Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 372 The Boss Does Not Lose Equipment

Chapter 372 The Boss Does Not Lose Equipment

Jason rushed forward and kept attacking the centaur wizard, making it impossible for him to escape immediately.

The other monster apostles were entangled by the centaur spearmen. Not only could they not be of much help, but they would probably have been stabbed to death by the centaur spearmen if there was no old loach to add blood to the side.

Jason didn't move fast, at least not as fast as the centaur wizard.

Seeing that it couldn't catch up to the centaur wizard who was running all the time, it was a moving treasure house, at least a treasure house with silver crystals or even gold crystals, so it ran farther and farther.

At this moment, there was a loud eagle cry in the sky.

Everyone saw a goshawk swooping down, accompanied by a very bright lightning bolt in the dark space.

It's it, it's it, it's it, our friend Iron-winged Goshawk Snow, and his good friend, the famous eagle knight in the chat group, Mr. Foles, the king of sloths.

They have practiced their skills countless times together, and now they have pointed where to hit.

The centaur wizard reproduced the scene where Jason braked suddenly. The difference is that Jason braked. He has more legs and feet, which is equivalent to installing anti-skid chains. However, the centaur wizard moves so fast that even the king of sloths, Fu Rice's lightning only provides a slowing effect, enough to knock him over.

But such flipping doesn't provide much damage.

"The sea is boundless!" A strange-looking guy ran over, and it was an AOE big move. The entire battle field was covered with drizzle, and the drizzle made all the monsters in it constantly take damage.

Occasionally there is lightning in the rain, and it can even kill a monster in one go.

And the drizzle and lightning only enveloped the centaur, perfectly avoiding Laifu and the black and white bears, without hurting them at all.

"Brother, I'm on my own!" The old loach was actually within the range of Xiao Yu's damage.

The grotesque monster put down the harpoon in his hand, and said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I didn't see you. Aren't you the so-and-so from the chat group next door?"

"Old Loach Edith." The Old Loach couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief seeing that Xiao Yu disappeared, but it didn't forget to fill up its blood volume with two mouthfuls of milk.

This monster is timid and afraid of death, which can be seen.

"Victor, leave this to us, you go and help Snow get rid of that centaur wizard." Laifu was almost stabbed to death by the centaur spearman, but now the centaur spearman and the few remaining archers, After being attacked by the salted fish king Victor, almost all of them are left with blood, and it is time for it to harvest.

"Edit, I'll talk to you later, I have to work." The salted fish king Victor immediately rushed to the centaur wizard.

If Jason is eight Orlandos, Victor, the salted fish king, is actually similar. The most important thing is that he is not the same monster as Jason. No matter how you count Jason, he is a meat-tank monster.

Salted Fish King is different, it is a typical aggressive monster.

The salted fish stab that Laifu learned from it can instantly kill the target when used well, and the trick used by the salted fish king Victor himself, not to mention ordinary targets, even a boss like the one-legged king Allen can also hit it Seconds off.

Of course, Foles, the king of sloths, isn't bad either.

But the Sloth King's level is not high after all, and his attack speed is too slow. At present, he is only at the level of Orlando at most. Even if he reaches Victor's level, he is still not as good as Victor.

Snow, the iron-winged goshawk, is almost at the level of four or five Orlando. It is tied to the sloth king, Foles, and is stronger than Victor.

Jason, Victor, and the Eagle Knight combination, these four big guys surrounded the centaur wizard, even if it was a BOSS, it was the life of delivering food.

When Laifu and the others deal with the miscellaneous soldiers, the centaur wizard will also be left with blood.

Laifu pounced on to grab the monster, and told the other monsters not to attack as much as possible, otherwise the falling equipment would be level [-], and it wouldn't even have time to cry.

Killed by the level 32 Laifu, the centaur wizard did not contribute much experience and reputation.

If Su Mo doesn't level up, Laifu won't be able to gain experience. Uncle Laifu is completely affected by Su Mo. If there is no Su Mo, it is estimated to be forty or fifty levels now.

The centaur wizard dropped a gold crystal and a silver crystal, but not the expected equipment.

In fact, Laifu has never seen any monster drop equipment in this secret realm, except for crystals, which are all kinds of materials. Now even the boss does not drop equipment, and it is estimated that there will be no equipment in the future.

"I took the things, I will give Dabson some money later, and you forget it." Laifu said bluntly.

"Brother, it's not good, I'm poor too." Victor, the salted fish king, complained, not because he really wanted to share the money, but mainly because of his habitual skin.

"You deserve it if you are poor. Who makes you lazy? You live by the Marseille River. If you don't dig so many herbal ores in the river, it's useless to cry about being poor." Laifu decided to ignore its crying about being poor. Pick up what those centaur mobs dropped.

So far, Laifu has 31 green crystals, 85 blue crystals, one silver crystal, and one gold crystal. The total value is hard to estimate, mainly because silver crystals and gold crystals are more valuable. Ai Luo went to hype it up and try to sell it at a sky-high price. It is impossible for Su Mo to use this kind of thing that improves the attributes of equipment for himself, because it is not necessary at all.

If there is a target that he can't deal with, he can definitely pull the brothers of the Scarlet Battle Banner to solve it.

If you can't even deal with the brothers of the Bloody Battle Banner, then it's easy, just switch to Laife and find the BOSS to fight. What's more, he still has contact with Count Dracula, so it's not a big deal to find a master.

"Sleeping is so comfortable." Salted Fish King Victor looked around and sighed, "You can't have both fish and bear's paw, but you can be single and poor!"

All of a sudden, everyone felt the pain on their skin.

Lai Fu, Black Bear Chief Dabson, Crampon Bear Misha, Sandwalker Jason, Old Loach Edith, plus the newly joined Iron-winged Goshawk Snow, Sloth King Foles and Salted Fish King Victor, Their team has expanded to eight monsters.

It has everything from sea, land and air, and there is no shortage of meat tank attacks. Even healing can be relied on by the old loach Edith.

The central palace is also not far away.

They killed monsters when they encountered them, and they even leveled a centaur camp, but unfortunately there were no centaur wizards in it, that is to say, they were all at the level of mobs, and they couldn't even drop a silver crystal.

If the secret realm can still be entered in the future, Laifu will definitely bring his little friends to re-enter. Just brushing the centaur wizard is a huge fortune.

If you encounter players, you will also kill them, Laifu has long been numb.

Maybe in the early days, it would hesitate because of its special status. After getting used to it, it would issue orders to kill players without any disturbance.

This shows how terrible a force habit is.

(End of this chapter)

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