Chapter 371
The centaur tribe is considered to be a dominant existence in this generation. Even the boss can't stand up to their arrows and spears, especially when there is a centaur wizard sitting in the town.

When Jason rushed to the attack range of the centaur wizard, the wizard holding the wooden stick muttered something, and the wooden stick swung at Jason.

Jason, who was advancing rapidly, stopped immediately, stopped in the first half, and was still moving forward in the second half. If it hadn't had a lot of claws and kept grabbing the ground to slow down, it might have overturned directly.

Body fixation!
The skill of the wizard profession is hold, but there is absolutely no player wizard who can make Jason almost stumble.

Slowing down suddenly, not only did Jason almost stumble, but the other monsters running behind also bumped into Jason's body, and immediately rolled into a ball. Laifu could have stabilized his feet, but it was a pity that he was dragged down by the black bear spirit.

"Hahaha~" All the centaurs laughed. No one could understand their language, but the laughter was not much different from any ethnic group.

This is being laughed at.

"Get rid of them!" Lai Fu stood up, poked his head out from Jason's back, and commanded viciously: "Kill them, kill them all, don't leave a single one behind, just throw ducks!"

The centaur wizard was indeed very powerful. He had control skills one after another, and there were many similar debuff skills. Originally, one arrow could kill [-] HP, but the debuff skills would double it immediately.

If Laifu had such a little partner, it would be a beautiful death.

Obviously, this centaur wizard must be a boss template, otherwise it would be impossible to be so powerful. In fact, even if its debuffing skills are very powerful, without the long-range group attack of these archers and the melee protection of spearmen, it would not be as difficult as it is now.

Players really should learn how to protect the treatment.

Anyway, Jason tried to rush to kill the wizard several times but failed.

"Throw me over there." Old Loach said so.

Everyone was in disbelief, what kind of trick was this, did this old loach have any other tricks that he didn't use.

However, since it made such a request, there is no reason why it should not be satisfied. Everyone is full of expectations for the old loach, hoping to smash the old wizard to death.

There are hidden weapons!
The old wizard saw that his opponent dropped something black, and immediately became extremely vigilant.

But after it saw clearly what Jason had lost, it immediately opened its mouth and laughed, revealing a mouthful of big black teeth, probably bad breath is inevitable.

The old loach rolled in the air, and slammed into the face of the old wizard.

This is also the result of the centaur's lack of defense, otherwise the spearmen could have smashed it open.

The old wizard couldn't laugh anymore, the slippery slime of the loach was disgusting to the touch, let alone hit his face, the reason why Jason was able to catch the old loach Edith was because the loach was willing to be caught.

If everyone can catch it, you can send a few players to take the old loach to a high cliff and throw it down, killing the boss alive.

However, this is not the end.

Old Loach asked people to throw it over, and he didn't intend to disgust his opponent to death.

After it got close to the centaur, it spit out another bubble, this time enveloping it and the centaur.

The centaur wizard waved the wand in his hand and issued a skill, but a surprising scene appeared, a puff of smoke rose from the top of the wand, and the skill did not take shape.

Forbidden magic!

That bubble is obviously banned, and the centaur wizard has completely become a waste.

Next, there is no need for the old loach to remind, Laifu rushed up with the other four monsters screaming, and began to harvest the lives of the centaur archers and centaur spearmen.

It also glanced at the situation in the bubble when it attacked.

All I could see was that the centaur wizard was beating the old loach with his wand, while the old loach was writhing and jumping on the ground, trying to avoid the attack of the centaur wizard as much as possible.

In fact, even if it doesn't hide, it is also a boss, and the level of the old loach is higher than that of the centaur wizard, so it will not be able to kill it for a while.

The centaur archer and spearman hesitated, not knowing what to do.

It stands to reason that they have two choices, one is to attack Bubbles and quickly rescue their master wizards; the other is to kill these damned outsiders and then rescue their master wizards.

The latter is a bit difficult, the big guy seems to be fine with a round of shooting.

The former is not easy. It is impossible for Laifu and the others to watch them attack Bubbles and take the opportunity to kill some mobs. If only the old wizard is left, they will not be able to catch them.

If there is no old loach, it is not impossible for Laifu to win, but it is inevitable to waste time and effort. If luck is not good, Uncle Laifu, the weakest guy, is likely to burp.

Yes, it is the weakest.

If Old Loach counts as three Orlandos, then Jason has at least eight, and Black Bear Dobson can count as [-]. After all, he is only at level [-] and has not advanced. Skin lizard Orlando poor.

The strength of the little white bear is actually similar, it is mainly a magic monster, and the strength of the little white bear depends on the occasion.

So what about Laifu, what about Laifu who has been promoted and is at level 32?
It is at most [-] Orlando's level.

A BOSS is a BOSS, whether it is blood volume defense or attack, it is not comparable to this sand sculpture elite monster. Of course, it is still much stronger than ordinary elites of the same level.

[-] Orlando's Laifu is still stronger than ordinary centaur shooters, so after it gets close to centaur shooters, it starts to play a real role.

When the centaur wizard was finally rescued, more than a dozen of his younger brothers died outside.

One was killed by Laifu, four were killed by Black and White Shuangsha, and the rest were Jason's masterpieces, and almost all the dead were centaur archers. Without them, the safety of the monsters would naturally not have to worry.

The old loach's bubble needs to be cooled. If it is placed on an own person, it will add a shield, and if it is placed on an enemy, it will trap it and add a magic ban.

It's just that it must be in the bubble while trapping the enemy, so this skill will not be used easily.

After the bubble was over, the old loach also rushed back quickly, without changing its timid character at all, and only dared to quarrel with the centaur wizard in the case of forbidden magic.

In fact, there is no danger.

The centaur wizard had been rendered hopeless by the old loach, and began to turn around and run away under the escort of the centaur spearmen.

The BOSS wants to escape when its HP is almost full like this. This is almost impossible in other games, but the new world never puts an end to this kind of unreasonableness. After defeating the mob boss and running away with nothing, that is what the player deserves. .

"Don't leave, old thief!" Laifu yelled, directing his friends to entangle the centaur wizard.

This thing is a BOSS, so you have to leave something valuable.

(End of this chapter)

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