Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 375 Remember to pick up equipment

Chapter 375 Remember to pick up equipment

In a short period of time, from tens of thousands to thousands, the ability of players to deal with the same kind far exceeds that of foreign players.

Among them, I don't know how many Civics were on the spot, and I don't know how many people fished in troubled waters to pick up the best equipment. If Mr. Laifu can pick up all the equipment dropped by tens of thousands of people, he will probably laugh his ass off.

According to someone on the forum afterwards, he revealed that he was the first to issue his skills in this operation and provoked the flames of war.

Then he squatted on the ground to pick up equipment. In ten minutes, he picked up a total of more than 40 pieces of equipment, including seven pieces of silver alone. He perfectly obtained the first pot of gold in the game. Although he was killed and eliminated, at least this trip Make a fortune.

However, someone soon came out to slap him in the face.

Some said he was the first to do it, some said he picked up more than 60 pieces of equipment, and more than 40 pieces of equipment to show off, and some said he didn't pick up too much, only two pieces of gold...

The game is so magical, full of riches and opportunities everywhere.

The remaining thousands of remnants quickly united under the pressure of a large number of monsters, and elected a commander-in-chief—Shifang Mingliang.

This person is currently at the top of the rank list and has a wide range of friends. Even those who have never dealt with him know this second generation of local tyrants more or less.

A few thousand—about three or four thousand, they were more able to hold together and have more discernment. Those who dared to fight and kill—for example, those who came in this time with the Scarlet Battle Banner—were all eliminated.

Shifang Mingliang looked at the crowd of players behind him, who seemed to have a lot of players, and felt a headache.

There are only fifty or sixty monsters, but no one dares to use the number to measure the strength of the opponent.

There is a truth that any player understands very well, that is, after the number of players reaches a certain level, any battle situation will no longer have a qualitative change due to the increase in the number of players.

No matter how many people there are, they are all substitutes!

A monster, players who can surround it, plus long-range and melee combat, the total is only one or two hundred.

So when players go out to fight the boss, the upper limit is 200 people. There is no such thing as thousands of people going to fight a boss, unless it is wheel tactics or chasing and intercepting.

"Spread out and fight in teams!" This is nonsense, and without Shifang Mingliang's words, everyone knows how to stand.In fact, the so-called big commander is meaningless, it is better to choose a small commander separately, after all, one person cannot command thousands of people.

"Defense at the front, heal health, and others are free to play. The brothers in the air attack their rear, Nicole, you stay and protect me." No matter whether there is technical content in the first few commands, at least the tone is convincing, It is the latter sentence that makes it lose its image.

The golden python Nicole originally thought that there were many people on the opposite side, and she hoped to die, but she didn't expect that Laifu would not let her go.

Although he was extremely reluctant in his heart, he still obediently retreated to Laifu's side, and kept saying, "I'll just stand here, and if I see someone dying, I'll help them pick up the corpse, huh? .”

It wasn't Jason, who was the most defensive, but the big cat, Bigworth, who struck first.

It has a deep-seated obsession with entering the palace to find a treasure that can resurrect its master. No matter whether it is in it or not, it has to go in before it is reconciled. If there is, it must be taken into its own hands.

The 81 big cats, Biggleworth, all rushed into the player team at once.

Afterwards, Pain-headed Wolf King Pease rushed forward. Although he couldn't clone himself, his sharp claws swept a large area. Normal players couldn't carry it twice with full blood, and those with dissatisfied blood directly knelt down.

However, the players' counterattacks were also sharp.

Everyone has some armor-piercing equipment, especially the armor-piercing arrows of the archer profession. Not only does it ignore a certain amount of armor when attacking, but it also reduces the target's armor. It's not the one or two points that force the blood to be deducted.

If only the big cat Bigworth and the gray wolf king Pease are the two big bosses, the players may suffer heavy losses, but these two monsters will be finished sooner or later.

Fortunately, behind them are a group of monsters.

What really determines the fate of the player's failure is actually the flying monster. It looks inconspicuous, but it is absolutely deadly.

The iron-winged goshawk Snow, the sloth king Foles, the Langley parrot Jamie, the black crow Brad Pidge, and several birds like vultures and peacocks. When they choose to cut in from behind, the player's formation will be Messed up.

"Oh, how could it be like this, oops." Nicole the golden python hurriedly circled around Laifu.

In fact, with Nicole here, there is no one who is blind to kill Laifu. After all, this golden boa constrictor has been famous in the Pavo swamp. I don’t know what method I used recently to lose weight and become a little golden boa constrictor. .

"What's the rush, there are so many players, you think they are all vegetarians." Lai Fu sneered.

Three or four thousand players were scattered and divided into hundreds or hundreds, so what kind of changes will happen to the combat effectiveness?

It is definitely not the imminent victory that some monsters think in their hearts. In fact, this small group of players, without the hindrance of external factors such as fighting for power and profit, will explode with even stronger lethality.

Laifu has asked everyone to notify each other in advance, and when the time comes to fight, the water will be released appropriately.

For the sake of big cat Bigworth keeping his promise, Laifu also notified them. As for those unknown monsters, no one kindly notified them.

A batch of cannon fodder was just needed, otherwise the casualties would still have to be filled by our own people.

The combat power erupted by the players is not enough to turn the tide of the battle, but it is inevitable that the monsters will suffer casualties.

The gray-headed wolf king Pease retreated in embarrassment, and his blood volume was low. As long as his life was not in danger, Brother Pingtou dared to fight. In fact, even in the early days, he seldom turned back even if his life was in danger. It was Laifu who persuaded him. If it is dead, then today's battle has nothing to do with it.

It's better to back up a little, let the two healers in the team add some blood to it, and then go to charge.

Currently, only the desert fox Barbara and the old loach Edith are healing monsters that Laifu has come into contact with. All the others can only lose blood but not increase blood.

With the retreat of the powerful monster apostles, the pressure on the frontline increased sharply, and casualties began to appear among the monsters.

However, basically those monsters are expected.

Seeing that the players are easy to bully, and the bosses in front of them are relatively strong, thinking of fishing in troubled waters to kill a few more players to gain experience, they ended up paying themselves out.

The golden figure flashed in Laifu's eyes, and with a whoosh, he saw the little golden python rushing out.

The two monsters that had just fallen went into its backpack.

Laifu seriously suspected that the white peacock was not completely dead when it fell down, and it was clear that Nicole whipped his tail to death.

But Peacock King Leopold probably couldn't detect it either. It flew too low and was beaten into the crowd of players after being knocked down. It couldn't tell who killed it.

"Remember to pick up the equipment!" Laifu reminded from behind.

 Uh, is anyone still reading the book? Squeak
(End of this chapter)

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