Chapter 386
In fact, the person who was able to hold the bloody battle flag last time was completely an accident.

The probability of such an accident happening is extremely low, but once Su Mo and the others come prepared, the meeting between the two parties is no longer an accident, but a necessity.

A guild of six to seven hundred people was indeed stronger than the Scarlet Banner Soldiers.

But killing his own brother, whether it was Su Mo or anyone in the Scarlet Battle Banner, would not be the end of it.

Su Mo has no shortage of masks. With his current status, if he asks Baron Santos for more masks, the other party will definitely not refuse.

The problem is that these evil things don't work after stealing the mask, not to mention stealing other people's money, and almost killing the shop owner. Before leaving, they smashed all the things in the shop, just to feel good.

If these two masks are allowed to wander outside, it is estimated that they will continue to do such unlimited things.

NPCs are indeed not human beings, but they will be afraid, beg for mercy, and run away. They also live a serious life in the game. It is wrong to disturb, let alone kill them like this.

Su Mo absolutely does not allow this group of people to act mischievously while wearing masks.

If one day the use of masks by the Scarlet Battle Banner is exposed, people outside will also think that these things were done by the Scarlet Battle Banner.

Master Su refused to carry this blame.

So get back the mask first, and then talk about avenging your brother.

A group of people stopped at the entrance of the fish store for a while, and after making sure that there was no one around, they put on masks together, so a group of masked monsters walked into the fish store majestically.

There is one word to describe that scene, that is very young and Dangerous.

There are other players in the fish bank, but they all shy away after seeing this scene. It will be miserable if they are regarded as blocking the way by these strangely dressed guys.

The masked monsters raging in the north are still at large under the siege and interception of NPCs and players, with fierce flames.

The few people who took a nap were a little slow to react.

The main reason is that the number of people who came in this time was wrong. Generally, there were only two or three masked men, and sometimes there were no more than five. Why did they come in with more than a dozen people at once, more than them.

The two sides looked at each other for about three seconds, and the masked monster's skills directly covered the past.

There are eight people here, there were originally ten, one went off to smoke, and the other left after waiting until impatient. If these eight people meet two masked monsters, they will undoubtedly solve it easily Lose.

That was the case yesterday. The two masked geeks are actually very skilled and adaptable, but unfortunately they are too weak to resist.

Today, the eight of them encountered more than a dozen masked monsters.

After comparing the number of people, Fake Sleep ran away without saying a word.The mask is on him. If he dies, the mask will fall out. He doesn't want to die. In the situation of being outnumbered, escape is his only way out.

In fact, the difference between eight and twelve is not that big. If there is a fight, it is not yet known who will win.

The fake escape made the morale of the remaining seven people on their side plummet, and they wanted to follow suit. Death would drop experience, and maybe even equipment. No one wanted to gamble on whether they would drop the best equipment.

Su Mo led eleven people to attack seven enemies, ignoring the man who ran out.

Seeing that the door was right in front of him, as long as he could escape, Xia Mei planned to find a place to hide, and then called people from the guild to come here to encircle the masked monster.

This time, the twelve masked monsters might all be able to stay as long as the others came quickly.

At that time, organize a large number of robbery teams to rob towns with weak defenses. If there are six or seven hundred gold coins harvested every time, it will be robbed ten in a day, and three hundred stores in a month, that is 200 million Real currency.

At that time, no matter whether you use the money to go out to be cool, or stay in the game to recruit soldiers, it will not be difficult to reach the pinnacle of life.

"Three, two, one, middle!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fake Sleep saw a white light going straight to his chest, and then he felt a sudden pain in his chest, and then he felt two people approaching from left to right, as if something was held on his neck Swipe a bit.

System: Dear player, you have died.

He didn't even have time to see clearly who the three attacking him were, before he fell to the ground and died.

The white light was obviously a charged blow from the hunter system, and it was probably released by an archer. I don't know how long it took to read the article, but I was just waiting for him to come out.

This skill is currently the highest single-target attack skill in the game.

To fully exert the damage, it takes eight seconds to charge up, and it is not a directional skill. If it is dodged by someone, it will be a monkey game for eight seconds.

As for the two people on the left and right, they should both be assassins, and they both use throat wipes.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether he can see clearly or not, because the three people who killed him all wore white masks and black cloaks, typical costumes of masked monsters.

The players of the Scarlet Battle Banner are mostly hunters and assassins, followed by berserkers, and there are actually very few legal professions.

At the beginning, Yunfei chose a wizard, and Luo Xia chose a priest, it was for the sake of the professional balance of the brothers, and the brothers who came in later basically had no experience in games, so Su Mo had no professional requirements for them, and felt that he was suitable. Play whatever you want.

Among those who have been in the military camp, assassins and berserkers are the most popular, and there are also many hunters who play guns and archery.

This time, a total of [-] people came to this town, [-] entered the fish store with masks on, three ambushed at the door, and five people were scattered in other parts of the town to investigate.

This is also the reason why Su Mo ran out regardless of his doze.

Su Mo killed his opponent and dropped three things on the ground. I hope the child won't cry too sadly. If he drops three things at once, how many immoral things this person has done.

The remaining seven people in the fish shop were quickly eliminated.

Most of the people lost one or two pieces of equipment, and there were very few people who didn't lose their equipment. This shows the virtues of the Blue Diamond Nobility guild.

There are more than a dozen players next to the fish bank, but none of them dare to do it.

Su Mo shook the blood on the elf sword, glanced coldly at the people beside him, and took his brothers out.

The three brothers at the door handed over a few things.

Two pieces of equipment, one piece of gold, one piece of silver, and a mask, no matter whether you wear it or not, as long as you put it in your backpack, it will definitely fall out, unless you put it in the guild warehouse.

And doze is obviously not so unconfident.

"Everyone split up the equipment and sold it. You don't need to hand it in." Su Mo shook his head, rejecting the equipment handed over.

He knows everyone's real situation better than anyone else, and the distribution of these spoils can alleviate everyone's financial distress.

 Thank you for the million rewards of 巭婚嫑汽hao 1, thank you for the reward of a salted fish that only calls 666, and a hundred ways to find out that a man is lying

(End of this chapter)

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