Chapter 374

The words of the mountain dog leader Kado made many monster apostles unhappy.

Not to mention the little brothers of the big cat Bigworth, even if they lose the game, they will not feel that Laifu is more qualified to be the leading brother than their boss.

As for the other monsters who don't know where they came from, they are also respected by the strong.

The white peacock—the Peacock King Leopold didn't like to see Laifu who looked at him with amazed eyes, and said: "I recommend Mr. Bigworth, he is the most powerful apostle I have ever seen, he Come to lead everyone and no one will have an opinion.”

Along the way, the alien monsters who had seen the big cat Bigworth make a move nodded one after another.

The big cat, Bigworth, has a fighting style of wandering around the courtyard, and all monsters within its attack range will pay the price of their lives.

Many monsters survived with Mr. Bigworth's intentional or unintentional help.

In fact, no matter what species it is, as long as it has wisdom and a community, it will definitely fight for power and profit. The monsters here are all children, and the players are the lively ones.

The cover of the underground palace on the side of Pavo Swamp is mainly attacked by players.

After a week or two of busy work, it is finally time to harvest. No one will not pay attention, especially those large and small guilds, who rushed into this secret realm almost immediately.

The player's strength is not very good, and the result of random landing is that some players land into boxes.

However, the overall number of players is too much. According to incomplete statistics, the number of players who entered the secret realm on this day was as high as [-] to [-]. Even if most of them died on the way, there are still tens of thousands of them gathered in front of the central palace.

In the case of a strong foreign enemy, they are determined to unite first and kill these monsters first.They had fought a battle before, and the strength of the monster made them clearly realize that it is not their turn to make decisions in this secret realm.

It's just that before starting the fight, a leader must be selected.

So this place became like a vegetable market.

You are sixth on the ranking list, and I am still fifth, so why should you be the boss.

You are the president of the Great Guild, and our guild is bigger than yours, so I must be the chief helmsman.

For a while, they couldn't come to a conclusion, but if there is no one to dispatch, it's not a solution. Everyone doesn't trust anyone, and the ghost knows whether other people will hide behind and benefit from it.

Everyone who rushes to the front dies first, and cannot enter the secret realm after death. This is already known to everyone.

"The monsters are gone, really gone."

"Aren't they guarding the central palace?"

"The central palace that guards the fart is an outsider like us. We often see these monsters in the Pavo swamp, and they probably came for the treasure in the palace."

"But why did they go?"

"It's probably because we are afraid. We have more and more players. Even if no one spits on more than [-] players, they can still drown them."

"Why does it feel like they want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?"

"Don't be stupid, those are monsters, a group of beasts, you thought they were Zhuge Liang, you probably couldn't beat your instinctive feeling, so you flinched."

No matter what the players thought, the monsters retreated after all.

A total of more than 50 monsters slowly left the scope of the central palace, and gradually drifted away under the command of a gray wolf.

The players wrangled for more than half an hour, but in the end, no one was convinced.

The monsters are not so complicated. Basically, some monsters recommend big cat Bigworth, some monsters recommend Rifle, and Peacock King Leopold also has a small number of monsters.

So it's a choice of three.

But when the big cat Bigworth also recognized Laifu's leadership, none of the more than 50 monsters questioned Laifu's leadership.

Monsters are that simple.

Maybe their IQ is not as high as that of the players, but simplicity also has its advantages, at least they won't continue to talk about it.

However, Laifu, who has become the new leader, is definitely not a simple monster. There is a master Su hidden in his heart, a master Su who is more cunning than ordinary humans.

Master Su's first order was for everyone to leave this place first.

It doesn't want monsters to directly conflict with players. One hundred thousand players, if divided according to the number of monsters, each person will be divided into two thousand players.

Perhaps the stronger ones can survive, but most of the monsters will be finished, including the new leader of the monsters, Lord Laifu.What's the point of fighting for the position of the leading big brother if it stops working as soon as it takes office.

Regardless of whether others die or not, Mr. Laifu cannot survive.

Therefore, no matter how you describe it, this is Laifu's temporary plan to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's benefit, and the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole.

Based on its understanding of human beings, those [-] players would definitely not have equal rights to enter the central palace.

Finally have to do one.

Sure enough, the retreat of the monsters made the players lose more patience, and the strategy of the eight lords that had been discussed halfway was also aborted in an instant, and it was unknown who would make the first move—there will never be a shortage of such people who are not too serious— —In short, the battle is imminent.

One hundred thousand players, fortunately, are in the game, otherwise a large square would not be able to fit in reality.

If these people fight, the scene will be absolutely shocking.

Laifu really left with the monsters. It was worried that the player would send someone to follow them, so it kept walking, cleaning up the monsters in the secret realm, and circling around.

However, it still left monsters to monitor after all.

The pair of iron-winged goshawk Snow and the sloth king Foles are monitoring the dynamics of the players at high altitude, and the other flying monsters perform their own duties, one side is monitoring the players, and the other side is to see if there are any players following up and passing information , and some are for Uncle Laifu to scout targets that need to be wiped out at high altitude.

Whether it is a two-headed furbolg, a thorn turtle, or a centaur tribe, they must die, and they must hand over the crystal after death.

I don't know how long they have been killed, but Iron Winged Goshawk Snow finally got the news that there are only a few thousand players left, and it seems that a truce agreement has been reached, and they are ready to enter the temple.

Then what are you waiting for? Upon hearing this, Lai Fu, who had been wandering not far from the central palace, immediately led the monsters back to the central palace.

First a few fast-flying birds, and then fast-running beasts.

"The monsters are back!"

Shame and indignation are no longer enough to describe the mood of these players. Even if someone overestimates the IQ of the monsters, they will not think that the monsters will use tricks, and in their eyes, the threat of the same kind is more serious than the monsters. Inside.

However, the players are not powerless.

Few of these players are unorganized and unrecognized casual players, and they are more or less grouped together into small groups. They are more effective than the original situation of scattered sand.

(End of this chapter)

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