Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 377 Puppet Giant

Chapter 377 Puppet Giant

The outermost part mainly depicts the battle between the giants and the vampires. In the end, the vampires became the victors, and countless giants fell to the ground and turned into stones.

And the further inward, the more ancient things appeared.

The vampire seemed to appear suddenly, because from a certain mural, there was no vampire in front of it, but a family of giants hunting thorn turtles, two-headed furbolgs, and taming centaurs.

Then, Laifu saw new species in it.

It was a figure that was almost two or three times smaller than a giant, and even smaller than the current human beings. It was not realistic on the mural, but the painter focused on the pair of pointed ears of this species.

In the conflict with the pointy-eared species, the giant won.

I don’t know how far away the ancient giants won the victory. The giant stone men they made were not very powerful. They fell down quickly under the group fight. The huge body fell to the ground. Laifu who looked at the mural was crushed to death.

Laifu pretended to be calm and squinted at the body of the boulder man, and walked over to pick up the dropped things.

The core of the earth element.

Enhance the strength of earth magic.

Earth magic?

Laifu frowned and thought about it for a while, feeling that this thing is a tasteless thing, because the few branches of the mage department are almost not very good at using earth magic.

Presumably in this prosperous period of ancient civilization, earth magic was very common.

However, with the passage of time, the existing earth-type magic can only be seen on monsters. Among the players, Laifu has only heard of a magic called "earth thorn", but there are several kinds of earth magic under the branch of scroll recording. Department of magic.

"Why don't you give me this thing." Jason lowered his body as much as possible so that Laifu would not raise his head and talk to it.

It is an earth-type monster, and the attack magic and defensive skills it uses all come from earth-type magic.

"Here you are!" Laifu threw it over without any hesitation.

Don't say it's just a worthless chicken rib. Even if it's a good thing, as long as Jason asks, he must give it. As the leader of the leader, Laifu is very generous to the people below.

"It's a pity I can't eat it." The golden python Nico could smash the stone giant's body with its tail, but found no meat inside.

Going forward, I encountered some stone giants——according to the strength of these stone giants, Laifu didn't think that after three or four thousand players came in, they would be able to please them.

The main thing is the level, each of these stone giants has a level above forty, and it will be very hard for players to fight.

And with their huge bodies, the players would not be able to run when they stepped on them, so it is estimated that they will suffer heavy casualties.

Not all stone men will drop the core of the earth element, most of the stone giants will either drop blue crystals or silver crystals, and Laifu will not refuse these things. He does not want the gold coins dropped by monsters, and naturally these things will not be rejected. polite.

In fact, when the game staff designed this place, they never thought that powerful monsters would come in. They expected that players would spend at least several weeks in this secret realm.

In just one day, Laifu brought its large army to the front of the Giant Stone Throne.

This is the deepest part of the palace. A stone statue with a beard sits on a huge throne, and on his head is a crown inlaid with huge gems.

Don't ask Laifu why he saw the crown at first sight and not others.

Because the crown, to be precise, is the gem on the crown, it is not cheap at first glance. I have seen a lot of gems along the way, most of them are inlays, and some are scattered on the ground.

At this stage, the role of gems is mainly in the two areas of forging and scroll burning, and a little bit of alchemy is involved.

When forging, gemstones are used as auxiliary materials. Melting in the corresponding gemstones can make the forged objects produce different properties, and the burning of scrolls is even more inseparable from gemstones.

When burning the scroll, it needs to be enchanted with a substance rich in magic. This substance is generally all kinds of gemstones and precious minerals, ground into powder, and then diluted with the blood of various monsters, and then the ink is mixed with a pen. After painting, various scrolls appeared.

The quality of the gemstones is not bad. Laifu picked up a lot along the way, and it didn't let go of some that could be grabbed from the walls.

The huge and bright palace with a visibility of 8, after such a search, the visibility immediately dropped by three points.

And the huge gemstone that can illuminate the vast hall in the innermost part of the central palace makes Laifu feel drooling when he looks at it. If he likes some chick, he only needs to give this gemstone away, and he will probably win her heart immediately.

The big cat Bigworth was obviously in a low mood.

Its IQ is not low, and it is obvious that the technology of this giant race is not even a little alchemy, let alone a panacea that can bring people back to life.

Around the main hall stood stone statues one by one, holding huge axes in their hands.

After Laifu and others entered the main hall, the outermost layers of these stone statues all began to shatter, and the things inside began to break out of the stone, which were giant warriors one by one.

Their eyes were empty, without any emotion—even the mobs outside Novice Village were not completely emotionless.

They are either fierce, aggressive, or frightened, and they always have to be alive.

And these giant warriors with flesh and blood have no emotions. They may have lost their lives before being sealed into stone statues, or they may have become puppets after long years of erosion.

Giant puppet!
These giant puppets are expressionless, but it does not prevent them from fulfilling their mission.

With a swing of the huge axe, a monster was instantly split in half.

This is too fierce!

Laifudu was stunned, and the other monsters were stunned by this scene. The monster just now was only level 35, and it was not defense-oriented, but it was still a BOSS after all, and the one-shot method was too straightforward.

"Back back!" Laifu walked around the courtyard without pretending to be complacent, and ran in the direction he came from.

The monster that was split in two just now is a rookie, but Mr. Laifu is even better than this rookie. If the ax just hit its head, it would not have the second result.

The monsters in its own chat group have long been convinced by Laifu, and they have been trained like arms and fingers.

As soon as Laifu said that they were going to retreat, including Jason, who had the highest defense and the most confidence in himself, he immediately turned around and ran away. The other chat groups were a little slower, but they didn't hesitate for too long.

Even so, two monsters who ran last were killed.

One was hacked to death, the other was hit by an axe, and most of the blood was gone. What made the monsters even more desperate was that there were more than one or two such giants standing against the wall in the main hall. wake up.

Are you planning to give up this operation?

A monster was confused, so he asked Laifu Boss.

"Run first and then talk. Just listen to me." Of course, Laifu couldn't just retreat like this. Even if he gave up, at least he had to wait for Jason to try the opponent's big axe.

(End of this chapter)

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