Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 385 Looking for Zhang Changzi

Chapter 385 Get back the place (thanks to the leader of burning_moon)
The crystals are delivered to Gaara, not based on the price of the crystals and equipment.Instead, use crystals to process equipment, and then sell the processed equipment at a high price. If Gaara's equipment is used in it, then he will have to share the money, and he can't let the father and son work for nothing. Then divide some labor costs.

Master Su doesn't care about this kind of sharing, everyone earns is the real earning.

"I appreciate it. If you have anything to do in the future, you can find me or my son. One of our father and son is always online." Gaara was very grateful to Su Mo.

It can be said unequivocally that Su Mo is now his biggest customer.

There are high-rollers who spend a lot of money in his address book, and there are also partners who have cooperated with him in several games, but none of them can compare to Su Mo.

As long as Su Mo gets better and better, Gaara will definitely make a fortune along with it.

Su Mo still had a lot of gold coins on him. He transferred some of them to Laifu, and distributed benefits to Laifu's friends in advance. Most of the monsters were not many, only two to three hundred gold coins, and Black Bear Dobson's was a little Some more, Su Mo gave it more than 1000.

As for the money for the Weaver Bird to sell the backpack, it can only be settled with it next time.

Don't blame Master Su for being greedy. The ores, herbs, and equipment of the monsters were originally worthless things to them. Now they have been converted into gold coins through Master Su, which is much better than the monsters in other chat groups.

The monsters don't have many places to use money, the most is the pass, fifty gold coins each.

After dealing with these trivial matters, Su Mo still needs to take his brothers out to find trouble, and it can't be said to be trouble, it may be more appropriate to say revenge.

Not long ago, that is, yesterday, two players of the Scarlet Battle Banner were overthrown.

Not only did death lose experience, but also lost the very important mask of nothingness.

At that time, members of the Scarlet War Banner wearing masks entered an official barbecue restaurant. Based on the principle of small damage and no harm, they planned to overturn two barbecue pits and leave. Patrolman.

I never thought that as soon as I made a move, several players who were inside at that time rushed over and started fighting.

The two brothers were killed and things were taken away.

According to the analysis at the scene, this was not a sudden act of righteousness, but a long-planned ambush.

Afterwards, Yunfei immediately launched an investigation, and sure enough, he found a group of people like these in many northern towns. They pretended to be customers in the store, but in fact they didn't spend money from the beginning to the end, and they were waiting for the legendary masked monster.

Moreover, these people all belong to the gang of Blue Diamond Nobles.

It only took half a day for Yunfei to find out the details of the guild, the map where the guild players appeared, and the main persons in charge.

There are about 670 seven people in this guild of Blue Diamond Nobles—don't ask how Yunfei knows so clearly, this guy is still squatting in other guilds.

Not only did he lurk in, he was also doing a live broadcast.

Doze: You don't know how ridiculous the expressions of those two were at that time.

Fat Baby: Sleeping Boss, that’s not right, aren’t they wearing masks? How did you see their expressions?

Donor, you have a bad omen: Fatty, have you lost your mind, lost such precious things, can their expressions be good?
Fat Baby: I also want a mask, and I can kill whoever I want.

Chilling Autumn Wind: I don’t know where these players got their masks from. Boss Fake Sleep, do you think they will come out today? We’ve already wasted two or three days of leveling time. We only succeeded once yesterday, and Mao didn’t see it today.

Doze: How do I know, but according to the past rules, now seems to be the time for these masked monsters to appear.

Chilling Autumn Wind: I hope to be able to ambush a few more times. Recently, this group of people has been showing off too much and they are looting houses everywhere. It's time for them to suffer.

Fat baby: Hypocrisy, if I had a mask, I would also rob houses. Boss, you guys robbed the drugstore yesterday. Was it cool? How much money did you get? Can you tell me about it?

Fake sleep: Not much, six or seven hundred gold coins, just because it was fun when the store was smashed, and the NPC didn't open today, so it must have gone bankrupt.

While broadcasting the information on the guild chat channel over there, Yunfei told Su Mo about the situation of the guild. Although the other party has more than 600 people, only more than 400 are actually online. At this time, a team of ten people is distributed in the north Many small towns.

Fake Sleep is the elder of their guild, the masked weirdo he leads people to guard.

It is said that once he took a nap and witnessed the scene of the masked monster raging in the town.

You can't kill people in the safe zone, but you can as long as you wear a mask.

Whether it is killing or being killed, masks make the safe zone useless.

In fact, the one he saw was the work of Laifu, Nicole and Pease, but the one he watched became a soldier of the Scarlet Battle Banner.

If the three monster apostles are guarded, it is estimated that he can smash his teeth.

After being lucky enough to succeed, Fake Sleep and another player from the guild attacked a pharmacy in a town that night, wounding the owner of the pharmacy. If he hadn't run fast, he would have been killed.

They took all the gold coins in the pharmacy and smashed all the medicines.

According to Fake Sleep, the feeling of destruction is really cool. Their only regret is that there are too few masks and they can't dispatch most of the troops.

"Their guild...does it feel like a group of bandits? Does their boss not care?" Su Mo asked, also causing damage. Even when he brought two monsters, he did not cause much damage to the destroyed shops. From the beginning to the end None of the innocent NPCs were killed.

Of course, Nicole did eat a bit too much when she accidentally entered the butcher shop.

"Their boss? Are you talking about Fusang Ruomu, one of the masks that Jiamei got yesterday, one is in Xiamei's own hands, and the other has been delivered to Fusang Ruomu today, do you think he agrees or not?" Yunfei asked back.

"Bring back our masks first, can the current positions of the two masks be determined?"

"Of course!"

This is a small town on the edge of the north. There are not many players, but it is by no means empty. After all, the rivers around the town are rich in a kind of crucian carp. The food made with this fish can increase many attributes, even if it is sold to NPCs. Sell ​​for a lot of money.

Su Mo actually came here before, just to help Su Xiaojiu catch this kind of fish, wasting several hours of his time.

The target person is guarding the fish store. They think that if the masked monster comes, he will definitely not let go of the richest fish store in the town. In fact, this is a kind of wild guess, and the shops selected by the Scarlet Battle Banner are all random. , they are not really stealing money after all.

 Thanks to the leader of burning_moon, I will definitely add more, make a fist! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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