Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 376 Giant Palace

Chapter 376 Giant Palace
In this battle, the entire army of players was wiped out, and more than a dozen monsters died.

Basically, they were all monsters outside of the chat group of Laifu and the big cat Bigworth. There were two or three little catfish left, and it was impossible for Laifu to turn around and kill them all.

More than a dozen monsters were all picked up by Nicole.

Including most of the equipment, some equipment was snatched by the players desperately. After stuffing it into the backpack, even if the player who stole the equipment was trampled into meat paste, it would not help.

All that's left is to pick up equipment.

The main reason is that the monsters on Laifu's side are picking up, and even if the monsters on the big cat Bigworth's side are picking up the gold coins dropped by the players.

Soon, there were four or five hundred more pieces of equipment on the page belonging to Su Mo's guild warehouse.

Three to four thousand players were killed, and only four to five hundred pieces were picked up. It seemed like a small amount, but it was actually a very good harvest. After all, a large part of the equipment lost by players would be picked up by other players.

Among the more than 400 pieces of equipment, there are six pieces of gold equipment and more than 30 pieces of silver equipment.

There is a piece of hunter-type equipment in the gold equipment that Su Mo can use. Laifu thought about it and decided to keep it for Su Mo to use. If the equipment is too poor, it will be even more lagging behind.

For these gold and silver equipment, especially silver equipment, they can be sold after being strengthened with blue crystals.A strengthening consumes three blue crystals, and can be strengthened three times in total.

Of course, there is no need to strengthen those without special effects, and those with bad special effects are pure waste.

Originally, the silver equipment that could sell for 1000 yuan might sell for 3000 yuan after being strengthened three times. In this way, the value that the nine blue crystals can generate can become 2000 yuan, which is more expensive than the unit price of ten gold coins that Laifu estimated. Not a lot.

Now the gold price ratio is ten to one, which is still considered a very high level.

But who made the new world so popular now, and the lottery pool consumes a lot of gold coins, not to mention things like pet bars and taming scrolls, just items like fashion that have no effect on the player's strength can It attracts a large number of players.

Recently, Laifu heard that someone has drawn a "special ability" called Fire Rider from the lottery pool.

It was a berserker. After using the ability, the attack would bring fire damage. Even if he didn't use a weapon, he could still fight with his fists. His whole body was bathed in flames, at least the one that looked cool.

Many people don't quite believe this rumor.

But Laifu believes that camouflage and beast control are all special abilities, but under normal circumstances, players come into contact with these things from the lottery pool.

The lottery pool constantly introduces new things, tempting players to throw in the gold coins circulating in the market, so as to balance the financial market in the game.

Of course, this is not enough to truly balance, and as the game matures, this ratio will continue to decrease.

In addition to more than 400 pieces of equipment, Laifu also picked up a large number of blue crystals and green crystals.

Now he has more than 220 green crystals, more than 140 blue crystals, six silver crystals, and three gold crystals.

The five extra silver crystals and the two extra gold crystals were not picked up from the player's corpse. They were all offered by the little monsters who encountered the centaur tribe on their way to the central palace.

"If you have equipment, crystals, or other things, you can exchange them for stainless steel... ahem, for gold coins." Seeing the doubts on the faces of other monsters, Lai Fu seemed to be wondering why he wanted to pick up equipment, so Start tricking big cat Bigworth's little brother to work for him.

This time, even the big cat Bigworth became energetic.

The biggest daily consumption of monsters is gold coins, and the pass alone is a lot of money.

Hearing Laifu's words, Mr. Bigworth and his little brothers immediately began to regret why they didn't think about picking up the equipment just now.

"It's not just equipment or crystals, herbs, ores, etc., I can help you sell them into gold coins." Laifu was still very calm on the surface, but he was very looking forward to it in his heart.

It feels like it's about to become the biggest middleman in the game.

As they spoke, the monsters began to enter the central palace. After all, it was impossible to just sit there and chat at the door. It didn't mean that killing all the players just now would put them at ease.There are still players who continue to enter the secret realm, but those who are killed cannot enter again today.

The palace is very tall. From the bottom up, you can hardly see the top. Almost all of them are built with huge stones. From the level of craftsmanship, it looks very rough, but how did such huge huge stones stack together to form the palace? Woolen cloth.

In fact, if the palace is not very tall, it is impossible for people to see it from a long distance.

The ground is uneven, and there are traces of destruction everywhere.

The walls were inlaid with crystals, which made the gloomy hall not too dark. Laifu could see some stone murals on the walls, some were destroyed, and some remained.


It looks more like the frost giants on the ice and snow plateau, but they are not so tall, smaller than giants, and bigger than humans. They ride centaurs to fight - this scene is not harmonious no matter how you think about it.

Continuing to walk inside, the murals began to change, and a huge bat appeared.

Vampires are really an ancient race, and they can also have a relationship with this low palace. Laifu plans to ask Su Mo to ask Dracula if there was ever a giant-like race as old as them.

"Be careful!" Someone shouted.

The gray-headed wolf king Pease, who was walking in the front, jumped to the side, and the place where he was just now was smashed and splashed with rocks.

A stone pillar?
No, it's a stone man with a height of more than ten meters. This should not be a living body, because its body is basically a stone. The one who attacked the gray-headed wolf king Pease just now was stepped on by this stone giant. foot.

Seeing that he didn't step on Pease, the stone man reluctantly raised his foot, intending to come a second time.

How could Pease not fight back after being beaten, it scratched back and forth with one claw, two claws, and soon the stone giant's legs were scratched and sand and stones were splashed.

However, this kind of injury is insignificant to the stone giant, not to mention scratching the stone giant's leg, even the scratch marks are healing quickly.

"Come on, kill it." Laifu took two steps back, allowing others to attack.

This stone man is estimated to be very powerful, but if he can't handle it with the lineup he brought today, then he might as well go back home. Here, the big cat Bigworth, the gray-headed wolf king Pease, the golden python Nicole, Lan Jamie the parrot, etc., which one is not a big boss of forty or fifty levels.

And our Uncle Laifu walked slowly and walked to the side to look at the murals on the wall.

The giants fought with the vampires. Judging from the depicted costumes and environment, the battle lasted too long. Many giants died in the murals.

The vampires covered the sun, and thinking of the current situation in the mainland, Laifu guessed that the giants might have been eliminated by the vampires.

 Thanks everyone, looks like someone is still watching

(End of this chapter)

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