but the same is true for the black bear Dobson, this monster is not very powerful, otherwise it will not be able to advance for a long time.

There is no shortage of promotion qualifications, the monster chat group is so big, there are always people who stay.

However, it still wants to stay and fly with the little white bear, and plans to wait for the little white bear Misha to advance together, and show affection to such a degree that the other monsters don't bother to pay attention to them.

"Misha is around, let's look for it." The black bear leader Dabson begged.

When it landed, Laifu's attention was on observing the secret place and the terrain, while Dabson knew he was looking for his girlfriend, and he didn't even know he had landed in the centaur camp.

"Misha knows magic, right?" Laifu asked.

"That's right, she's a genius in ice magic." The black bear Dobson nodded repeatedly, and when he mentioned his girlfriend, he looked elated.

"Is that so, then we really need to find it, where did you see her before?" Lai Fu asked.

The monsters in this secret realm, just the physically immune two-headed bear monster is a headache. If there is a magic partner, then naturally there is no need to worry.

"Probably in the direction... of that mountain." Hei Xiong's finger dangled, and finally pointed to a small mountain in front of the left. A good way is to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

It is impossible for the two monsters not to encounter other monsters.

When encountering monsters, Laifu is lucky to say that he can go straight to the wild heart. The black bear leader Dabson is a big black man, and he doesn't even have to pretend. A group of two-headed bears chased them and almost fell into a tight siege.

The two monsters left a bunch of two-headed furbolgs behind in dismay, and found that they had entered a new monster territory.

There was a bit of noise in a battle not far away, and they rushed over immediately.

It's a pity that after arriving at the place, I found that it was not the crampon bear Misha, but two two-headed bear monsters fighting a strange-looking monster.

It was something like a sea turtle, with a shell on its body and spikes on the shell. Even the limbs and head protruding from the shell were covered with tumor-like thorns. It was simply a hedgehog that could not be attacked.

The two two-headed furbolgs fighting it beat the thorn turtle with their fists, or whipped it with their tails. Not only did the thorn turtle scream, but they couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

"This thorny tortoise is probably immune to magic and can only attack with physical means." After a glance, Laifu came to a conclusion.

The reason for coming to this conclusion is very simple, because the two-headed furbolg can actually attack with magic. One of its two heads can use magic similar to shadow arrows, and it also has a corrosion effect, and the other can use water arrow magic , Laifu saw the battle between the two players and the two-headed furbolg before.

Now that the magic fist is abandoned, it can be seen that these two monsters are mutually reinforcing.

The thorn turtle's attack method is to shoot out the long thorns on its back, and new thorns will grow immediately after shooting out. The attack speed is very slow, and the accuracy is very average. Otherwise, the two double-headed furbolgs would have retreated long ago. .

"What shall we do?" Black Bear Dobson asked.

"Go around." Laifu shook his head.

There is no way to fight, the thorn turtle is okay, Laifu and Dabson are monsters in the physics department, it is probably not difficult to kill them, but the two double-headed furbolgs are their nemesis.

The magic resistance of the thorn turtle is extremely high, almost immune to magic, and even the physical defense is not too low.

But it is not without weaknesses, one is that the attack frequency is very slow, and the other is that the movement speed is also very slow. Laifu and Dabson encountered two more thorn turtles and easily left them behind.

Probably a blind cat meets a dead mouse, and Lai Fu and Black Bear soon meet Little White Bear.

Misha the crampon bear is walking the tortoise at this time, the tortoise is not as fast as it, and it is a monster of ice magic, almost all skills can be slowed down, making the already slow thorn turtle even slower.

"Why don't you run away?" Black Bear Spirit was very happy to see his girlfriend.

"Didn't you tell me not to run around after I got down?" The white bear looked a little silly, probably because he had been killed by players too many times.

However, the black bear has saved a lot of money recently, and everyone has generously donated money. It is estimated that they will be reunited soon.

The monster store sells migration certificates. As long as the monster is bought and used, it can move to other places. It will also be in the new home after death and resurrection. Dabson plans to let his girlfriend move to live with it. It's not far from Si, and there are no particularly high-level monsters. Even if there is a salesman who troubles it all day, it is better than the current situation of crampon bear Misha.

"Okay, I found your girlfriend, let's continue our journey and find other partners as soon as possible." Laifu really didn't want to see them show their affection.

One is stupid, the other is dumbfounded, a couple made in heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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