Chapter 370
Just like the blue crystal, if Laifu can sell ten gold coins, it will give these two Xiong five gold coins in the future, hoping that they can quickly raise enough money to buy the migration certificate.

It wouldn't be impossible to donate all of it, but the black and white bears would be a little bit embarrassed in the future.

With the prestige of Laifu, mobilizing two groups of people to donate money, the money for the migration certificate is indeed affordable, but in this way, there is no chance for the two bears to support each other to tide over the difficulties.

The weakening of monster intelligence is mainly due to too many deaths in a short period of time.

But this is not a sufficient condition. As long as the level of the monster continues to increase, in fact, even if there are more deaths, it will not cause dementia.

With everyone's help, Little White Bear has continuously improved from level [-] at the earliest, to level [-] now. Not only has his level increased a lot, even the players who can kill him are not so many. The earliest crisis has already passed. If it is lifted later, it will have little effect if it is earlier or later.

It's better to give the black bear spirit a chance to perform.

Uncle Laifu, who silently coveted half of the gold coins, thought about these things, and suddenly felt that it was really rare for him to think of his little brother so hard.

The next thing you encounter is not a player, but a monster, a monster.

"What is this?" It was the little white bear who asked again, but he was actually rather silly and cute.

"The chat group next door seems to be a loach." Black Bear explained in a low voice.

But its voice is naturally loud, even if it is whispered, don't expect to be able to hide it from other people's ears.

The old loach on the ground shook his beard and sighed: "Edit, you can call me Old Loach Edith, or just call me Old Loach, whatever you want."

"Edit, why are you here?" Jason was curious.

It and the old loach Edith are simply two extremes among the monster apostles. Sandwalker Jason is a giant with a length of more than ten meters. If he stands up, he is as high as three or four floors, and Edith is even a loach. The taller one is actually only twenty or thirty centimeters.

It's really hard for Jason to see the old loach like a toothpick on the ground.

"I was separated from my other companions, and I'm the only one. Can you do me a favor and take me there?" The old loach was ashamed and angry, but this request had to be made, otherwise it would only be able to jump to the central palace in a monkey year.

Its own strength is not bad, but the environment here is obviously not its home field.

If it's in the Pavo Swamp, even though it's as timid as a mouse, it can fight three green-skinned lizards like Orlando.

Changing to this secret realm with many mountains, it is even a problem to move.

"Dubson, forget it, Jason, you take it, Edith, let's go together." Laifu nodded, originally intending to let Dabson catch the loach in his hand, but it just happened like this Dabson's fighting power became weaker, and he couldn't fight with only one bear paw.

Jason, on the other hand, had more hands and feet, so even if he got one with the old loach, it wouldn't affect his combat effectiveness.

"Don't worry, I'm not a burden!" Old Loach Edith wished that a monster would appear in front of him and let it show the super strength of the water magic monster.

Laifu nodded, and a group of five monsters continued to move forward.

Old Loach's wish came true very quickly, and within a short distance, he met a centaur team, including centaur archers, centaur spearmen, and a centaur wizard.

I have already experienced how difficult it is for centaurs to deal with Laifu. If there are two of them, they can completely kite Laifu to death. Such a team of dozens of players is definitely more difficult to deal with than the wave of players just now.

If it hadn't been discovered in advance, Laifu might have walked around.

Now being discovered by a centaur and prepared to deal with it with a fighting stance, Laifu also knows that it is impossible to be kind. The centaur is faster than them, and they can't escape even if they run, let alone in their territory. superior.

The centaur struck first, and a rain of arrows came directly.

Laifu quickly hid behind Jason. If he didn't dodge, this wave of arrows would kill him. There is no treatment here, and the use of potions can't add much blood.

It's a pity that the desert fox is gone.

Little Ice Bear was still watching in a daze, but the leader of Black Bear, Dabson, who was a bit impatient at first, reacted immediately and dodged with Ice Bear because he cared about his girlfriend.

Jason couldn't avoid it, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

It didn't forget that it still held the old loach Edith in one of its paws, and put that hand behind its back very lovingly.

Most of the arrows hit Jason the Sandwalker, and he lost a small amount of blood when he hit him—this is amazing, these arrows definitely have an armor-piercing effect, otherwise he wouldn't lose so much blood.

"Don't put me in the back, put me in the front, put me in the front, trust me, it's fine." Unexpectedly, it was Old Niach who spoke.

What does this mean, is it more resistant to beating than Jason?

In order to prove himself, the old loach spit directly at Jason. Surprisingly, this saliva was not an insult. Jason's lost blood began to recover visibly with the naked eye .

Healing magic!

Thinking about what Old Loach said just now is not a burden, this is not only a burden, it is simply a treasure!
Those centaur archers would not stop attacking, and their arrow rain attacked again. This time Jason was also curious about what else the old loach could do, so he simply didn't take it back.

The old loach vomited a bubble.

It was originally just a blister the size of a fingernail, but it grew rapidly after it left the mouth of the old loach, and finally wrapped up Jason, who was more than ten meters long.

This time, the rain of arrows all landed on the bubble, and the bubble shook violently, but it did not shatter.

Awesome, really awesome.

When the chat group next door was fighting, the old loach saw that there were many people on Fu's side, and immediately fled in embarrassment. The whole process was just a collision with Jason, and the conclusion was that the old loach was not low-level.

Later, during the war, it didn't have any outstanding performance, and the limelight was all taken away by the big cat Mr. Bigworth.

Generally speaking, this old loach is really too timid. Now its most embarrassing side is seen by the monsters in the hostile chat group, and it has to be grabbed by Jason with one paw. Under the shame and anger, he finally overcomes it. The problem of timidity and cowardice.

Besides, with the backing of Jason, a monster dozens of times bigger than it, it finally felt a little bit more secure.

Knowing how to heal and can set up shields, this is definitely a highly qualified healing support system.

"Don't be dazed, rush forward, this shield can't withstand the second attack." Old Loach urged, even if its shield is very strong, it can't be so strong that it defies the sky, otherwise it There is no need to be timid.

With the old loach and the blood shield, Sandwalker Jason rolled up a burst of sand and rushed directly to the centaur team.

 There may be a lot of typos recently, welcome everyone to point them out, the author will modify them one by one, there are too many things at work, I can only rush to draft after work, I can’t afford to hurt you
(End of this chapter)

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